↳ chapter ten

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" I don't care, anyone, anything, cause I'm so sick of being so lonely "

approximately one hour later, evi was making her way through the house. they had switched the vest that had held her arms, against some metal gloves that restrained her powers and made it impossible for her to take them of. atleast they were far more comfortable.

she went up the stairs and tried not to look at all the family pictures too long. it hurt her. down the hall she could hear two voices talking, she assumed it was barton and his wife. what was her name again? lina? laura? yes that was it.

she made her way down the hall and stopped in front of the wooden door. "ultron has these allies. these, uh, kids. the girl downstairs is one of them" she could hear barton say. "they carry a big, damn stick and Nat took a serious hit. someone's gonna have to teach them some manners" he explained

"she doesn't seem violent" laura exclaimed


"the girl. her name is evina, said steve. she doesn't seem to be violent"

"oh believe me, she can be if she wants to. she is only not doing anything because we forced her to" barton sighed

"you said she is an ally of this ultron guy, then why is she here?" laura asked.

"we took her. steve found her outside. she was unconscious. she is just a kid, so we took her with us" he exclaimed

"you kidnapped her?" laura asked blankly

"that's a hard way to say it. we saved her, but she wasn't really nice about it"

"probably because she is scared, clint. you are her enemy, she knows no one here. you said there was more than one, right? so you took her away from her family"

"she has two older siblings, that brought their little sister into a fight. not a real family if you ask me"

evi leaned her forehead against the door as the tears streamed down her face. barton didn't have the right to say something like that. he knew nothing about her and her family. he would never know how it had been for them. they didn't chose to fight.. they had to.

she heard laura and barton talk further, but it didn't interest her anymore what they were saying. she had to get out of here - tonight.

still crying, evi made her way downstairs. she went outside and sat on the wooden steps as she tried to rub her tears, because she noticed stark and steve on her right.

after a few minutes barton and his son made their way outside. evi couldn't be in his presence right now. not after what he said. it might not have been that bad, but it struck a nerve. not only because he basically gave her siblings the fault for bringing her into danger, but because he said that they weren't a real family.

deep inside evi knew that too. they stopped being a real family the day her parents had died.

she stood up and went over to steve. he was the only one she trusted at least a little. he had been honest anytime he had spoken to her. she trusted him because he was easy to read, he was truly good. his colleagues or friends or whatever their relationship to each other was - not so much.

"hello" said evi as she sat down on the grass beside him. starks presence infuriated her, but she would be okay for a few minutes as long as she kept thinking about all the ways she was going to hurt him in the future.

steve smiled at her while stark rolled his eyes. they kept on chopping wood while they talked. "thor didn't say where he was going for answers"

"sometimes my teammates don't tell me things" steve answered while his eyes wandered to barton and his son on the porch. "i was kind of hoping thor would be the exception"

"yeah, give him time" said stark. "we don't know, what the maximoff kid showed him. do you?" he turned towards evi in question.

"i don't. but if i would, i wouldn't tell you, so it doesn't make any difference" evi smiled at him. an evil smile

"that's what i thought, spawn of satan"

"stop calling her that. she has a name" steve told stark

"yeah what is it? mephistopheles?" stark asked sarcastically

"you're one to talk, dustbin"

stark's head quickly turned in her direction and he opened his mouth to  give her a wicked response, but before he started to speak, steve gave him a warning look and he closed his mouth.

evi send stark an triumphant smile.

"earth's mightiest heroes, pulled us apart like cotton candy"
"seems like you walked away, all right" stark retorted

steve stopped in his movement. "is that a problem?"

"i don't trust a guy without a dark side. call me old - fashioned"

"well, let's just say you haven't seen it yet"

"you know ultron is trying to tear us apart, right?"

"well i'd guess you'd know. whether you tell us is a bit of a question"
evi giggled at steve's pettiness.

"banner and i were doing research" stark tried to save himself. "sure" evi mumbled to which stark send a dark look her way.

"that would affect the team-" "-that would end the team! isn't that the mission? isn't that the 'why we fight'? so we can end the fight. so we get to go home!" stark finished

steve picked up a piece of wood and split it in half with his own hands. "every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. every time"

from behind stark, laura stepped closer. "i'm sorry, mr stark. clint said you wouldn't mind, but our tractor doesn't seem to want to start at all. i thought maybe you might-"

"yeah, i'll give her a kick" stark agreed. "don't take from my pile" he said before making his way towards the shed.

wise words from ELLIE !

i know the ending is totally weird and might feel rushed but i didn't want to drag this chapter any longer because I absolutely hate it.

honestly I'm so superstitious that i full heartedly believe that the next chapter will get better just because it isn't this chapter anymore. weird right?

btw i try to integrate evi as much as possible and sometimes I change a few situations. just like the talk between laura and clint, because I just think that it fits the storyline better and just makes it more realistic when different characters talk about her.

but with this type of changing stuff or integrating her in conversations I have to make up stuff the characters say and I'm always so scared that it doesn't fit the character. i try my best to make it seem as believable as possible, i hope it works. the only character where I know it definitely was a bit too much is ultron, but I just had fun with playing some situations between him and evi so please just ignore if it doesn't fit his character that well.

sorry for my long ramble, i just had to get this off my chest. please vote or comment if you liked it!


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