↳ chapter seventeen

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" but if you loved me, why'd you leave me? "

on the cradle stood a red body. it seemed to be a mix between human and robot. evi clawed her hand into pietros side.

the red man stood up to his full height an then suddenly attacked thor, who threw him through the glass window easily.

the man stopped his fall, before he could break through the glass window. he seemed to look at himself in it.

they all made their way downstairs, evi was carried by pietro. the man had now dressed himself.

"I am sorry" he said "that was.." he hesitated "odd"

"thank you" he said to thor. evi had to giggle, when he copied thors cape

"thor" said steve. "you helped create this?"

"I've had a vision. a whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and it's center is that" thor pointed to the yellow shining stone at the red man's head.

"what, the gem?" banner stepped forward

"it's the mind stone. it's one of the six infinity stones. the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities"

"then why would you bring.." steve started, but was interrupted by thor

"because stark is right"

evi let out a loud laugh, which earned her various warning looks, from her siblings and steve and an eye roll from stark himself.

"oh it's definitely the end times" banner spoke and voiced evi's thoughts

"the avengers cannot defeat ultron"

"not alone"

"why does your vision sound like jarvis?" steve asked

"wait who's jarvis? and what did you do to him?" evi looked between them confused

"it's something like siri" banner assisted while everyone else ignored that evi had said something. she send him a grateful nod.

"we reconfigured jarvis's matrix, to create something new" stark explained

"i think I've had my fill of new"

"you think I'm a child of ultron" jarvis or the red man, or whatever his name was, said

"you're not?"

"I'm not ultron. I'm not jarvis... I am. I am"

"wow thank you, really helpful" evi laughed sarcastically.

"I looked in your head" wanda stepped forward "and saw annihilation"

"look again"

Barton scoffed and came closer. "her seal of approval means jack to me"

"their powers, the horrors in our heads, ultron himself, they all came from the mind stone. And they're nothing compared to what it can unleash, but with it on our side.." thor said

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