↳ chapter fifteen

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" my daddy's got a gun "

evi followed steve as they made their way out of the quinjet and stood on a building, overlooking an ordinary street. "two minutes. stay close" steve spoke into the comms.

evi had one ear piece herself. it fitted perfectly and allowed her to communicate with the team.

they ran into the labortory, where a young woman laid on the floor. "doctor cho!" steve called as he fastened his run. evi stopped beside them.

she bent down next to the woman and took her arm. her veins turned black and the womans breathing relaxed a bit. she thanked evi and turned her head to look at the captain.

"he's uploading himself into the body" she said. "where?"

"the real power is inside the cradle, the gem. it's power is uncontainable. you can't just blow it up. you have to get the cradle to stark"

"first i have to find it" steve answered

"go" cho muttered

steve and evi walked out of the building after they had called an ambulance for doctor cho. "did you guys copy that?" steve spoke into the comms, to which barton answered almost immidiately. "we did" then she heard natashas voice. "i got a private jet taking off across town. no manifest. that could be him"

"there. it's a truck from the lab. right above you two, cap. on the loop by the bridge. it's them. you got three with the cradle, one in the cab"

"copy that" steve answered. he turned to evi. "just stay close but do not interact with the truck, alright? i'll take care of this"

she nodded and watched as he took off towards the bridge and jumped down. evi stretched both her hands infront of her, purple smoke started edmitting from them, when she returned her arms to each side of her body and took off in the air, always staying close to steve and the truck.

she watched as steve clunged to the door and was nearly shot away. she made the door swing close again, but it suddenly blew off completely, before steve could get inside. he was in the air for a short time, before evi made sure that he landed on the rest of the doors. "well, he's definetely unhappy. i'm gonna try and keep him that way"

"you're not a match for him, cap" barton said

"thanks barton"

steve stood up and was about to get in the truck, when one of the robots blasted him off. he landed on the windscreen of a car driving behind him.

evi landed a big stone beside him, on which he stepped to hang on one side of another truck. she made sure, that the car that was hit, could continue driving safely, because she assisted the driver until he could calm down a little from the shock.

evi looked back at steve, who was struggeling to swing over on top of the truck. she used her powers to let him float in the air and landed him on top of the vehicle. there they were met with ultron.

"ul, nice to see you, bud" evi spoke, ironically. "little one?" ultron said, surprised.

"i heard you weren't behaving, you know how much i hate that"

"you're one of them now?" ultron asked disappointed.

"indeed, i am" evi answered with a smuck smirk displayed on her features.

"huh. you know what's in that cradle?" he asked them both. he shot a laser and steve turned, so it only hit his shield. "the power to make real change" he answered himself. "and that terrifies you"

"i wouldn't call it comfort" steve said, before throwing his shield towards ultron. a fight edmitted between them and evi tried to not get involved, like steve had told her to.

"stop it" ultron muttered angrily

steve fell from the vehicle, but evi could catch him and set him on the windhshield.

"we got a window" she heard barton say "four, three. give him hell!"

ultron had steve by his throat and without his shield, he could'nt do much in that moment, before evi could interfere and with that, break the one rule that steve had set her, natasha returned steves shield. she sat on a motorcycle and drove next to the truck.

steve fought ultron off, who forced natasha to break her vehicle. evi helped steve, while cars were thrown at him. she tossed them all aside and tried to keep up with him

"evi" steve called. "return to barton. only come back when i tell you to"

evi nodded and flew back to the quinjet. she could get in at the perfect timing, because barton turned and started to shoot only a few seconds later. she let herself fall on the seat next to the man and breathed in exhaustion. "tiring, right?" barton laughed as he threw a look her way

evi nodded and watched as barton turned the steering wheel to make the jet fly upwards while robots climbed on it and tried to damage the plane. they were about to enter, when barton let the jet rotate to throw them off. this worked luckily.

"oh my god that was ... intense" evi stammered when she was able to hold herself back from throwing up. "let's never do this again"

barton laughed and nodded at her suggestion.

"i could really use your help, evi. i'm in the train" steve shouted throughout the comms.

she didn't waste a second before standing up and making her way to the entryway of the jet. "thank you for your kind services" evi laughed, while she saluted towards barton. he just laughed and made a throwaway movement with his hand.

"this is going to get really intense just now" evi muttered to herself, as she left the jet and flew towards the train beneath her...

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