↳ chapter five

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" I've dug two graves for us, my dear "

some time later, evi stood next to pietro. she and her siblings had to get ready half an our ago. ultron had found someone from whom he could get the vibranium to fulfill his plan of- yeah that was the point we're she stopped listening.

ultron had the tendency to talk for a very long time, she had learned this when she had asked him what the grey button on the machine was for.

he kept talking for two and a half hours- she had kept count. in the end she still didn't know what the button was for and she sure as hell wouldn't dare to ask again.

as long as his plan somehow included ending the avengers - and most importantly tony stark - she was fine doin whatever he asked of her.

pietro seemed to grow bored; his arms were folded like hers as they both looked at klaue in front of them. wanda slipped into the cabin next to them.

"yeah. the enhanced. strucker's prize pupils" klaue says sitting down in his chair. "do you want a candy? hmm?" he holds a tray filled with wrapped candies towards them.

the siblings keep looking at him unimpressed, not answering his question.

"i was sorry to hear about strucker" he mused. "but then. he knew what kind of world he was helping create." he turns his head from pietro and evi, to look at wanda. "human life. not a growth market"

pietro and evi looked at wanda, unsure. she still wore the same cold look as before, but she did seem a little irritated at his words.

klaue noticed it too. "you didn't know?" he asked. "is this your first time intimidating someone? i'm afraid, i'm not that afraid"

"everybody is afraid of something" wanda spoke, as she stepped down.

"cuttlefish" klaue answered, as he raised his finger and pointed it at wanda. "deep sea fish. they make lights, disco lights.." he explained before he started imitating the sound accompanied by weird air gestures.

"..to hypnotise their prey, and then" he turned his hand into a fist, acting like he had just catched something. "i saw a documentary. it was terrifying"

without reacting to klaues statement, pietro ran at the tray with the wrapped candy. he gave one to evi before he unwrapped his own and put it in his mouth.

"oh my god this is melon. i love melon" evi spoke as soon as she had unwrapped her candy and tasted it. pietro and wanda couldn't keep from smiling at their sister but quickly remembered the time and place.

klaue raised his finger at evi. eyes fixated on her older siblings. "cute mascot you've got there"

"hey!" evi said in offence. "shut the hell up. if i wanted i could just snap my fingers and.."

"evi" pietro interrupted. she closed her mouth at the scolding look her brother gave her.

klaue started laughing uncontrollably. "oh no does your big brother have to tell you what you gotta do?" he mocked looking straight at the angry-looking girl.

"hey" pietro called to get klaues attention. "i might not have let her finish, but you talk about her like that again you're gonna know what she wanted to say" he gave him a dark and warning glance

"s-sure" klaue stammered scared by the threat. then he jumped back to what he was saying without waiting another second.

"so if you're going to fiddle with my brain and make me see a giant cuttlefish, then i know you don't do business. and i know you're not in charge. and i only deal with the man in charge." he didn't seem to notice ultron flying up in front of the glass behind him.

"i'm sure you'll be pleased to meet him" evi mumbled to herself, maybe enjoying klaues cluelessness a little too much.

klaue kept grinning at the siblings until ultron broke through the glass and threw him out of the cabin. he screamed in pain at his body shattered through the glass.

evi watched as klaue layed on the floor, ultron stopping to stand over him. "there is no man in charge" he spoke. he bend his head down so it was only mere inches away from klaues face. "let's talk business"

evi had to giggle at the priceless look on klaues face. he looked so scared. something dark in evi reacted to his fear and that somehow threw her off a little. she never would've assumed that her powers would be able to change her, to make her lose the human part of herself.

but as she kept a close look on the man laying on the floor she couldn't ignore the happiness and joy that rose up inside of her. and then there was another thing - an incredible urge that scared her. the urge to kill him

no wise words today, not feeling that well mentally :(


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