↳ chapter one

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" you betrayed me "

"report to your stations immediately, we're under attack"

evina maximoff stood next to her siblings as the voice rang out. she gripped tightly at pietros left hand, while wanda took his right one.

she could hear the sound of bombs going off. she hadn't made good memories with them.

the sixteen year old looked at her siblings questingly. "what are we supposed to do?" she whispered, unsure.

"i don't know" said pietro "but i think we should-" he stopped, before he could finish, listening in on what strucker and his right handed man were saying to each other.

"then lets show them, what we've accomplished. send out the siblings" the man advised. strucker looked unsure to say yes. "it's too soon" he said instead. "they signed up for this"
but strucker still didn't gave in. "my men can hold them"

pietro stroke her hair assuredly, as evina stood still. unsure of what to do. she was sure that struckers men could indeed not hold the avengers, they had fought against greater threats to prove that.

should they fight? this was their chance to kill tony stark, when would there be another one like this?

but were they ready to fight? It's not as if they weren't trained enough, but this attack basically came out of nowhere, so they weren't ready.

"we will not yield!" struckers voice sound out again. "the americans sent their circus freaks to test us. we will send them back in bags" there was a short pause to his little speech, as no one reacted to his words.

"No surrender!" he screamed and the men around him replied the same.

before evina could waste another thought on strucker and his bimbos, she could feel someone tuck on her hand. it was pietro. he gave her a reassuring nod. then he ran himself and his sisters out. while wanda stayed behind in the building, evina followed pietro outside.

"you stay here" her brother spoke when he placed her behind a big tree. "I'm going to take care of the archer. you might as well let him feel a little unsure of himself, got it?"

evi nodded and watched pietro go. she turned herself invisible as she looked up from behind the tree and fixated the archer who was trying to shoot the blue smoke of air pietro left while running.

"oh no, you might never miss, but this time you definitely will, I'm sure" she muttered as she outstretched her hand and let her veins turn purple. so she was able to see and control his emotions. just as pietro had asked, she made him feel nervous, angsty and over-all unsure of himself.

the emotion manipulation only ever worked for a few minutes, never more than five - it was her least trained ability and because of some complications it had many mistakes and glitches- so pietro had to be fast, which wasn't a problem, honestly.

the archer positioned himself next to the tree and aimed to shoot, as pietro hit him from behind and the archer fell to the floor. "you didn't see that coming" pietro said while he walked away first in normal and than in increased speed.

evi giggled. she stepped away from the tree and turned herself visible while she stopped next to her brother, who was now behind her. "you're too arrogant sometimes" she mused. pietro rolled his eyes at her comment, while he picked her up. "don't get sassy with me or I might accidentally let you fall into the river, тупица"
she send him an aggravated look before he started running.

on their way, pietro knocked out a man in blue, captain america, evina guessed from his uniform. she just knew a few of the avengers, from photos or stories of her siblings, they never interested her much so she didn't pay any mind. the only one who did interest her, was tony stark.

pietro and evina stopped next to wanda. she was watching stark.
evina was held back by pietro as wanda held up her hand and stopped her siblings from fighting - or better - killing stark. pietro and evina shared an similar frustrated look, but nevertheless stayed put and trusted their sister.

"we're just gonna let him take it?" pietro asked. wanda kept quite but evina watched an evil smile grow on her face. she was sure that wanda had a plan.

stark outstretched his arm and a part of his suit came flying. he took the sceptre out of its hold and left the building, without noticing the siblings.

evina turned to the still smiling wanda. "I'm really hoping that you smiling like a maniac means that you've got a plan"

"funny" wanda rolled her eyes at her grinning sister. "but, yes I've got everything under control"

"would you mind telling us, what exactly the plan is?" pietro asked.

"yes, wanda. and it might better be a good plan. why did we let him take it? isn't that the thing we should've prevented? and why didn't we kill him, he was right there! We could've just-" evina was interrupted by her sister.

"no, believe me my plan is better. I looked into his mind. stark has an immense fear of destroying his team, i saw how determined he was to overcome this fear. so we let him think, that he's got everything under control"

"okay? and?" pietro didn't seem impressed.

"stark might be trying to do better, but he will always be too arrogant in his ways"

"hey, sounds like you" evina joked while patting pietros head. he swatted her hand away. "shut up" was his lame response while wanda laughed lightly at her sisters antics.

"it's only a matter of time until he stumbles and falls" wanda finished.

evina perked up at that. "right and then we'll be standing there with shovels in our hands"

her siblings rolled their eyes as they began to walk back into their rooms.
"you understand? because we'll bury him" evina did not get the answer she wanted. she tried to follow them "hey? guys, wait, that was funny okay?"

"go catch some sleep" pietro mused and before evina could answer, both her siblings had closed their doors.

"you're no fun" evina mumbled to herself, before she too, went into her room.

wise words from ELLIE !

evi might be a badass but she also got my really bad sense of humour so there's that ;)


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