↳ chapter nine

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" I miss you and I hope that ur ok " 

evi was brought out of the ship by steve. they had landed on a wide grass area on which a farm house was located. it looked idyllic and evi was a little jealous of the people that lived here. it was beautiful.

"do you think it is a good idea to take her with us?" asked doctor banner, as he catched up to walk next to steve.

"should we just leave her on the quinjet? alone?" steve asked

"yes i mean no - i don't know" banner sighed. "she might be in contact with her sister" he gestured to evis head. "they can spy in on everything we're saying"

"I'm a girl with incredible super powers, not a walkie-talkie" evi said, sarcastically. "and to them belongs a great power that i call 'hearing'" she stated an unimpressed look on her face as she watched the caught looking dr banner.

"you heard her" steve laughed

"she might be lying to you" banner objected, but to no appeal. steve had already made his decision.

they walked up the steps of the house. first romanoff and barton (she had overheard his name on the ship) then thor and stark, after them steve, banner and herself in the middle of the two.

"what is this place?" asked thor. "safe house" assisted stark. "let's hope" barton added as they made their way inside.

"honey?" he called walking into the living room area followed by the others. "i'm home"

a pregnant woman turned the corner and looked at him in disbelief. "hi. company. sorry, didn't call ahead" he apologised

"hey" she said kissing and then hugging him.

stark turned to thor. "this is an agent
of some kind"

"gentlemen, this is laura" barton introduced. "i know all your names, except yours" laura said her eyes staying on evis figure.

"i'm-" she started, but was interrupted by stark. "..not anyone important" he finished

"excuse me?!" evi turned to him outraged. their eyes met, but before they could start to fight again, they heard footsteps approaching.

"ooh, incoming" said barton, bending down and hugging the little girl and boy that called him dad. "hi sweetheart, hey buddy. how are you guys doing?"

"these are smaller agents" tony mused.

evi ignored him while she kept a close look on barton and his children. "look at your face, oh my goodness" he sat down his daughter on the floor.

evi felt like throwing up. she turned away from the interaction. his daughter could be about the same age as she was, when her parents were killed. in the distance she could hear romanoff talking to the children.

"sorry for barging in on you" steve apologised. "yeah" stark added "we would've called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed"

"yeah, well, fury helped me set this up when i joined. he kept it off s.h.i.e.l.d.'s files. i'd like to keep it that way, i figured it's a good place to lay low" barton explained.

evi felt sick while looking at the happy family, her eyes travelled to thor, who seemed to feel the same way, maybe for different reasons, but still.

thor made his way out of the house. steve followed him and because he noticed her discomfort he brought evi too.

"thor?" he asked. "i saw something in that dream"

evi furrowed her brows. "the one my sister let you see?" she stepped forward. thor nodded his head, yes. "it isn't real, it should scare you. i let you feel scared"

"it doesn't matter, i need answers. i won't find them here"

before any of them could object, thor spun his hammer and set off into the air.

"please, just leave me here for a minute, yeah?" evi asked as steve was about to go back in again. he nodded absentmindedly.

she sat down on a wooden bank on the front porch. she wished she could just free her arms, but that probably wouldn't really help her. of course she could use her powers to fly, but she had no idea where she was - the avengers made sure of that - so it was to no appeal.

she turned her head as steve made his way down the porch and walked away from the house. she closed her eyes and sighed as she laid her head against the wall of the house.

wise words from ELLIE !

i know that this chapter is mega mega short and I'm sorry for that, but I kinda felt it was better to cut it here! what now follows are a few chapters in which evi gets to know the avengers, maybe share her trauma and see everything from a different perspective maybe.

i mean she too has to change her opinion of ultron and fighting against the avengers, just like her siblings are going to. so I must sadly declare that this is the end of evis and ultron mega - cool - friendship - comedic duo - kinda - bond (and yes i just threw every English word i know in there)
so there's that, but i'm so excited for the second and then the third act. i do have a few things planned!

please vote and/ or comment it would be much appreciated!


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