↳ chapter four

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" do you get enough love, my little dove? why do you cry? "

! trigger warning !

evi sat on the steps outside of the hydra base ultron just had taken over.
she played with the rings on her fingers. one of them belonged to her mother.

while wanda wore their mothers engagement ring, evi was allowed to wear her wedding ring as soon as she became old enough. of course both pieces weren't really anything expensive, but they had belonged to their mother, which mad them expensive to the both.

even if she only been seven at the time, evi could remember the night her parents died vividly. she could still smell the smoke or hear the screaming of people, the sound of police sirens and bombs.

she could still feel her mother's arm around her stomach. and she could remember how it had felt. not only being trapped in the hole, heading your siblings call for you and neither them or you being able to get you to.

but also the feeling of being trapped by her mothers body. that was the horror she always came back to.

he arm has felt cold and her eyes were wide open, looking at evi, but so so empty. her whole body was littered with wounds and blood, but she was still recognisable. he father wasn't.

"you're gonna get a cold. sitting here without a jacket or at least a pullover" wanda spoke as she walked out of the door behind evi.

evi quickly wiped over her cheeks, trying to hide her tears from the older girl. but it was to no appeal.

"why are you crying?" wanda asked, giving up the discussion about the cold and warmer clothes and just sitting down next to her sister. evi didn't answer.

"is it because of what pietro said? you can't stop thinking about this again, right?" evi nodded her head at that. wanda stood up in fury. "я собираюсь так сильно ударить этого мальчика по его толстой голове"

evi had to laugh a little at that. she tugged on wandas arm and brought her down next to her again. "i don't think hitting pietro will lead to anything, wan"

"you're probably right" wanda admitted. "i'm sorry that you always think about it"

"it isn't your fault. you don't have to be sorry for anything" evi said

"i know but i still wish i could keep all these bad thoughts and dreams away from you" evi send her a thankful smile before she broke the silence again. "sometimes i ask myself if i could've saved them if i had just been better"

wanda looked shocked at that. "evi you couldn't have done anything"

"maybe" evi agreed. "but sometimes i wonder why i survived it. why didn't i die too?"

wanda took evis hand in hers. "evi? do you not think you deserve to be alive?"
evi lowered her had in guilt. "not over them, no"

wandas eyes became filled with tears as she looked at her little sister. she didn't know that evina thought this. she had known for some time that her thoughts of the night plagued the girl, but she had never known it was this bad. her sister actually felt guilty for making it out alive.

"i always feel like i'm not enough" evi started explaining. "mom and dad saved my life by shielding me from the bomb and i feel like i'm not doing enough to pay back their sacrifice"

"that's not true evi. they did this because the love you, they would never demand any payback from you. mom and dad would've rather died a thousand times than see one of us die, you understand this?" evi nodded her head, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"and evina maximoff, you don't ever have to feel sorry for who you are and most definitely not to our parents.

"thank you" evi spoke, hugging her sister tightly. "i love you, wan"

"only her?" pietro asked stepping out of the doorframe behind them, just like wanda had a few minutes ago. wanda and evi laughed as pietro sat down and engulfed them both in a hug. "of course i love you too" evi promised.

as wanda looked up to her happy and babbling brother, she could see the tear staines on his cheeks. he must have heard what they had talked about.

pietros hand caressed evis head while he took single curls into his hand and twirled them around his finger. that made evi giggle. it made her laugh just the same when she was three years old.

the siblings stayed like this for half an eternity before ultron called them, talking about some sort of mission.

wise words from ELLIE !

fluff/sad ..idk call if what you want 🤷🏽‍♀️

so I hope you don't mind that it's a shorter chapter, but i thought it would be better to leave it like this before they go onto the ship and I have to split that scene into three or four parts lol ( i might have to nonetheless )

and also something important:
i know i don't really reach a lot of people- if anyone. but i just wanted to take this opportunity to ask whoever reads this and even stays for the a/ns that, please if you're able to, donate money/food/ utensils with those in need. it doesn't matter if it's only one euro/ dollar (etc). please just try to help as well as you can


я собираюсь так сильно ударить этого мальчика по его толстой голове - i am going to slap that boy so hard against his thick head
( i translated it back and then it said fat head, so please i beg you natives, just ignore that )


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