↳ chapter twenty

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" no time "

steve rogers bent down and took evina maximoff's body into his arms. he brought her on the ship and layed her next to her brother.

he couldn't erase the horrified look on his face, every time he took a look at her body. she looked like all life had been sucked out of her. every detail of her, everything that had made her her, a babbling, sarcastic girl, who's biggest aim was to safe her family and revenge her parents, was gone.

behind stayed a lifeless corpse, a zombie, a shadow of what this girl had once been.
the black tear stains on her cheeks only underlying the pain she had felt when her life had come to an end.

on the other side of the city, was wanda maximoff. she had felt her twin brother die, but she didn't know what had happened to her sister.

she walked into the train compartment, in which the rest of ultron layed, defeated.
she bent down. "wanda. if you stay here, you'll die" ultron said

"I just did. do you know how it felt?" she used her powers to break open his metal chest, taking what seemed to be the equivalent of a heart. "it felt like that"

the last life boats took off and the city flew down, between all the rumble, vision took wanda into his arms and took her back up to one of the carriers.

before she could thank him, vision took off again. wanda spotted steve among the passengers. "where's evi?" she asked him

he looked down, ashamed. "wanda" he tried to say

"captain rogers, where is my sister?"

he didn't want to just present the body to her, but he had no other choice, she wanted an answer, so he stepped aside and released the view on the dead maximoff siblings that layed on the ground next to each other.

wanda screamed in shock. she sank down on her knees, crying hysterically at the view of her siblings, the only people she had left. steve bent down next to her and tried to console her, while he was crying too. "what happened?"

"I don't know, it was like the life was drained out of her body. It happened so sudden" steve explained

"her powers" wanda said "they were defective, they couldn't fix them. they said it would be no problem" she cried

"I promised her that we would stop this, that we would be good people" wanda cried into the arms of steve. "I promised her that she could become happy"

steve's eyes filled with tears again, as he had to think back at the promise he gave evi, but he kept quiet. "she never got to be happy again" wanda cried out in agony.

"I have no one" her eyes grew heavy and her face became motionless. "I have no one" she repeated whispering.

"it might not seem like much at the moment, but you have the avengers. you're one of us now, if you want to"

she nodded her head. barton stood up from his place next to her siblings and pointed at it. "maybe you want to be alone with them for a while" he assumed. he took steve by the arm and they walked to the front of the ship.

"I wish we would've had more time" wanda said, as she layed down next to them. "I wish I had been able to fix everything, we could've been happy then"

it was that moment that wanda realised that after her parents and pietro, evi would've been all she had left, but then she had been gone to. wanda maximoff was truly alone in the world.

she closed her eyes and the exhaustion took over.

somewhere down on the remaining part of the city, stood vision and the last ultron robot.

"you're afraid" vision said

"of you?"

"of death" vision corrected "you're the last one"

"you were supposed to be the last" the robot came closer "stark asked for a saviour and settled for a slave"

"I suppose we are both disappointments"

the robot laughed mechanically "I suppose we are"

"humans are odd" vision explained "they think order and chaos are somehow opposites and try to control what won't be. but there is grace in their failings. I think you missed that"

"they're doomed"

"yes" vision agreed "but a thing isn't beautiful, because it lasts. it's a privilege to be among them. you took lives today, innocent ones and that's what doomed your being"

"you're unbearably naive"

"well.. I was born yesterday" and with that vision destroyed the robot before he could lunge at him.


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