↳ chapter sixteen

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" tears stream down your face, i promise you, I will learn from my mistakes "

evi let herself fall into the head of the train, where steve was still fighting against ultron. she stood behind him. trying to hold steve, so he wouldn't fall back when ultron hit him with his own shield.

ultron flew towards him and both evi and steve reacted fast and changed their position. although they reacted fast, both of them fell to the ground.

"i'm going in. cap, evi, can you keep him occupied?" she could hear natasha ask through the comms. "what do you think we've been doing" steve panted from the floor next to her. "sure" evi mumbled.

evi could hear barton and natasha talk, but she blend it out. her concentration was on steve and ultron who still fought.

before she could get ultron to back away, a blue light flashed infront of her eyes. it was her brother that stopped at the other side of the compartment. tears shot into her eyes, when she saw her sister too. wanda held back ultron, before he could attack pietro

"please, don't do this" ultron said.

"what choice do we have?" wanda asked

ultron shot a last laser towards the head of the train, before he flew out of it.

"evina" both wanda and pietro said relieved, when they noticed her. the three hugged and evi cried tears of joy, upon seeing her siblings healthy. she had assumed the worst after the pain in her head.

steve came back from the front. "i'm sorry to interrupt this, but there are civilians in our path" he said to the siblings.

pietro understood immidiately and rushed out. "can you stop this thing?" steve asked

wanda and evi looked at eachother. "yes we can" evi told him.

the train destroyed multiple things, while evi and wanda used their full abilities to get it to stop. it took them a few seconds, but it worked. the train coming to a halt in the midde of a street. wanda and evi rushed out to pietro, who was breathing heavily. they both watched him concerned.

"i'm fine" he dismissed. "i just need to take a minute" he leaned forward to take evis hand.

"i'm very tempted not to give you one" steve made his way towards the siblings.

"steve" evi pleaded for him to understand that pietro needed to relax for a few minutes.

steve send her an sympathic look, while clear question marks aroused on wanda and pietros faces.

"the cradle. did you get it?" wanda asked "stark will take care of it" steve assured. "no he won't" wanda shook her head.

"wanda, please. you can trust him" evi told the twins.

all of the three people around her, ignored evis hidden appeal to keep or better yet to make peace.

"you don't know what you're talking about, stark's not crazy" steve answered

"he will do anything to make things right" evi sat down on pietros lap, defeated. she knew that what wanda said was true. her sister had looked into his head. there was no denial of what she saw.

even steve seemed to think something alike, or he just trusted evis judgement, who nodded when he turned in her direction questiongly. "stark, come in" he spoke into the comms. "stark" he sighed "anyone on comms"

"ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it"

pietro brought evi closer with his arms and adjusted his chin on her shoulder. steve turned around. "where do you think he gets that"

some time later, evi followed her siblings and steve into the laboratory in which stark and banner were working.

evi held pietros hand while she stood behind him. "you have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes" banner told stark

steve stepped forward. "I'm going to say this once"

"how about none-ce?" stark interrupted him

"shut it down"

stark turned away while continuing his work. "nope, not gonna happen"

"you don't know what you're doing" steve tried to reason

banner seemed uninterested, he stood his ground, which seemed uncharacteristic for him. "and you do?" he gestured to evi. "you made her part of the team?" he raised his eyebrows. "she's a threat"

before either evi or her siblings could get defensive, steve stood up. "evi's not a threat. the opposite actually"

"ah, that seems believable" banner laughed sarcastically. "what about her, though?" he gestured towards wanda. "she's not in your head?"

wanda stepped forward from behind steve. "i know you're angry" she tried to apologise

"oh, we're way past that. i could choke the life out of you and never change a shade"

evi stepped forward to defend her sister, but pietro held her back, in fear that banner could hurt her.

"banner, after everything that's happened" steve appealed again

"its nothing compared to what's coming" tony joined back into the conversation

evi looked at pietro who was just rolling his eyes, while the screaming and fighting continued.

"you don't know what's in there" said wanda. steve backing her words: "this isn't a game!"

pietro took his hand from evi's arm and ran around the room in superspeed, confused eyes following his every move.

he stopped. he had unplugged the machine. "no no, go on" he threw away the cable. "you were saying?"

evi giggled at the confused and angry looks stark and banner were giving her brother. but her laugh turned into a scream as a gunshot rang out and her brother fell down into the room beneath him. a shot destroying the glass he was standing on.

"pietro!" both her and wanda screamed while rushing forward

evi could see barton stepping on pietros leg. "what?" he asked "you didn't see that coming?"

at the same time, somehow the machine was beginning to work again.

"I'm rerouting the upload" said stark

steve threw his shield to stop the man, but he was answered with stark using part of his iron man suit to shoot him off the ground.

banner took wanda into chokehold. "go ahead, piss me off"

evi came from behind him and knocked him off her sister. she watched as stark and steve fought, while assisting steve as best as she could without hurting him in the process.

while all that was going on, thor rushed into the room and jumped onto the machine.

he raised his arm and thunder displayed around his hammer.

"wait!" screamed banner. but to no appeal. thor pushed the hammer down on the cradle, giving it the energy it was needing.

the cradle exploded and thor was thrown back. evi closed her eyes in fear.

wise words from ELLIE !

hello my friends! how are y'all doing?

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