↳ chapter eleven

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"I never needed you, like I do right now"

evi plucked out some flowers. when steve was finished with his pile, he sat down beside her.

"i'm sorry, that I just kidnapped you" he started. "i don't think i said it before, that I'm sorry. but I really am. i shouldn't just have decided this for you"

evi turned her head to look at the man. "i accept your apology" she agreed.

steve nodded gratefully. "are you close to your siblings?"

evi's head shot up at the sudden question. she looked at him surprised.

"why do you ask me that?" evi mumbled.

"i don't know, but i never had siblings, so i don't know what it's like"

evi nodded. she turned her head from the captain and looked down at the flower in her hand. "yes we are very close. most times it had only been us three. i wouldn't know what I'd do with out them. i would die if something happened to one of them. they're all i have left" she concluded

steve nodded understandingly. "when you said that you chose this-" he gestured around her hands. "for yourself, you really did mean it"

"yes. but i didn't do it because i wanted to be powerful, i did it for my siblings. i promised myself that I'd do anything to kill tony stark. it isn't easy to do that when you feel completely powerless"

"but why? why do you want to kill him?" steve asked.

"you don't know?" evi looked at him irritated. "i thought you probably knew everything about us, before we first met"

"no i didn't. i only know a few details. what happened exactly, if you'd like to share?"

"it happened when i was seven. my siblings were ten. my family and i were watching tv in our little apartment in sokovia. and suddenly nothing is like it was. the first bomb hits. the floor gives in and swallows my parents and me"

"you're parents were-"

"my parents were dead immediately. i was unconscious, but my siblings thought i was dead too"

"but how did you survive?" steve asked. his brows pulled together and evi could read ninety different emotions just from his face.

"my mother. she shielded me. when i woke up, the first thing i saw were my dead parents. i couldn't get out of the hole. so I had to stay there." evis eyes welled with tears and her gaze goes into emptiness. "i had so stay there" she repeated.

"two days next to my dead parents. they-they looked horrible and i had to smell how they- how they" evi didn't finish her sentence. she broke down and full on sobbed.

she could feel the doubt in his mind, but steve banished it. he laid his arms around her frame and stroke her head, which only made her cry harder, because if she held her eyes closed, she could imagine it was pietro.

the same pietro who could have been dead by now. evi freed herself from steve's embrace. "a second shell hit us. it didn't go off. that's why my siblings couldn't help me out. they thought it might activate the bomb. they waited two days under the bed. and on the bomb was written one word: stark" she explained. "tony stark killed my parents"

steve's eyes grew wide. "i'm sorry to hear that, evina" "-my name is evi" evi assured him. "evi" steve said "this is terrible. i can't imagine how you and your siblings felt."

"i miss them" she said. "if you could just let me contact them"

steve looked at her hands. "huh" he said "so banner was right? you two have some weird connection?"

evi shook her head. "i meant with a telephone" she deadpanned

"oh yeah, alright sure" steve stumbled over his words while he rose to his feet. "it's very rustic here, but they might have a telephone"

evi followed him inside. past the boy and barton, who looked up as he heard them. "what are you doing?" he asked while stepping in their way.

"searching for a telephone" steve explained.

"to do what, exactly?" barton raised an eyebrow in anticipation as he watched evi with a great deal of distrust.

"to let her contact her family" steve assisted while pointing at evi behind him.

"i don't think that would be necessary" barton said

evi's eyes grew wide and filled with tears, as she shot a deadly look in barton's direction. "what, because we are not a real family?" she laughed ironically

steve looked between them. confusion written all over his face. "that's not what i-" before barton could finish his sentence. evi had turned around and walked away from the porch. barton turned his head to look at steve's still questioning gaze. "she must've heard laura and me talk"

evi walked up the grass. she let herself fall on the soft floor while she slung her arm around her knees and buried her head inside, the tears ran down her face.

she heard footsteps approaching, but didn't look up.

"I'm sorry" clint spoke while he sat down beside her. "I shouldn't have judged you and your siblings. just because you're not like my family, doesn't mean you aren't a real one"

evi shook her head. "you were right. my siblings and i stopped being a family the day our parents died. i could never admit it, but i know it was true"

clint turned his head to look at her. astonishment written on his face. "it may feel like that, because important parts of your family are missing. but you are a family. i just said what i said because i thought you're siblings were not responsible enough towards you. that they should keep you safe and not drag you into fights"

"you think my siblings dragged me into this?" evi asked confused. clint nodded. "that's not true. they only joined hydra because of me. because i asked them too"

"why did you-"

"throw away my life like that?" evi guessed. "do you know how it feels to get everything taken from you, just a blink of an eye and the people you love the most on earth are gone?"

clint looked at the ground while he shook his head.

"there was nothing i could loose, apart from my siblings. but they wanted revenge, just like i did. and when we found hydra, i knew it was our only possibility" evi paused to turn her head at barton

"everyone has different reasons for doing whatever they're doing. you have yours and i have mine. just because mine are a little selfish does not mean they are wrong. and just because yours are selfless does not mean they're right. the perspective matters, barton"

clint opened and closed his mouth like a fish. astonished he watched as evi stood up. "regardless to the talk we just had i assume i'm still not allowed to contact anyone?" clint nodded his head in silence and kept his eyes on evi who sighed and made her way to cap.

not feeling great enough for wise words :(


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