↳ chapter six

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" I couldn't save myself "

! trigger warning: because some of you might faint at the sight of a cHoPpEd oFf aRm !

klaues partner opened the safe filled with the vibranium. klaue took out one of the vessels. "upon this rock, i will build my church" ultron said, taking the vessel out of klaues hand. "vibranium" he acknowledged before throwing it at pietro, who caught it an inch from evis face.

"woah look out, ul" she complained while sending pietro a thankful smile for his fast reaction. ultron bowed his head in apology.

"you know" started klaue. "it came at great personal cost" he explained while scratching his neck. evi send wanda and pietro, also ultron, a questioning look, to which all three replied with a shrug.

"it's worth billions" klaue concluded. ultron chuckled "now so are you"

the phone of klaues partner buzzed.
he took it out of his pocket and looked at it. "it's all under your dummy holdings? finance is so weird"

klaue stepped next to his friend to take a look at the phone as well. "but i always say, 'keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which'"

that seemed to cause a reaction from klaue he turned around like he had just recognised something. "stark" he said. evi looked between her siblings.
"what does he-" wanda shushed her with a simple hand gesture.

"what?" ultron asked. "tony stark used to say that... to me" klaue answered. "you're one of his"

"oh no" evi mumbled, eyes fixated on ultron, who didn't seem to like klaues observation.

"what? i'm not.." ultron grabbed klaues left arm and held it up in the air. his partner tried to draw his gun, but wanda held his hand down. "i'm not. you think i'm one of stark's puppets? his hollow men? i mean, look at me. do i look like iron man? stark is nothing"

before anyone could react, ultron had took out his arm and cut klaues off.

"dude!" evi groaned while hiding her face in her brothers side. ultron turned his head at her and then back at klaue. "i'm sorry. i'm.. oh! i'm sure that's gonna be okay. i'm sorry. it's just i don't understand. don't compare me with stark!" he lifted his leg and kicked klaue in the face, making him fall down the steps behind him, his friend following close behind.

"we went over this" evi said, stepping away from her brother and closer to ultron. "i'm not complaining or stopping you from doing anything mad evil, but a warning would be appreciated. c'mon, ul, you know i'm kind of sensitive when it comes to cut off body parts"

ultron sighed, but shook his head in regret. "i'm sorry, younger one. it just came over me"

evi send him a smile and nodded her head. "it's okay" she concluded while stepping back. somehow she could sense someones arrival.

"it just angered me so much, you know? stark? stark is... he is a sickness"

"ah junior" evi was startled by the unknown voice that was suddenly speaking. ultron turned around to look at iron man, behind him, captain america and thor. "you're gonna break your old man's heart"

"if i have to" the siblings stepped closer. "nobody has to break anything" thor said

"clearly you've never made an omelet" ultron joked to which he gained evis approval as she started to laugh

"he beat me by one second" iron man said. evis laugh died down and she wished to kill him right this second or better, do all the things to him that he did to her family

"ah yes. he's funny" pietro stepped forward and pushed evi behind him. "mr stark. it's what? comfortable?" he threw a look down at the weapons beside him. "like old times?"

"this was never my life" stark answered. evi perked up at that. "maybe it wasn't, but you made it ours" she said, a tear slipping down her cheek at the memory.

"you three can still walk away from this" captain america spoke. "oh, we will" wanda declared.

"i know you've suffered" he tried to go on but ultron interrupted him with a laugh. "captain america. god's righteous man. pretending you could live without a war. i can't physically throw up in my mouth, but.."

"if you believe in peace, then let us keep it" thor exclaimed

"i think you're confusing 'peace' with 'quiet'" ultron informed

"uh-huh" iron man started "what's the vibranium for?"

"i'm glad you asked that, because i wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan"

ultron pulled iron man close before throwing him into a nearby wall. other robots started fighting the other two avengers. iron man stood up from the ground and flew directly at ultron, ultron did the same and they both collided in the middle and started fighting in the air.

pietro sped of and hit thor on his way. wanda and evi stayed where they were, first watching the fight. only seconds later, captain america tried to run at them. wanda stopped him with her powers and threw him back on the ground.

wanda and evi stayed put in the background after that interaction. evis eyes still keeping a close look on the speeding pietro.

the girl gasped, when she watched as her brother fell down the landing and
hit the floor. "pietro!" she had called, running down the steps, while turning herself invisible (you could never know)

"are you alright?" she turned herself visible again, as she kneeled down beside her brother. "yeah, yeah. i'm fine, i just need a short pause. go back to wanda and stay with her, try to not get involved, you hear me"

evi nodded as pietro gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. she rose to her feet and turned invisible before climbing the steps again. "good girl" pietro mumbled from behind her.

in mere seconds evi was standing next to wanda again and making her self seen so wanda could perceive her sisters presence properly. wanda stroke evis hair reassuringly, before they watched thor and captain america take down one of ultrons robots together. the captain threw his shield trough the air, hitting and knocking out several of klaues men.

evi closed her eyes and tried to manipulate the captains feelings. but all the bad emotions she was trying to make him feel, were already there.

before evi could follow everything that was happening, she witnessed the captain hitting her brother with his shield and sending him on the ground again. but this time, evi wasn't able to rush down the steps again, hence to wanda keeping a close hold on her.

wise words from ELLIE !
!posted this today because I had such a short chapter yesterdayyy!
this chapter is a teeny tiny bit longer because the last two were kind of short. you can thank my incompetent arse for that because i literally wasn't able to cut the chapter anytime sooner. but i guess it's kind of because it's like one scene that I'll have to cut in 103873 different parts. then it's kinda hard to determine where to end/ start a chapter... smh

also evi having a nickname for ultron <3


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