↳ chapter nineteen

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" I want you to move on, so I'm already gone "

"let's load them up" steve said, before him and the rest of the group turned around and started to bring civilians onto the ships.

"avengers, time to work for a living" evi could hear stark say. she looked at pietro. he took her hand and they both ran into the church.

"are you good?" pietro asked wanda, who was also coming in. "yeah"

"romanoff, you and banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini'" stark spoke into the comms

"here are kids!" scolded steve, while looking at evi. she crossed her arms and gave him a tired look. "like I don't know what he's talking about"

"you know?" shrieked pietro, but his sister just ignored him, while wanda rolled her eyes. "you.." he stuttered, pointing his finger at evi accusingly, but was interrupted by natasha

"relax, shellhead. not all of us can fly" a truck held in front of the church and natasha made her way inside.

"what's the drill?" she asked

"this is the drill" stark pointed at the core. "if ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose"

robots tried to enter the church, but were smashed by hulk in the process. ultron flew in front of the entrance.

"is that the best you can do?" thor screamed. ultron rose his hand up and thousands of robots came running to the church

"shit" evi muttered. 

"you had to ask" steve said, sarcastically. 

"yeah, you shouldn't have" evi added plainly

"this is the best I can do" ultron spread his arms. "this is exactly what I wanted. all of you, against all of me. how can you possibly hope to stop me?"

"well, like the old man said.." stark started while looking at steve. "..together"

"cheesy, but I'll allow it" evi joked, which gained her an appreciative smile from steve

hulk roared and the robots started to sprint into the church. all of the avengers fought them, side by side.

each one, using different techniques. barton shot arrows. evi and wanda used their telekinesis. steve and vision used their super-strength, thor his hammer. natasha used her combat skills and turned the robots against each other and pietro destroyed them with his superspeed.

finally they had fought off all the incoming robots. vision, thor and stark combined their abilities to destroy ultron. his metal melted under their laser

"you know, with the benefit of hindsight.." ultron rose back to his feet, but before he could finish his sentence, hulk had thrown him away. the remaining robots started to run away as hulk turned in their direction, he close behind them

"they'll try to leave the city" thor said. "we can't let them. not even one. rhodey"

"I'm on it" the man in question answered

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