Chapter 29: Pursuit

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It was silent. A guard passes by a table causing a potted plant to fall off of it but luckily was caught by Voxle who was hiding under the table.

Kyerie [Whispering]: "Does this man even want to keep his job?"

Voxle [W]: "I dunno but, coast is clear. Now where to next..."

Voxle projects a hologram map, looking at where to go next. Voxle looks both ways before kicking something behind them. It was a vent hidden under the table.

Voxle [W]: "Very strange place to put a vent in."

They both went in the vent and crawled through the tight space they were in, eventually stopping at an opening. The other side was heavily guarded along with a door between guards.

Voxle: "BETA, any rooms here than can be set alight?"

BETA: "One on your left."

Voxle: "Alright, request a shot."

They wait in silence until it was interrupted by glass shattering along with a fire alarm going off.

Guard (1): "Aw come on that's like the 7th fire today!"

Guard (2): "Something's up. Keep your guard up and don't let that clown escape."

Guard: (1): "What clown?"

Guard (2): "You know what I mean right?"

One of the guards leave the area, leaving behind the other one.

Kyerie [W]: "Water me."

Voxle [W]: "Wait what? How, like a plant?"

Kyerie [W]: "Okay that did not sound as cool as it did in my head. Whatever, just give me the bottle."

Voxle passes a bottle of water to Kyerie. They position themselves on a vent above the guard and opened it. They pour water on the guard and just before they look up, Kyerie freezes them. The two got down and hid the guard.

Voxle: "How do we hide him?"

Kyerie: "I thought you knew how."

Voxle: "Yeah just shove him in the vent, no one will notice right?"

-Minimal Timeskip-

The two open the door in front of them revealing a heavily protected hallway. The walls were made of steel-like material. Voxle kept a keycard that was from the guard earlier.

Voxle: "To be honest, did not expect hiding that guard would take a while. Now I'm all dusty."

Kyerie: "Let's just go and get them."

Voxle dusts their fur making the dust particles fly around the room and reveal lasers that triggers an alarm.

Voxle: "Oh, how classic."

Kyerie: "They really went through all the trouble just to protect them of all protogens. THEM."

Voxle: "No offense but, how bad are they?"

Kyerie: "Well there's nothing wrong with them they're just... Annoying."

Voxle: "Alright then. BETA, how sensitive are the lasers?"

BETA: "Not very, It takes two seconds for it to detect something."

Voxle: "Let's just run real fast and hope we don't set off an alarm."

They both make a run for it and reach the other side, luckily without setting off an alarm. A door was in front of them, sealed shut. Voxle takes out the keycard and opens the door...

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