Chapter One

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It was the last day of school. All students were busy taking pictures and exchanging gifts with one another. Loud chatters and laughter filled the air which gives off that the students were all talking about one thing or the other.

I sat with my friend, Soojin, at the back of the classroom. We were both talking about how we were going to spend the one month summer break giving to us by our school.

Our other friend, Jukyung walked up to us, sulking. She slammed herself into the seat in front of me.

“I can't believe it.” Jukyung pouted.

“What's up!” Soojin asked in a hurry to find out how Jukyung's meeting with her homeroom teacher went.

“Well, I have to attend summer classes.” Jukyung said as she frantically swung her arms in the air. “Do you realize how messed up that is?”

“Well, Jukyung, we warned you about missing classes.” I said with a frown.

“Oh don't start.” Jukyung said. “Lets just forget about it okay?” she waved the issue aside.

“How's preparation to move?” Jukyung asked me.

“Well, we're moving in with my mom's friend.” I said.

“I hope it's not too far from school.” Soojin asked.

“Not really, I just have to take the bus.” I replied.

Suddenly, a pair of hand covers my eyes. I gasped in shock, grabbing the hands trying to pry them away from my eyes. Already knowing who it was, I threatened.

“Hoseok, if you don't-” I struggled with the hand.

“Aiiish” The boy whined and let go of me. “How come you always know it's me?”

“Well, dummy that's because you're the only male friend I have who'll do something that stupid. For fuck's sake I'm a girl.” I tried to remind Hoseok.

“Whatever.” Hoseok said. “Hi, Juk, What's up, Soojin.”

Soojin and Jukyung both greeted Hoseok back.

“Well, I came here to let you guys know that some of us are planning to go to the beach next week and I want to know if you're going.” He announced.

“Well, fuck that!” Jukyung exclaimed. “You know why? I have summer school!” with that, she got up and left.

Soojin and I couldn't contain our laughter. It's not our fault she wouldn't listen to us about not skipping school and missing tests.

“Are you guys in or not?” Hoseok asked impatiently.

“We're in.” Soojin said.

“Alright, I'll text you the date and when to meet up.” Hoseok said already backing away from us. He quickly ruffled my hair. “Bye Loser.”

I stuck my middle finger at him to show my distaste at him ruffling my hair. He gasped dramatically holding his chest before he's completely out of the classroom through the back door.

I turned to face Soojin who already has a smile plastered on her face.

“What?” I asked irritated by the smile on her face.

“I can't believe you both are best friends.” she smiles wider.

“What's so hard to believe about it?” I asked. “This is the thousandth time you're saying this Soojin.”

“Its just kind of cute and you know what they say.” she winked.

“What do they say?” I asked unconsciously already typing away on my phone.

“A boy and a girl can't be best friends without having feelings for each other.” she said and I almost choked on my own spit.

“Stop, Soojin,” I put my phone away. “Hoseok and I have been friends since days in the womb. We're like siblings more like twins. Just days apart.”

“Yeah right.” Soojin said unsatisfied but she dropped it anyways.

“I think I should leave now. We have to pack at home.” I said and stood up.

Soojin stands up with me giving me a bear hug, rubbing my back with one hand and stroking my hair with another.

“Alrighty then, we'll see some other time.” she placed a kiss on my forehead.

“Yah~ you're giving people the wrong Idea.” I smiled and backed away from her playfully. She laughs. I waved and left the classroom.

I met with a couple of other students, we said our goodbyes and that went on til I was in the school parking lot.

“Hey Noona!” A familiar voice called out. I turned my head in the direction of the voice.


He walked closer to me and we hugged.

“You're leaving already?” he asks.

“Well, yeah, I have to pack remember?” I answered.

“Oh yeah, you're moving.” he said slightly embarrassed that he forgot. “Should I give you a ride home?”

“Since when do you own a car?” I asked confused.

“Oh no, my hyung will take us home.” Jungkook said.

“Are you sure? I don't want to be trouble.” I said sincerely hoping he'd say no so I can take the free ride home because I don't think I'll be able to stand at the bus station with a higher chance of me standing in the bus throughout the ride to my house.

“Of course it's no problem.” He took hold of my wrist and walked us towards the car. “Noona, did you stop eating again?”

“Why do you ask?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“You look like you've lost some weight.” he said.

“Really? You think so?” I looked at my reflection in the body of the car. “That's good news.”

“What's good news?” you look terrible.” Jungkook said. “The good kind of terrible by the way.” he quickly added when I shot him a glare.

I was about to speak when JK cut me short and addressed a boy who walked up to the car.

“Hi.” I greeted timidly.

“And you are?” The slender boy who is about five inches taller than me asked.

“Hyojin. What about you?” I asked politely even if he was a bit harsh to me.

He didn't answer. Instead, he got into the car.

“Well~” I said to Jungkook.

He looked at me apologetically. He motioned for me to get into the car.

JK got into the passenger seat while I crept into the backseat. I glanced over at the owner of the car through the mirror. I hurriedly looked away when I saw he was already looking at me.

I was really quiet all through the ride, while JK and the boy kept talking. I couldn't catch his name because JK kept calling him Hyung.

We arrived at my house in no time as it wasn't that far from school.

“I believe you're coming for the beach party next week, Noona.” Jungkook asked just as I stepped out of the car.

“Yeah.” I swung my bag over my shoulder. “Bye Kookie, Bye Hyung.” I waved at them.

I saw the car drive off before I went into the almost empty house.

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