Chapter Four

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It's Friday.

My mom and I had pulled up in front of the new place we were going to stay. It felt strange yet comfortable as we are yet to step into the house.

My mom rang the door bell and on the third ring, a middle aged woman opened the door.

She immediately swung her arms around my mom as they hugged passionately.

I frowned at the sight in front of me but soon the frown turned into a genuine smile.

They soon broke out of their reunion and both women turned to face me.

“Hyojin is now a grown woman.” Mrs Sehun said. I blushed slightly.

“She turned 19 this year.” my mom smiled.

“I think you should be my son's age.” she hugged me. “Come in.” she said and we stepped in.

We were shown around the house and we were taken to our rooms. I occupied a room which belonged to her first son who is now in college in Seoul while my mom stayed in the guest room.

We weren't staying at their place for free though, my mom had decided to spilt half of the bills coming in with Mrs Sehun.

Mrs Sehun decided to make dinner while my mom and I unpacked.

The room I was given was quite smaller than my old room but this one felt very welcoming. I quickly set up the bed and hung my clothes in the closet. The closet was a bit spacious. It had a small vanity and mirror.

How come a boy owned this room? I thought to myself.

I went into the bathroom to set it up. The walls were white and spotless. There was a mirror and cupboards to store products. I couldn't help but feel that Mrs Sehun had renovated the whole place for me.

It was a quiet night for me. After dinner, my mom and Mrs Sehun stayed back in the living room to talk while I went into my room.

She had earlier told me her son was spending the weekend at his friend's house.

Great! How comfortable it will be to live in a house with a boy that's not Hoseok.  Note the sarcasm.

I texted Soojin and Jukyung telling them how nice the new house felt, leaving out the part where there was another teenage boy.

I talked to Hoseok over the phone. He told me he was going to pick me up for the beach party the next day.


It was Saturday around 11:39 when Hoseok and his friends pulled up in front of the new house.

It was Jimin, Jungkook and one new face in the car.

He introduced himself as Seokjin. He's in the grade above mine. That means he's older.

The ride was comfortable as Jungkook was there in the back seat with me. We talked endlessly. Once in a while, Seokjin joined in on the conversation. Which made the car ride much more fun.

We arrived at the beach in time for the party. I met up with Soojin and one of her other friends. Jukyung couldn't come because she had summer school.

We changed into swimsuits and went to sit with Hoseok and his friends.

I noticed that Hyung was also at the beach party. Although he's not really socializing, his presence was still felt by others.

I decided to talk to him. I walked up to him and sat beside him casually.

“Hello.” I tried to be polite.

“Yes?” He replied seeming uninterested.

“No need to be rude, I was just going to ask if you had the sunscreen.” I lied, getting up.

“Here.” he threw the sunscreen at me but clumsy me couldn't catch it.

I bent to pick it up. “Nice view.” He said, refering to my breasts that had been revealed a little bit as I bent.

I gasped in horror as I quickly covered it up with my hands and stood up.

He smirked.

“I'd like to slap that smirk off your face.” I said rudely.

It's my fault for even coming up to him in the first place. I sighed frustrated and angry at myself.

The beach party went well to be fair. Soojin hooked up with a boy in school who's part of the tennis team. While Hoseok took a girl into the bathroom. I gagged at the sight of them coming out and him fixing his shorts.

There were visible hickeys on her neck. And I wondered what it felt like. I've never had a make out session. My first and only kiss was with Hoseok last year during the dumb truth or dare game.

I unconsciously rubbed my neck while staring at the girl's hickey.

“I could give you one if you want.” A raspy voice said from behind me.

I turned to face the voice and I'm faced with Hyung.

“Pardon?” I asked. Of course I heard what he said and I just wanted to give him the chance to unsay it.

“I said I can give you hickeys if you want them.” He repeated louder.

“Fuck off.” I said walking away from the brown haired boy.

“That's not how to talk to someone who gave you a ride.” He said cockily walking with me.

“Look, if you're looking for someone to play with, you've got the wrong person.” I said “Now fuck off.”

I walked faster but he kept following me.

“You didn't want me to fuck off earlier when you showed your pick me traits.” he smirked.

I didn't know when I turned around and landed my palm harshly on his cheeks.

“Take it back!” I gritted my teeth.

He rubbed his cheeks which already turned red. He lets his tongue play in his mouth. He didn't say anything. He just stared at me.

I didn't know if I should be scared or not. But at that moment, I just wanted to leave his presence. I'm already so upset I could slap him again.

I turned in my heels and left to change back into my comfortable clothes. I was so grateful that no one had witnessed what happened.


Hoseok was driving me to my house. He had dropped Jungkook and Soojin at their respective homes.

“You're not supposed to drive yet, Hoseok.” I said worried we might get pulled over by the police.

“Relax Hyojin, we're in the neighborhood.” he said.

I nodded. I remembered what happened with that hyung guy earlier. I sighed and told Hoseok what happened.

“You what?!” Hoseok screamed in horror glancing between me and the road.

“One, he's older.” Hoseok said. He opened his mouth to continue but I stopped him.

“Oh so it's okay if he calls me a pick me girl?.” I shook my head in disbelief. “Who are you and what have you done to my best friend?”

He chuckled. “I know it was wrong of him to call you a pick me girl but still you slapped him.”

I sighed in defeat. “Whatever, I'm not going to apologise.” I folded my arms.

“I'm not going to make you.” Hoseok laughed and dropped me off.

Author's Note.

Excuse any mistake. English is my second Language.

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