Chapter Three

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It was Monday morning. Our move was postponed to Friday because Mrs Min's flight was postponed to Tuesday. (She had earlier gone on a business trip last week).

My mom had already left for work. I checked the clock on the wall, the time read 11:47. I woke up this late as a result of playing online games with Hoseok.

I took my bath and watched some boring show on the TV. I decided to text Jukyung and ask how her summer school was going.


Me: Sup' Juk
What's up with summer school?

Juk!: HELL!!!

Me: drama queen
It's not that bad ma'am

Juk!: You're only saying this cos you're not the one here.
Plus did you text me to make fun of me or what??

Me: chill miss grumpy ass
I just wanted to check up on you

Juk!: Well, I'm not doing ok!
Want to go out later this night?

Me: don't you have class tomorrow again?

Juk!: So?
Does that mean I can't have fun with friends?
It's summer, Jin
You act like a grandma sometimes

Me: stfu

Juk!: Hey, did you move already?
Text me the new addy.

Me: we haven't moved yet. Til Friday.

Juk!: Huh?

Me: long story.

Juk!: Wanna hang out tonight?

Me: okay
I'll tell Soojin.

Juk!: Aiit ttyl

I went back to watching the trashy show on TV after u texted Soojin. It got to a point I couldn't take the show anymore, I turned the TV off.

I decided to visit Hoseok at his house. I didn't call to confirm if he's home because one, he played online games all through the night so he's probably still sleeping and two, normally he'd be at my place by this time if he's not sleeping and he doesn't really go out on Mondays because his dad is always home on Mondays.

I took the bus to Hoseok's house. I knocked on the door twice before making my way inside.

Their small living room was tidy and filled with the noise of the trashy show I was watching at my house earlier on the TV.

The house was rather too quiet which means his dad isn't home and he's sleeping.

I made my way into his room when I got the shock of my life.

Five boys splattered all around his medium sized room. Two of which slept in an uncomfortable way on the bed while the three were scattered on the floor.

I didn't recognize any of the boys except Hoseok who was on the bed shirtless and Namjoon who was sleeping on the floor beside Hoseok's desk.

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