Chapter Twenty-Four

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“Min Hyojin?” Hoseok called as soon as he sighted me.

The rest of the boys soon saw me and they walked up to me.

“Oh, let me introduce.” Mr Sejin said and literally dragged me closer to the boys.

“This is Min Hyojin. She works with the one and only Park Saebom. She's the one who took that amazing cover photo of Worldwide Entertainment's group's album which everyone is talking about nowadays. She's highly demanded these days.” Mr Sejin hyped.

I blush lightly at his words. I sighed. I can't look down forever.

I mustered courage and looked up. They were dressed in suits. They looked so expensive. I stood a little intimidated looking into the boys' eyes one after the other. It was useless because we use to be so close but standing before them now, I felt inferior.

My eyes landed on Hoseok's and I could see the excitement in his eyes. Although tears pricked them. I struggled to stay still.

I couldn't look at Yoongi. My heart sank. I didn't know why. I felt a lump in my throat and I gave myself a mental note to stay sane.

“Hello.” I bowed a little.

They all responded to me bowing a little too.

Mr Sejin noticed the tension between us and cleared his throat.

“Have you met before?” he asked.

“Yes.” the boys said.

“No.” I said.

The boys looked at me. Why the hell would they say yes.

“Yes.” I gave up trying to hide the fact that I knew them.

“It was a long time ago.” I chuckled nervously.

Mr Sejin looked between the boys and me and shrugged.

“Lets get started, shall we?” Mr Sejin clapped. “You'll like how the photos will turn.” he said the last part to the boys and left the little gathering.

Just as Hoseok was about to move closer to me, I walked back about three steps from him.

“Excuse me.” I said walking out of the room to find the toilet but not before I heard the boys calling for me.

There was a voice that stood out. The voice I'd recognise anywhere.


I reached the toilet and looked at myself in the mirror. My cream chiffon blouse which was well ironed earlier this morning now had a few wrinkles here and there. My black pants stayed glued to my body.

At least I dressed very okay. I sighed.

Why did I bother about the way I dressed again?

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and called Soojin.

I told her the whole story and she was speechless.

“What do I do?” I cried.

“Don't let them ruin this for you, okay? Don't think about them. Do your job well. Later, you can think about them.” Soojin adviced.

“But what if they tried talking to me? I don't think I can ignore them.”

“Do what your heart tells you to.” she said.

I sighed. “This is going to be a long day.”

“You'll be fine at the end. Who knew.” she sighed.

“Alright I gotta go.” I said. She screams 'fighting' before I ended the call smiling.

My smile was soon gone from my face as I entered the room we were going to shoot.

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