Chapter Eleven

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This chapter is dedicated to @fiya_lita


I went home thinking about what happened in the music room earlier that night. I couldn't imagine Yoongi hugging me. Of course we've been on good terms these days but still doesn't warrant for a hug.

It left me confused. Does he like me? Or is he going through something and needed a hug?

I was starting to have headache from all that thinking. I used medicine for my headache and slept.

Monday morning just after the morning announcement, Jukyung had decided not to go to her homeroom for some reason so she stayed at ours.

“I wish Seokjin would just look at me once.” we heard one of the girls in our class say. I noticed Soojin's body stiff. She frowned and glared at the girl who said that.

I gasped. “Soojin~ah!”

“Ah, you scared me.” she held her chest. “What?”

“You like Seokjin?” I whispered.

“What?” she acted surprised.

“Yah~ drop the act. I know you do.” I smiled. “For a few days now, you've been quiet and self conscious when you're around him.”

“It's that obvious?” she dropped it.

I shook my head. “Not really. But the way you shot daggers through your eyes at this girl confirmed it for me.”

She groaned. “its hopeless.”

“What? Why?” I asked.

“We were talking in lunch last week before the Costume party and he mentioned that he couldn't date a junior. Plus he's dating a noona who is in college.” Soojin frowned.

“So there's a girl in this world who will date a younger guy?” I asked surprised.

“Yes.” She whined. “Please don't tell Jukyung or anyone about my crush. It'll go away soon.”

I looked over at Jukyung who was playing with Namjoon and our other classmates.

Nice decision, Soojin. We both know she couldn't keep secrets well and she'd tease Soojin endlessly.

As we continued talking, one way of the other, we mentioned Yoongi. And it made me remember the hug in the music room.

It was a soft hug like one that he'd been wishing he'd done since forever and one that he longed for again.

"I don't know when next I'll have this opportunity, so stay still."

His words lingered in my mind. What does it mean.

I haven't seen him since then. He didn't come home and he wasn't there during the morning announcement too.

Where is he?

During lunch, I wanted to read for the other test I had the next day so I went to the library. I saw Yoongi sitting in one of the booths and he was staring outside the window.

“Hey, Yoongi.” I greeted, making my way over to him.

“Hi.” he said like he was bored of my presence already.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“For peace and quiet.” he answered keeping the conversation short. He cracked his knuckles and I remembered when he had his hands in the hem of my skirt playing with it. I blushed.

“You weren't home during the weekend.” I said.

“Yes I was at Namjoon's” he said.

“You could have called to tell me.” I said.

“Since when did we do that?” he asked impatiently.

“Oh sorry, I just thought~” I stopped. “Sorry.”

Since we're here, I wanted to ask him why he hugged me the other night but he beat me to it.

“That night, sorry for hugging you without your permission.” he said. “But, I think I liked it better when we weren't talking to each other.”

My heart sank. Did I offend him?

“What do you mean?” I asked. My voice came out a lot weaker than I had pictured it.

“Stop talking to me.” he clarified.

With that, he got up and left. I was angry at him for just telling me not to talk to him anymore. If I offended him, he could just let me know rather than just be mean to me for no reason at all.

All through the week, he avoided me. I felt sad for the first day but I shook it off after that.

During band and orchestra, we would stay far away from each other. During lunch, I would sit far from him or he wouldn't come to lunch at all.

Meanwhile, Hoseok had been a mess. Going to parties and picking up different girls. I was starting to get pissed.

He was currently in my room, talking dirty with a girl over the phone. I was so disgusted and pissed that I walked over to him, snatched the phone from him and ended the call.

He stared at me like he was bored.

“Have some decency for once, Hope~ie.”

He rolled his eyes.

“Don't you dare roll your eyes at me.” I snapped.

“What's up?” he asked. “You've been grumpy these past days. Are you on your period or what?” he sounded annoyed.

“Why do you care when all you ever do is be reckless all day long.” I said bitterly.

“Reckless?” he chuckled bitterly. “Do you ever wonder why I do all these things.”

“Don't raise your voice at me.” I said eyeing him.

He sighed. “My phone?”

I dropped his phone on the desk where he was seated and walked to my bed sitting angrily.

He stared at me dryly before storming out. I fell on the bed and kicked my feet cursing at him and myself.

But mostly myself.

I don't understand why one person would make me behave this way towards the person I love most. The feeling of being rejected, well sort of, by Yoongi made me feel bad. I wanted to talk to Hoseok about it but every time he's around, all he does is talk to girls and eventually makes me forget why I actually came to meet him.

I guess I've just been bottling up all the emotions. I just let my tears flow freely.

All week, Hoseok avoided me and it even stung more than being rejected, well sort of, by Yoongi.

The other guys noticed since we didn't talk to each other, we didn't even sit near each other and when I've been going home with Taehyung and Jukyung the past four days.

They asked me if there was a problem but I said no every time they asked. I know they didn't believe me but they decided to stop asking since they knew we'd settle our fight eventually.

But no. It continued for another week. Every night, I'd cry myself to sleep. And on some other nights, I'd spend it with Jukyung. I became quieter since it's who I really am but Hoseok brought out the extrovert in me.

There was a knock on my door. I groaned loudly and went to open the door.

Yoongi stood there, nervously scratching his nape.

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