Chapter Twelve

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Hoseok's POV

I sighed as I slumped into my bed. It's been two weeks since Hyojin and I had that little argument in her room. It didn't seem like a big deal but she didn't talk to me the next day and I didn't try to talk to her either. It seemed to continue that way til now.

I hated every single second of it. I wasn't able to pat her head or hug her or just tease her. She hadn't been coming to watch me practice. She avoided me in P.E and the classes we had together. She sat far away from me during lunch.

I missed her.

I could see she was hurting as much as I am but she's just being stubborn. I knew one way or the other, we'd settle but right now, I feel like we needed space from each other.

I shook my head. When did I ever need space from Hyojin. She is my best friend. I've known her since forever. She had always been there. Right, left, front, back, up, down, no matter where I looked, she was always there. I didn't complain. I just don't know why I feel like we need space now.

I was starting to have headache. I rubbed my temple and went downstairs to use some medicine.

“Hoseok~ah.” my older sister, Jiwoo called.

“Oh hi, Noona, I didn't know you were home.” I said opening the cabinet to search for the medicine.

“Thats what you said yesterday.”

I sighed. “I'm sorry.”

“Is it girl problem?” she asked.

“Why do you think I have girl problem?” I eyed her.

“Hmm, no then, Hyojin?” she narrowed her eyes at me. “What did you do again?”

“Why do you think I did something?” I whined.

“Hmm, then were you rejected? You already told her how you feel?” she gushed.

“No I didn't,” I pried her off me. “We just argued about something.”

“What's that?” she asked.

“Nothing important, okay? Mind your business.” I snapped.

She sucked her teeth and shook her head at me. “I don't care about you,” she walked away slowly. “Just think about how she's feeling right now. You're the only male figure she looks up to.”

“Are you really bringing that up?” I sighed.

“Yes I am.” she sat on the three seater couch facing the tv. “And I won't stop until you tell her how you feel.”

“I can't okay?!” I almost shouted. I was getting frustrated.

“Why not?” she looked at me softly and patted the couch for me to sit.

I took the offer. But instead I laid my head on her laps while she stroked and played with my hair.

“Because she has this stupid thing she's hellbent on doing.” I said.

“What's that?” she questioned.

“You know how everyone stereotypes a boy and a girl who are best friends as potential lovers,” I started. “Well, she hates it. And so she's going to make sure she proves them wrong.”

She didn't say anything she just played with my hair more as a 'go on' sign.

“We did talk about it and even decided to take each other as family. She tells everyone we're twins born few days apart. I was okay with it at first but then it felt like I'm not in control of my emotions. I fell in love with her.”

I took a shaky breath. “I tried everything I could to make the feelings go away. I even tried being with other girls but she was always on my mind.”

I stopped for a while remembering when I had once moaned her name one time I was having sex with one of my classmates who came to my house at night to 'borrow' a textbook.

“Noona, she doesn't even want to be with me romantically.” I frowned.

“Ah, uri Hoseok~ah, I thought you said it wasn't girl problem.” she teased.

“Noona, now's not the right time.” I growled at her.

She laughed lightly. “Well, isn't it better to let her know that you like her than just suffering silently.”

“I will eventually, but not now. Maybe when we finish college.” I said.

“College is still in two years and then four years in college.” my sister whined. “Hoseok~ah, what if you don't like her anymore by that time?”

“Then it was never meant to be.” I said simply. I sat up. “I'll talk to her tomorrow by the way. Just to end this silly fight. I miss her.”

“I'm sure she does too.” my sister gave me a sad look.

I just wish she'd like me back even if it's for a day. I thought myself as I walked back to my room.


Yoongi's POV

I had noticed that something was up with Hoseok and Hyojin, he didn't come to pick her up as he normally would and she would always sulk whenever she got home from school.

School was even worse. They wouldn't look at each other. She stopped coming to lunch three days ago. She was always in the library.

I was worried as she didn't look very okay. She had bags under her eyes and wore hoodies most of the time, hiding her neck.

At home was much worse as sometimes, I'd hear muffled cries in the middle of the night.

My heart sank. I didn't know what made them fight. I had so many things to figure out.

Could it be couples disagreement, or just normal friends fight, or both of them deciding to take a break from each other but then they wouldn't take breaks from each other if they weren't romantically involved.

Or could it be one of them got rejected by the other?

“Arrgggh!” I groaned running my hands through my hair.

It was difficult for me not to approach her. I had told her not to talk to me and even avoided her. But I just couldn't stand seeing her like that.

I swallowed my pride and decided to check up on her.

Here goes nothing.

I'm standing in front of her door. Giving it one last thought. Should I or should I not.

For all I know she could slam the door on my face for telling her to get out of my life.

I gulped before taking the bold move of knocking on her door.

I heard a loud groan from inside and then some shuffling before the doorknob turned and the door was opened.

I stood there nervously scratching my nape as I'm scared she'd slam the door in my face.

She looked very pale and small. She was wearing her hoodie and sweatpants. There was a little snot on her nose.

I didn't know when I rubbed it off her nose.

Author's Note

Ngl, that was a bit icky. But you'd do it for someone you love right?

Love ya.

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