Chapter Eighteen

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I'm sitting in Hoseok's room, eating snacks his mom had prepared for me. Seokjin and Taehyung were also here.

“What did you do in Seoul?” I asked as I munched on the snack.

“Boys stuff.” Seokjin said.

I eyed him and turned to Taehyung.

“Boys stuff.” Taehyung said and they both laughed at me.

“Really? Don't be like this.” I whined but they only laughed more.

“Tell me, does Hoseok finally has someone he likes? Like a girl. Not all those ones at school. But a serious one.” I asked.

“Why are you asking us? Aren't you his best friend?” Seokjin asked.

“Well, he's been distant lately.” I sighed.  “I don't know anything he's doing. So I thought maybe he has a serious girlfriend who's taking him from me.” I smiled sheepishly.

Taehyung smiled with me. “We don't know. We only went to Seoul for boys stuff.”

I rolled my eyes and continued eating. Taehyung stole from my snacks once in a while and him and I playfully fought.

Hoseok came back from taking a shower and we all headed out to skate.


The next day, Yoongi invited me out for a walk. It ended up like a little date, well that's what I called it in my mind. I was exploding inside.

We ate cotton candy, played games, went to the karaoke, and he bought two plushies for me.

It was almost time for us to go home when he suddenly pulled out a small box from inside his jacket pointing it over to me.

“What's that?” I asked.

“It's your Christmas gift.” He answered.

“You didn't have to.” I smiled.

He handed me the box and scratched the back of his head. “Open it.”

I hesitated but obeyed nonetheless.

It was a necklace with a swan pendant. It was very pretty.

“Come on,” he took out the necklace and stood behind me. “I'll put it on for you.”

He pulled my hair to the side and caressed my neck for a while. I felt something cold against my neck. He wore the necklace on my neck.

“There.” he said. “Pretty.”

“Thank you.” I said as I played with the swan.

“It's nothing.” He said and planted a kiss on my neck causing me to shudder.

I was so tempted to tell him how I felt towards him but I thought against it for the thousandth time that night.

“Let's go.” He pulled my hands and led us home.


It was new year's eve. Yoongi had told me to come with him to watch the fireworks with Hoseok, the other guys, Soojin and Jukyung.

We had so much fun before the fireworks started. We splitted into two groups. Soojin, Seokjin, Jimin, Yoongi and I.

Jimin and I walked side by side, Seokjin and Soojin walked at the front. They were both carried away by a lot of plushies. Yoongi walked alone at the back following us.

Jimin and I talked about how we spent our Christmas but still he wouldn't tell me what they did in Seoul.

“Bro code.” he said.

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