Chapter seven

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The school hallway was filled with half excited students and half gloomy ones. I was part of the excited ones.

I was excited because finally, Hoseok and I have two classes together, I was going to be in the band and orchestra club so I can spend time with Hoseok.

Hoseok and I walked over to meet Jukyung and Soojin at their lockers.

“Hi girls.” Hoseok winked at them.

I smacked his arm when I noticed he made them uncomfortable. He hissed in pain before hitting me back.

“So you guys are still lovebirds.” Soojin asked.

“Yes.” Hoseok replies.

Soojin was about to say something when Hoseok quickly says his goodbyes giving me a side hug before running over to where his band mates and friends were.

I looked over to them and saw that Yoongi was there. I remembered what happened at Hoseok's last Friday. Him and I have avoided each other very well as I didn't bump into him once. I was starting to think he doesn't really stay in the house. I shuddered and shook my head.

“So it's a no? I thought we said we would join BOC this year. ” Jukyung whined.

Oh so she had been talking to me.

I'm joining the club.” I quickly say.

“Oh Good.” she heaves a sigh of relief.

The bell rang signaling the first period. As always, Soojin and I go into our homeroom while Jukyung goes into the same homeroom as Hoseok.


It was lunch time. My friends and I all gathered cafeteria. We didn't have a specific table so we almost had a new table every day.

We were eating lunch when Hoseok and his seven friends walked up to us. I shifted angrily on my seat because that Yoongi guy would also be at this table.

“Mind if we join?” Seokjin asked. He clearly didn't wait for our reply before taking a seat beside Soojin.

The other boys all sat down dropping their food on the table.

“Mind if you gave you permission first?” Jukyung asked.

“Sorry.” Seokjin says without looking away from his food.

Hoseok and I talked a lot with Jungkook and Jimin chiming in once in a while. Jukyung and Taehyung were also talking about something. I was so sure I heard onions in their conversation.

Namjoon, Seokjin and Soojin were also talking. Something about cooking books, not really sure. Yoongi just sits on his phone.

Our eyes met twice and each time I looked away first. I hate his guts so much.

After lunch, Hoseok and I went to the class we had together while the rest also went to their respective classes.

The first day of school was okay, I guess. Nothing dramatic happened. Everyone had a positive attitude towards the new academic year.

It's been a month since school resumed and since I last talked to Yoongi. We had advanced English class together but we don't talk to each other.

He also is in the BOC and we managed to avoid each other well. He's mostly quiet during the classes. Only talks when he's asked to or when he had to say something that'll contribute to the club's conversation.

I liked how we avoided each other. It makes it easier for me not to devise ways to murder him and then report myself.

Hoseok's band were starting to gain publicity in the neighborhood as other school students were starting to fangirl over them.

Our school decided to host a festival to mark the end of summer. Although I felt it was a little bit late but whatever.

Since I was in the Students Council, as well as Namjoon and Soojin, we were able to come up with ideas to make the festival fun. Namjoon and Soojin were put in charge.

The both of them decided to be tasked with different things. Namjoon with the music affair and talent show, Soojin with the event planning and decorations. I was so excited to not be part of the team because that would be extra work for me and I hate extra work.


It was the afternoon of the Festival. Soojin was working her ass off trying to get the place decorated in time for the festival.

I was coming from the band room when Soojin asked for my help with some of the decorations. I decided to help out until Hoseok finished his practice since we were going home together before coming back to school for the festival.

“Sure, what do you need help with?” She gave me some balloons that needed to be hanged.

“Hey, you know I have fear of heights.” I eyed her.

“It's just a few feet.” She pleaded.

I rolled my eyes and began hanging the balloons with the help of a ladder. I had hung about 7 of them when I suddenly tripped when I tried going one step higher on the ladder.

I yelped, waiting for my body to hit the floor but it never did. Instead I felt hands around my waist keeping me from falling.

“Careful.” The voice said.

That voice.

I knew that voice anywhere.

I quickly collected myself from Yoongi and stood upright. I muttered a thanks and climbed up the ladder almost missing another step.

His hands once again came to my waist to support me from falling.

He chuckled. “You're so clumsy.”

I cleared my throat and he let go of me. I muttered another thanks.

“Who let you on a ladder?” he asked.

“None of your business.” I snapped.

“Hey hey hey.” he raised his hands in defense. “Who's being rude now?”

“I would prefer you leave now, Sunbaenim” I said since we were in school and I had to.

“Oh so now it's Sunbaenim?” He smiled.

I didn't reply instead I continued hanging the balloons. He stood there watching my every move. He tried helping me by holding out a balloon for me but I ignored it and took another one myself.

He sucked his teeth and laughed quietly. I rolled my eyes in frustration.

“If you're trying to apologise, do it right.” I said already tired of him being near me.

He pursed for a while before exhaling loudly.

“I'm sorry, Hyojin.”


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