Chapter Nineteen

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After the confessions, Yoongi and I met up with the other guys and we went home, holding hands while I blushed uncontrollably.

I noticed Soojin was moody as we walked together.

Did Seokjin reject her? I wondered.

I wanted to ask her what happened but I decided to wait til we were alone before I asked.

Taehyung went with Jukyung to her house while Soojin gloomily followed Seokjin as he offered to escort her. The rest of the boys left.

The atmosphere felt somehow.

I knew something was up and they weren't saying anything.

Did anything happen when Yoongi and I were away?

I went into my room immediately I got home. I was feeling shy and I didn't want to see Yoongi again that night.

I called Soojin to ask her why she was moody.

“Hey Soojin~ah.” I called. “I noticed you were moody. Did something happen between you and Seokjin?”

“No.” she said. “He's leaving.”

“Leaving?” I asked. “Oh he's leaving for college this year. Is that why you're moody?”

I remembered that Yoongi was also leaving for college this year and I suddenly fell moody too.

“No he's not leaving for college.” she said. Her voice was starting to shake.

“What happened?” I asked, concerned.

“I told him how I felt earlier this night. He told me he felt the same way too but he can't be with me.” She explained with shaky voice.

“Why?” I asked.

“He's going to Seoul. He's going to Seoul, Hyojin.” she broke down.

“Soojin~ah, calm down.”

“And he said because of that he can't be with me.” she said.

“Soojin, I don't understand. Calm down and explain to me.” I said. “You know what? I'm coming over.”

I quickly put on a jacket and ran to her house.

“Soojin~ah.” I hugged her the moment I got to her house.

I waited until she calmed down before I allowed her to talk.

“The boys. They are leaving for Seoul. They got accepted to be trainees in a company. They are going to be idols. They went for the audition in December.” she said in a rush.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “Which boys?”

“Seokjin, Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi.” she listed.

It was like my whole body was paralyzed. I couldn't move or feel anything.

“Are you joking?” I asked.

“Yah~ does it look like I'm joking?”

“Hoseok did tell me anything about audition or trainee or anything.” I was confused.

“Well, Seokjin said he couldn't date me because since they already were accepted to be trainees, they can't date.”

“What?” I asked. “Then Yoongi~”

“What happened with Yoongi?” she asked.

I explained everything to Soojin.

“I hate those boys! I hate them so much. They kept everything from us.” she screamed. “And they said we are friends.”

“We'll confront them tomorrow.” I said trying to calm her down.

“There's no confronting them tomorrow. They are leaving tonight.” Soojin said.

“What?” I got up from the bed.

“You should go see Hoseok or Yoongi. Before they leave.” she said pushing me out of her room. “They aren't coming back for a while. Maybe 3-4 years. Go Hyojin.”

“What about you? Go see Seokjin.” I said taking her hands.

“It doesn't matter.” she took her hands away from mine. “Go now, hurry.”

I looked at her one last time before running out of her house.

I ran home first to see Yoongi as it's closer than Hoseok's house.

“Yoongi!!!” I yelled the moment I swung open the door.

“He just left.” His mom said.

“He didn't tell me he was leaving!” I cried.

“Really?” she asked surprised. “Why wouldn't he-”

“Which train station did he go?” I asked in a hurry.

I ran out immediately she told me the train station they were going.

I ran into Hoseok's house to look for him.

“Hyojin, what are you doing here?” His sister asked.

“Hoseok, where is he?”

“He left for the train station.” his sister said. “He didn't tell you, did he?”

I cried. “He didn't.”

I ran out and faced the way of the train station.

This isn't how I had hoped this new year would start. I cried as I ran feeling betrayed.

A thousand questions running through my mind.

Why didn't he tell me?

I got to the train station but it was already too late.

The train had just taken off.

I slid down and buried my head into my legs.

Why didn't any one of them tell me anything.

I wouldn't have known if Soojin hadn't told me.

I would never forgive any of them.

Yoongi left after confessing to me.

His words were now making sense to me. Everything he said that night now made sense.

I felt like disappearing.

After crying at the train station for about 30 minutes, I want home.

I called Hoseok on my phone. He picked up on the second ring.

“I'm sorry, Hyojin. They said we shouldn't let anyone know.” he said and I wouldn't lie, his voice held sadness and uncertainty.

“So your boys stuff was auditioning and getting accepted? Your boy stuff was keeping secrets from me? Your best friend of many years?” my voice cracked.


“I never want to see you again.” I said and hung up.

I never even got to say goodbye. I didn't even bother calling Yoongi because it would be the same thing he'd say.

I felt so sad. But I decided that it'd be best if I just forgot about them like how I forgot about my dad.

It's not easy, is it?

Author's Note

I don't know if I should let the story end this way or still continue to when they grow up and meet again.
Please let me know in the comments.
I want to leave it at here and also want to give it like 20 more chapters. I'm torn in-between 😩😩
Help a sister out, pls.

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