ch 1; Do you have his number?

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The red echidna sighs bored while examining his knuckles, sitting on the mountain where he is guarding the master emerald.
At first he was proud to be the chosen one to guard the huge rock.
But the lonely days start growing more and more on him.
  There are moments where he sees the others, playing happily with each others.
They are there, while he isn't. He is only a mere shadow, keeping his eyes on them for afar.
Not like he would wants Amy as company again. He really couldn't stand her accompany at earth where they ended up after a fight between Sonic and Dr.Eggman.
She kept babbling about Sonic the whole time...
No, he wouldn't want her by his side. But, he wouldn't has anything against if Sonic was next him...

Knuckles smiles a little from the thought of Sonic.
At first he was really mad at Sonic. Blaming him for the situation there they teleported to another planet.
He knew Sonic was an immature animal. Only doing things for fun.
So, at first he was annoyed at the blue hedgehog.
But after awhile there he had to spend time with him, he started to grow attached to him.
And nowadays Knuckles could caught himself with wishing they would end up at earth again. Where he could spend more days with Sonic.

Knuckles shakes the head. No! He cannot wish for something like that... He has the responsibility to guard the master emerald!
His place is here... Not at earth. Or somewhere else.
But... He would love if Sonic could sit next him and just talk. And kiss...
Knuckles wides the eyes inhaling.
Why does he thinks about Sonic in such a way?! They are both males... So why, why does he wanna to do certain things with him?!
Knuckles gulps while blushing.
Then he squirms a slightly uncomfortable on the ground.
... DO YOU WANT A CUPCAKE?!!!" A high-pitched and annoying voice shouts from somewhere below. Amy.

Knuckles snorts and rolls the eyes.
Why does the last animal he wants to see, be the first to show up?
Maybe he should just ignore her and pretend he hasn't heard her at all... Even though a cupcake would taste amazing. As long it isn't too sweet.
Should he accept the cupcake from Amy? Amy who knows Sonic and has probably his phone number...
The red echidna was about to lay down with the arms crossed behind the head, when he jolts gasping.
He sits upright.
The thoughts keeps whirling around in his head. Perhaps he could asks Amy if she has Sonic's number?
"KNUUUUCKLEEEES, I KNOW YOU ARE THERE! HEY... ANSWER ME!!!" The pink hedgehog shouts with a slightly annoyed pitch in the voice.
Knuckles stands a slightly unsure up while setting the mind on the idea.
Then he moves down from the mountain by floating down with the wind under his dreadlocks.

Amy's upset face brights up the moment when she sees Knuckles.
"I knew you could hear me~" she giggles happily and shove the hand into the shoulder bag.
Then she takes out a chocolate cupcake with pink buttercream icing on top of it.
"Here you are" she smiles and hands the cupcake over to Knuckles.
The red echidna raises an eyebrow and looks down at his palm where the cupcakes is.
Amy points at the icing.
"The icing is buttercream with strawberry flavor... I'm sure you will love it... Cream ate two of them..." she tells him. Obviously excited to see Knuckles to taste the cupcake she made earlier.
But the echidna doesn't feel very excited anymore, to eat any cupcake.
He loves cakes etc. But not when they taste way too sweet.
Knuckles sighs softly. Since he wants to ask a favor from Amy, he can't let her down by denying hers cupcake.
The male parts his lips and takes a big bite of the cupcake.
The sweetness hits him the second his teeth dug into its soft flesh. It's way too sweet. As he suspected.

Amy leans forward against him and stares intensely at him. She seems looking forward to hear any good words about the cupcake.
Knuckles forces a smile at the lips, the second he swallowed hardly.
"It-... Taste very good... Ehm... Thank?" He says while the corners of the lips twitched. Keeping the fake smile is really hard. But he can't risking she will run, screaming away.
He really wants Sonic's phone number...
"YAY~" Amy bursts out with the arms throwing upward.
The echidna jolts a little backward from her sudden movement.
Amy clenches her hands.
"Now, I'm sure Sonic will love them... I need to hand his, over to him now~" she says without talking directly to Knuckles.
The red echidna inhales deeply.
"Ehm A-amy? Speaking about S-sonic..." knuckles clears the throat while Amy gets silent and looks asking at him.
"Sonic? What about him?" She blinks confused.
Knuckles stutters a little while blushing. He looks away from her.
"You do have his number, don't you?"
She tilts the head.
"I do... Why do you ask?"
Knuckles eyes start darting nervously around.
"I-... I... Ehm... Want h-his n-number..." he gulps blushing.
Amy hums thoughtfully and starts eyeing him doubtfully. Smelling something fishy.
Then she jolts and let's out a small 'ah', as she got a good idea.
"Alright~" she smiles widely and nods.
Knuckles gasps surprised. He almost thought she wouldn't gives Sonic's number to him.
Literally everyone know Amy is crazy for Sonic. And no one else are allowed to put their finger at him.

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