I'll find you, part two

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Sorry-... This part is kinda shitty xD The next part will be much better~

The gang entered the secret base.
Sonic looks at his friends.
"I will find Eggman and make him pay... You can try finding Shadow in the meanwhile..." he tells them.
Knuckles and Rouge nod in agreement.
Then they take off while Silver hesitating stands with Sonic.
The blue hedgehog raises an eyebrow.
"Is something wrong Silver?"
The Silver furred hedgehog jolts.
"I- eh... " he swallows hardly and looks determined at him.
"I will follow you-..."
"-... I need speaking with Dr.Eggman and ask where the box I had trapped Mephiles in, is... I don't think we will otherwise win against him... The box might be our only chance" he explains.
Sonic exhales surprised.
Then he nods smiling.
"Alright... Then you and I can take care of Eggman"
Silver smiles.
"Thank you Sonic-..."

Knuckles looks around while running with the heart pounding nervously.
What if Shadow is dead? Or completely broken down?
The echidna grits the teeth, growling.
Mephiles will pay if he has harmed Shadow... Knuckles will make sure about that!
The echidna knocks door after door down, but couldn't find Shadow anywhere.
"SHADOW-..." he cries in despair.

Knuckles runs down to the dungeon and jolts when he sees the damage on the cell where Shadow was captured.
He exhales shocked and looks around.
"SHADOW ARE YOU HERE?!" He shouts and think Shadow might has escaped.
When he isn't getting any respond, he clicks the tongue and runs out from the dungeon and back where he parted with the others.

Sonic and Silver run down along the corridor where more flying robots as the ones at the wedding, are approaching them.
"We have company-..." Silver points out and glances at the silver-white, round robots with wings who looks more as the ones on satellites, than on a living being.
Sonic looks up at them while running.
"I will take care of them-..." he says and speeds up before pressing the right foot on the floor and jumps up toward the robots.
With the speed of the light he smashes one robot after another without landing on the floor between each attack.
The robots start attacking randomly since they couldn't keep up with Sonic's speed.
Soon every robot were destroyed on the floor and couldn't move.
Sonic grins proudly toward Silver.
"Let's go and find Eggman" he says and starts moving down along the corridor.
Silver nods and is following Sonic by running behind him.

Soon Sonic runs inside the control room where Eggman turns frustrated toward him.
The blue hedgehog points at him.
"Hello egg face, we are here to take you down-..." Sonic says.
Eggman's eyebrow twitched.
"Egg face?!" He spits out and couldn't believe Sonic just made fun of his face... That little arrogant rat, Eggman thinks grunting.
Sonic inhales deeply while Silver looks curiously around with the eyes.
"-...Where do you hide Shadow!? If you are giving our friend back, we won't harm you"
"You won't harm me?-..." Eggman says in a mocking voice.
"Wow-... That's very kind Sonic... Sadly I don't have Shadow here anymore..." he adds dramatically.
Sonic tilts the head.
"Then-... Tell me where he is now!"
Eggman smirks.
"Like I would tell you that... You might not harm me... But I will certainly harm you, my little blue hedgehog" he says and pushes a red button on a device.
Suddenly the floor and walls start rumbling.
"Woah-..." Sonic gasps and twitches with the ears and tries figuring out where the enemy could be.

Silver grits the teeth and takes a step toward Eggman.
"You were the robber who stole the box in my house, weren't you?" Silver asks while a large door gets opened from the floor and upward to the ceiling.
Eggman chuckles.
"Maybe it was-... And what will you do about it?"
Silver narrows the eyes.
"I need that box back! Mephiles is dangerous-... You don't know what kind of evil you have released..."He growls while an enormous robot enters the room.
Eggman scoffs.
"Do you really th-...Ahh! Here is ultimate-Omega-2000..."
"Eh?" Silver turns the face confused at the blue, red and silver robot with drills as muzzle and hands.
Eggman laughs.
"Enjoy the fight, hedgehogs..." the manic tells them and is about to walk out from the room.

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