the party, part two

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While Knuckles is getting them something to drink, Rouge approaches Shadow and pinches his arm.
"Ouch-..." Shadow jolts and glances annoyed at her while caressing the arm.
"Why did you do that for?!" He mutters.
"Don't tell me you are doing those stupid things boys do when they like a girl!" She scolds him.
Shadow scoffs.
"What are you talking about, moron?"
Rouge narrows the eyes at him.
"Being mean to the girl you like..."
"What girl?!" Shadow spits out.
Rouge was about to say Amy's name when the pink hedgehog stomps over to them.
"SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG!!!" she shouts angrily and stares at him.
Shadow grunts surprised and blinks at her.
"And what's wrong with you, hag?"
Amy points at him.
"I love Sonic! Do you hear me?! NOT you...SONIC!"
Shadow rolls the eyes.
Amy grits the teeth and blushes a little.
"And if you ever try stealing any kiss again, I will hit you with the hammer!"
Shadow chuckles and starts leaning towards her while grabbing her chin.
Amy grunts surprised while her heart pounds faster and a bit excited to get a kiss.
But a few seconds before he kissed her, Rouge pulled his ear toward her.
"Ngh!!!..." Shadow let's go of Amy and leans backward toward Rouge instead.
"You idiot!" Rouge hisses in loud whispering.
"What do you think you are doing?!" She adds while Amy confused and shocked walks away from them. Shocked since she almost got another kiss stolen. And from wrong hedgehog again...

Shadow laughs shakily.
"What?!" He shrugs and tries getting her hand of his ear.
"She literally challenged me... I was only teasing her and wanted to see if she would hit me or not... And the coward didn't..."
Rouge scoffs and let's go of his ear while Knuckles walks away from the table with two cups.
"If I've had a hammer I would actually hit you right now... And hopefully knock some sense in your head... Do you want Knuckles to dump you?"
Shadow flinches with increased heartbeats.
"No... Of course I don't... I love him" he responds hurted.
Rouge glares at him.
"Then, stay away from Amy and stop being the asshole who is cheating"
Shadow gasps.
"I'm not-..." he starts protesting in a slightly louder voice when Knuckles joined them.
"Here-..." the echidna says and gives Shadow one cup.
Knuckles looks a bit apologizing at Rouge.
"Sorry-... I didn't got you any-..."
Rouge shakes the head.
"It's alright sweetie"
Knuckles nods and looks curiously at them.
"What are you talking about?"
Shadow wides the eyes a little afraid.
But Rouge shrugs.
"Nothing much... I'm only teasing Shadz as usual... And he is just being a dick toward me..." she lies sighing.
Which makes Shadow to exhales relieved.
The dark furred hedgehog starts drinking and notices there isn't any alcohol in the punch. As he thought... The party is pretty lame.
But lucky him, he actually brought alcohol with him. Alcohol he can pour in the drink.
Knuckles smiles.
"I'm happy Shadow has a friend as you..." the echdina says and made Shadow to spit out the punch on the grass.
Knuckles glances curiously at his boyfriend while Rouge glares pissed at him.
Shadow smirks and wipes the mouth with the side of the hand.
"Like she is doing any good... That damn bat is making me nuts" he clicks the tongue.
Rouge huffed and crosses the arms.
"Only because you are an easy target to tease... If you could relax a bit, then I might not pick on you all the time" she points out and grins.

Amy starts looking worried around. Sonic hasn't arrived yet and that makes her nervous.
She walks over to Cream and cheese.
"Hi Amy... I love your dress" the bunny girl tells her from the ground by a tree where she eats snacks with her little friend.
Amy looks down at her.
"Have you seen Sonic?" She gulps.
Cream tilts the head.
"Sonic?... No-... We haven't seen him, right Cheese?" She answers and looks asking at Cheese.
Cream looks apologizing back at her.
"Sorry Amy-..."
The pink hedgehog flinches and waves the hands.
"No...No... It fine. You don't need to apologize... It's not your fault he is late" she chuckles nervously.
Cream smiles encouraging at her.
"I love your party... Thanks for inviting me"
Amy smiles at her.
"Thank...And thanks for coming over. If you see Sonic, tell him I want to speak with him" she says and starts walking away.

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