ch 6; fear

720 26 2

Knuckles squirms nervously on the seat at Vanilla's café.
It isn't a date. Yet it feels like one. At least for him.
Why did he agreed to hang out here? There every single person he knows could see them...

Across the table sits Shadow with pounding heart. He might be the one who invited Knuckles. Yet he couldn't get himself to talk. Instead he pinches small pieces off from the chocolate cupcake and eats them.
How was he able to talk with the echidna before?
Now he can't. And it doesn't help when the large rabbit giggles from the cash register while eyeing them.
Vanilla seems believe they are on a date together... Which makes everything more nervous.

The door gets opened and Rouge the bat enters the Cafe where she starts walking over to Vanilla. But halfway over there, she notices the two awkward animals in the corner of the eye.
She grunts surprised and turns asking to them.
Then she grins.
"I see..." she mumbles and walks over to them.
"Well well... What do we have here?~" she says and stands by the short side of their table.
Knuckles and Shadow gasp blushing and look startled at her.
"R-rouge?" Knuckles says.
"W-what are you doing here?" Shadow asks in an unwelcoming, and yet nervous voice.
Rouge snorts shrugging.
"Isn't a lady allowed to buy herself a cake?... Now I want to know why you are here~" she smirks and is examining them curiously.
Knuckles looks nervously at Shadow who is only staring shocked at her.
"We?...What we are doing?" Shadow asks slowly as his mind tries finding an answer.
Rouge crosses the arms.
"Yes! You two look like you are on a date" she grins.
The echidna froze. How is he supposed to answer on that? Are they on a date?
Shadow narrows the eyes with a slightly parted lips.
A few seconds later he looks at Rouge.
"No?... We are not..." the hedgehog tells her and sounds more unsure than convinced.
While Knuckles looks a bit sad and disappointed down, Rouge raises an eyebrow.
"If you aren't... Then why do you sound so unconvinced when saying you aren't?" She teases and leans across the table against shadow and starts eyeing him doubtfully.
Shadow flinches backward on the seat with gritted teeth while making a hissing sound.
"Don't-..." the flushed hedgehog gulps.
"D-don't be ridiculous, woman... Care about your own business and leave us alone..." he snorts and crosses the arms while turning the face away.
Rouge blinks surprised for a moment. Then she exhales a short and silent laugh.
The bat stands upright and looks over at Knuckles.
The echidna swallows hardly.
She smiles at him.
"Take care of Shadz for me, okay honey?" She winks at him before walking over to the cash register.
"...Right..." Knuckles mumbles and let's out air of relief. Relieved Rouge wasn't teasing him. No way he could keep the face in front her.

Rouge tells Vanilla her order.
The tall rabbit starts filling a paper bag with a few cookies, she then wraps the opening before handing the bag over to Rouge.
"Thanks, see you the next time~" Rouge waves before walking to the door where she glances at Shadow and Knuckles one last time.
She exhales smiling and walks out.

An awkward silence fell over them.
Few moments later, Knuckles looks at Shadow.
"Such bad luck, huh?" He chuckles nervously.
Shadow looks asking at him and untangled the arms.
Knuckles shrugs.
"Of everyone we know, she had to be the one to enter the Cafe..." he adds.
Shadow smirks and leans a slightly forward on the seat.
"Yeah-... But rather her than Amy..." he says and starts eating on the cupcake again.
"Rouge is kinda cool... Nosey sometimes... But a great friend" he adds before swallowing orange juice.
Knuckles nods smiling.
"Yeah-... You have right... Rouge can be annoying... But she is at least not Amy..." Knuckles says and places the hand with its back on the table and its palm facing up.
Shadow gets silent and looks at the hand on the table.
The hedgehog places his hand with the palm facing down, a few centrimeters away from Knuckles'.

Knuckles looks confused at Shadow who keeps staring at his hand.
His heart pounds loudly when he moves the hand a slightly forward where he places it on Shadow's.
The hedgehog jolts and looks asking up at him.
Knuckles smiles a bit nervous and rubs the hand gently at his.
Shadow pulls the hand sliding backward on the table, toward him.
He drops the hand from the table and looks shyly away from Knuckles.

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