ch 7; You L-like me?... Right?

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It has been a few days now. And Knuckles starts believing Shadow is actually avoiding him. Especially since he has been texting Shadow without getting any answer.
So, he decided to try remembering where Shadow lives, and walk over there.

Awhile later he found the house and stands in front the door.
The echidna knocks the door.
It takes a while before he could hear footsteps walking toward the door from inside.
Shadow opens the door and looks confused at him.
Knuckles starts smiling when Shadow suddenly frown.
He drops the smile.
"What are you doing here?" Shadow asks unfriendly and rather uncomfortable with Knuckles there.
"I have been worried about you... Are you alright?"
The hedgehog scoffs.
"I'm fine-... Thank for your concern..." he answers and is staring somewhere at the sky instead at Knuckles.
Knuckles raises an eyebrow.
"What about Amy? Don't you wanna trick her anymore?"
Shadow gives him a short look before looking back at the sky.
"I am still writing... You have nothing to worry about... Something else? Or I can close the door?" Shadow grunts.
Knuckles stares shocked at him. Why does Shadow suddenly behave coldly at him?
"Have-..." Knuckles gulps and thinks about the situation at the Cafe.
"Have I done anything wrong toward you?"
Shadow froze.
"...No..." he mumbles kinda silently.
And while he starts blushing, he tries closing the door.
"I'm busy-... Bye... Thanks for your ehm... Visit..." Shadow says and had almost closed the door when Knuckles flinched and grabbed the door.
"Wait!" The echidna said when he grabbed the door.
Shadow wides the eyes. Nervous since he doesn't want to show Knuckles his true feelings. But also a bit afraid since he got reminded of Mephiles. How he couldn't hide himself when he was vulnerable.
Knuckles inhales.
"I do have done something wrong, haven't I?" He says with a slightly higher voice.
"Leave me-..." Shadow says with trembling voice and pounding heart. Trying his best to close the last part of the door. But can't since Knuckles doesn't let him.
Knuckles grits the teeth.
"I'm sorry I've touched you!... I totally misread you and thought you wanted to hold hands at the Cafe..." he apologies.
Shadow gasps jolting and stops pulling the door to close it.
"I-... ehm... You didn't-..." he stutters with lowered face and dropped ears.
He let's go of the door handle, slowly.

Knuckles stares at the door a few seconds before he decides to open the door completely.
"What do you m-..." he starts asking before he saw the flushed hedgehog. His heart skips a beat and he wides the eyes.
Shadow starts fidgeting.
" ... Leave me alone..." he begs silently.
Knuckles tilts the head and takes a step forward where he places a hand on Shadow's cheek.
Shadow shivers a slightly from the touch.
The echidna turns Shadow's face toward his.
"You L-like me? ...Right?" Knuckles asks bluntly.
Shadow inhales sharply and stares deeply into Knuckles violet eyes.
Then he furrows the eyebrows sadly and hums.
"... I-... Do..." he admits and looks away with the eyes.

Knuckles leans forward and lids the eyes while softly pressing his lips at Shadow's.
The hedgehog gasps shocked and stares at him.
But soon he lids the eyes slowly and kisses a bit hesitating back.
With butterflies in the stomach, Knuckles embraces Shadow and starts kissing him more passionately. But carefully since he doesn't want to startle him.
A single tear runs down along Shadow's cheek.
For the first time it feels as he is loved. It feels as he could melt in Knuckles' warm embrace.
The hedgehog wraps his arms around Knuckles' neck and presses himself toward him.
He isn't sure who started it, but soon their tongues stroke gently and yet hungry at each others.
Making the whole thing more dirty and intimate than romantic.
They pant heavily during the kiss as the air from the lungs start deflate.
Knuckles and Shadow moan few times until they've had to break apart.

They both pant heavily while staring surprised at each others.
Knuckles couldn't believe what just happened while Shadow feels a little dizzy.
The echidna clears the throat.
"Can I-... come in?" He gulps despite he theoretically already is inside.
Shadow is looking confused at him for a moment before he nods.
"Yeah-..." he says and moves aside.
Knuckles smiles and walks forward a bit where he then turns left to enter the living room.
Shadow closes the door before he follows Knuckles.

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