ch 10; Invitation card

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Shadow grins when he holds the latest letter from Amy.
"Guys, listen-..." he says in the pub where Rouge and Silver play pool.
Rouge was about to hit the white ball, but stops herself and looks asking at him.
Shadow had told them everything about Amy. Well almost everything. He didn't told them the part where Amy catfished him for weeks first.

Since Knuckles wanted them to stop catfishing her, Shadow got the brilliant idea how to end things.
He really hates her. So, he wants her to look like a fool in front everyone. Paying for everything she did to him.
So, he wrote her a letter as Sonic and said;

Hi Amy, I have now decided to tell everyone about us. But, I want to tell them all by myself.
So, I would love if you could invite everyone you know to a party. Like, Cream, Tails, Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow etc.
There I can tell them on stage or something, that, you and I are dating. Can you do that? And not tell our secret to anyone until I can tell them at the party?
Love you/ S

Shadow smirks.
"The idiot took the bait... she is writing invitations right now to the party where I will make her look like a fool" he tells his friends and bursts out into a short laugh, he soon swallows.
Rouge chuckles and shakes the head.
"Wow Shadz... You are really a bad guy... It's a shame you are already taken... Or else I would've sunk my fangs into you~"
Shadow rolls the eyes.
"Do you really think I would date someone as you?" He scoffs while Silver furrows the eyebrows in concern over the idea with Amy.
Rouge flinches and gasps pissed.
"Hey! And what would be wrong with dating me?!"
Shadow snorts and looks away from her.
The bat growls silently and stares at him in annoyance.
Then she clicks the tongue and looks away with crossed arms.
"Not like I would want to date you anyways-... A lady like me wants a handsome man who knows how to treat her... And treating her with jewelleries..." she says.
Then she hums thoughtfully and glances teasingly at Shadow.
"Maybe-... I should steal Knuckles from you..." she adds and makes Shadow to jolt.
"Wha-...?!" He stares annoyed at her.
"You would do what?!" He grits the teeth.
Rouge shrugs and looks at him with untangled arms.
"Well-... Knuckles is handsome and does own the biggest emerald around here... Just think about it... If I get married with him, then the master emerald would also be mine" she explains and starts daydreaming what she would do with the master emerald.
Shadow narrows the eyes while growling.
Then he scoffs and looks away.
"Shut up woman... Stop being silly and focus on the party"
Rouge jolts smiling.
"Oh right! I will get the perfect opportunity to use few jewelleries at the party..." she points happily out.
Silver looks worried at Shadow.
"I think you shouldn't do it..." he speaks up.
Shadow raises an eyebrow and looks asking at him.
"Why not?"
Silver swallows nervously.
"Amy doesn't deserves it... Can't we forget about the party? I mean... You do have Knuckles... Why messing with her?"

Shadow parts the lips slowly apart. Yeah, it might seems he is overdoing things. But... She started the war. Right?
The dark furred hedgehog shrugs nonchalantly.
Silver gives a sad look.
"You know-... The way you are treating her is awful... Something your ex cou-..." the silver furred hedgehog starts saying when Shadow flinched and ran over to him to cover his mouth with the hand.
Shadow shushes while a few muffled words came from Silver.
Rouge looks confused at Shadow.
"Your ex?... Did you've had a boyfriend before?" She asks curiously since she hasn't heard a single word about Shadow's past relationships.
Shadow wides his eyes few seconds before he stares accusing at Silver. As Silver just broke a promise between them.
Silver looks apologizing at him.
Shadow narrows the eyes at him and let's go of his mouth while sighing.
"That's not your concern..." he says and turns the back at them.
Rouge tilts the head.
Then she smiles and glances at silver. Since he seems knowing about Shadow's past, then she maybe can trick him to tell her.
It's not easy when you are a nosey bat and wants digging up dirt about others. Finding out their secrets.
Rouge grins at Shadow's back.
"I apologize honey... I won't bother you anymore... What about I am giving you free beers as an apology? " The bat suggests.
Shadow raises an eyebrow and looks over the shoulder at her.
"...Fine..." he snorts.
She nods and starts walking.
When she is passing Silver, she strokes the hand gently at his shoulder.
"And don't worry love... I will get you a beer as well..." she tells him.
Silver shivers from the touch.
He clears the throat.
"Thanks-..." he says and looks shyly away from her. With a small hint of blush on the cheeks.
Rouge chuckles and walks over to the bar counter where she orders three beers.

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