ch 2; this smells fishy

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The comic above isn't mine... I just added it, since it was very cute~☆ (you need to enlarge the image to see the whole comic)

Knuckles smiles happily down at the phone in his hand.
He never thought things would turn out great with Sonic.
A few weeks have passed since they started texting.
And nowadays are they even flirting.
Which gives him butterflies in the stomach, even though he thinks it's weird with following the rules Amy told him.

Knuckles; Hi sweetheart... I have been thinking... You know how crazy Amy can be... Did she lied about, you don't wanna talk in phone? I would love hearing your sweet voice... I'm feeling kinda lonely right now<\3

It takes few moments before he gets a reply.

"Sonic"; Hi babe-... I'm sorry, but she told you the truth... I don't like talking in the phone. I would love hearing your voice too and make you less lonely

Knuckles sighs disappointed.
He really hoped Amy had tricked him.
The echidna starts typing an answer.

Knuckles; Okay, that sucks. Maybe you could come over? In that way we could hear each others' voices and I wouldn't be lonely anymore.

Knuckles holds his breath the second he sent the text. Will Sonic come over?
A few seconds later he received the answer.

"Sonic"; Sry, but I can't.

The red echidna let's out the air he had held.
He furrows the eyebrows and stares disappointed at the screen.
It's not like Sonic has anything important going on in his life. So, why couldn't he come over?
Or at least writing he will come over later, or the next day etc.
Like the hedgehog doesn't want meet him in person... Is Sonic toying with him?


Shadow was sitting by the table at his house when the phone makes a short beep sound.
The black furred hedgehog takes the cellphone immediately up.
The heart pounds faster of excitement that, it could be a text from Sonic.

"Sonic" Hi sweetheart, I'm feeling kinda lonely right now... If it wasn't because of my problems with talking in phone, then I would love hearing your sweet voice<3

Shadow smiles widely and warmth starts spreading in the chest.
He likes when Sonic takes action and contacts him first.
At least he knows Sonic cares about him. And isn't just playing with his feelings...
The black hedgehog starts typing a reply.

Shadow; Hi babe-... I would love hearing your voice too and make you less lonely. I will send you a voice mail. Then you can choose if you wanna reply by sending a voice mail back... But if you don't want to. Then you don't have to.

Without wasting any second to do nothing, he starts recording his voice in the phone.
Shadow clears the throat.
"Hi Sonic... I do hope you will feel less lonely now... And hopefully it will feels as I'm standing next you while talking... Oh-... What do you think about, we meet in person? We could run up through the mountains around here... And perhaps have picnic or something? Doesn't that sounds as a great idea?... I L-lov....Eh, You know what I mean, stupid" Shadow clears the throat blushing, before letting go of the button on the screen.
Which stops the recording of his voice.
Shadow restarts the recording from the beginning and starts listening at his own voice for a short moment.
And when he has making sure he could hear his voice through the phone, he sends the voice mail to Sonic.

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