ch 16; I'll find you, part one

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He must escape! And saving Knuckles...
Right now, he doesn't think Mephiles will release Knuckles from the cell. And if Knuckles doesn't get any treatment for the wounds soon, he might die...

Shadow inhales deeply before he leans forward and starts pulling the arms to break the chains.
Every single muscle in his body are protesting after everything he has been through.
And even though the almost healed wound on his abdomen, starts paining, he keeps pulling.
Soon one chain breaks apart from the brick wall. Leaving a cracked hole in the wall.
Shadow gasps jolting when the resistance disappeared from the chain to his right wrist.
Without any longer pause, he grabs the other chain with the hand and pulls until the chain breaks apart.
Then he breaks the chain on his right wrist so, he was completely free from the chains.
Shadow glances over at the bleeding Knuckles in the other cell.
"I will soon free you... Don't worry Knux... " he says before walking toward the bars next the door.
He inhales.
Then he swiftly moves the hand toward the bars.
"Chaos spear!" He says and cast electric spears toward the bars and breaks them.
The hedgehog starts walking through the hole, when he suddenly heard approaching footsteps.
He flinches. Thinking it might be Mephiles.
Shadow gulps and drops the ears.
"SHADOW-... IS THAT YOU?" The approaching person shouts.
Shadow jolts.
"It can't be-..." he mumbles since he recognized the voice as Knuckles'.
Shadow glances confused over the shoulder at the bleeding Knuckles with a mask over the head in the cell.
"Who are you?" He mumbles.

Knuckles enters the dungeon and smiles widely when he sees Shadow standing there.
The echidna pants.
"I've finally found you-..." he says and made Shadow to flinch and look confused at him.
"K-knuckles?-..." Shadow says surprised.
Knuckles nods.
"I'm glad you seem okay... I was af-...Whoa!" He jolts when his eyes fell on the sitting echidna in the other cell.
Shadow raises an eyebrow and follows Knuckles with the eyes, when Knuckles walks toward the other cell.
"Is-... Is that another echidna?... I thought-..." Knuckles gasps.
Then he swallows and clenched the hands.
"I'll free him!" He says and slams the fist hardly on the door.
The door to the cell swings opened and Knuckles walks inside.
Then he kneels down in front the sitting echidna.
"Are you alr-..." he starts asking and touches the bleeding echidna who dissolves into smoke, and then into nothing.
"Whoa!" Knuckles wides the eyes.
Shadow parts the lips. So, Mephiles can create illusions?!...
And he almost tricked Shadow to give up, in exchange to save an illusion...
Despite he starts furrowing the eyebrows sadly, he is happy Knuckles seems alright. And is here to save him.
The echidna jolts.
"Oh right-... Maybe we should run while our friends take care of Eggman and Mephiles?" He says and walks out from the cell and toward Shadow.
Shadow gulps.
"B-but?... What if-..." he starts protesting when Knuckles grabs his hand.
"Don't worry-... I trust our friends... They are strong... Now I'm more concerned about you..." he says and starts pulling Shadow with him.
Shadow smiles softly.
" Thank you Knuckles..." he says while walking out from the dungeon.

Knuckles starts running while holding Shadow's hand.
They are outside, in the forest, and tries getting as far away from Eggman's secret base as they could.
Shadow raises an eyebrow and looks around.
"Where are we going?"
Knuckles glances at him.
"Somewhere safe... Until our friends have taken care of the enemies..."
"Oh-..." Shadow exhales and doesn't like the idea. But maybe since he doesn't want his friends to get hurted by Mephiles?

A while later, Knuckles stops running and let's go of Shadow's hand.
Shadow looks even more confused since they are standing nowhere in the forest.
"What are we doing he-..." the hedgehog starts asking when Knuckles suddenly grabbed a handle on the ground and pulled a secret gate opened.
Shadow parts the lips slowly apart, with increased heartbeats.
The echdina looks at him.
"Babe, get inside..." he tells Shadow.
The hedgehog looks doubtfully at the secret underground shelter.
He really doesn't want to walk down there...
He gets bad feelings about this...
Shadow looks asking at Knuckles.
Then he nods, since he knows he can always trust his boyfriend.
"Okay" he agrees and starts climbing the ladder, down to the bunker.

It's kinda dark down there. With food supplies on the shelves who seem last for weeks. And a bed next the metallic wall.
Shadow shivers.
This place kinda reminds him about the basement where Mephiles kept him in days and weeks as punishment.
Shadow turns around with the back toward the bed.
"I don't like this place-..." he tells Knuckles who had just locked the gate and climbed down from the ladder.
Knuckles looks asking toward the vulnerable hedgehog with his ears dropped in fear.
The echidna let's out a short laugh and walks toward him.
"Don't worry love... I will make you comfortable and forgetting where you are..." he tells Shadow and walks closer to him.
"H-how?" Shadow asks with pounding heart.
Knuckles presses the lips on his, making Shadow to grunt surprised.
The echidna starts pinning Shadow down on the bed while kissing him.

Shadow starts a bit hesitating to kiss him back while laying down, with the arms around Knuckles' neck.
He isn't sure why. But, the kiss doesn't feel the same as it used to...
The hedgehog starts lidding the eyes and moans softly during the kiss.
Suddenly he notices the hole on Knuckles' muzzle, disappeared. The mouth he was kissing wasn't there anymore.
Shadow hums asking and blinks he eyes slowly opened.
When he sees Mephiles on top of him, his heart skips a beat while he flinches with widened eyes.

"MEPHILES!..." he exhales gasping and turned the face away from him.
The evil hedgehog laughs wickedly and grabbed Shadow's wrists.
"Did you really thought I would let you escape that easily?!" He smirks and presses the hands harder around the other's wrists.
Shadow squirms.
"Let's go of me-..." he begs and shivers from fear and from the feeling of betrayal.
The hope of being free, died out and got replaced with despair.
Mephiles moans satisfied when he could see the fear in Shadow's eyes.
"Oh-... I love seeing how the hope just died out in your eyes... This really turns me on..." the mouth-less hedgehog purrs laughing and starts getting hard.
Shadow jolts when he felt the other's member to stroke on his body.
He inhales sharply and starts squirming to get Mephiles off him.
"NO!-... I-...I Won't let you-..." he shouts with pain spreading in the chest.
Mephiles laughs and seems enjoying how Shadow struggles.
"Yes-... Struggles as much you want... But you won't get out from the bunker... And no one won't hear you..." he grins monstrously.
Shadow's breathing increased and he stares frustrated, afraid and angrily at Mephiles.
"I-...Hate you..." he spits out.
Mephiles starts laughing in response.
Then he rubs the crotch at Shadow's, making the hedgehog underneath him to shiver.
"Likewise-..." Mephiles smirks....

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