ch 14; Punishment

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Shadow grunts while regaining consciousness. He is feeling foggy.
What happened?
He could hear a beeping sound. And something small getting placed on a metallic tray.
The hedgehog tries opening the eyes, but could only see the surrounding in a blur. His eyes lids over and over again, as the darkness tries pulling him back into sleep.
"He wakes up-..."
Shadow tries looking curiously toward the voice. He sees a blurry yellow robot standing to his left side.
"He is a tough one-... Waking up despite that big shot..." a second voice says.
Shadow grunts surprised and turns the eyes to the right side of him.
Seeing a blurry silver robot and blurry Eggman.
Dr.Eggman seems holding tools with blood on them.
Shadow flinches and tried moving away from him.
But the arms and legs seem being stuck.
For a short moment everything turned black.
He snaps his eyes opened and looks drowsy down on his body where his wrists and ankles are tied to a gray and hard bed. It might be made of metal. It's kinda cold against the body.

The eyes stares confused at the stomach. At first he couldn't believe what he is seeing. But then he understood.
His abdomen is cut opened with fresh blood sticking to the fur.
While his heart rate increased from the horrible sight, he could hear the sound of beeping increasing. Maybe from a heart monitor?
Shadow pulls the arms and legs to get free from the wrist- and ankle chains. He needs moving away from them. And from whatever weird surgery or experience they are doing on him.
Despite how much he struggles, he hasn't the strength yet, to escape.
His eyes start tearing up.
Eggman's hand moves toward Shadow's mouth and places a plastic, rubber mask over his muzzle.
"It isn't time to wake up yet, my dark furred friend..." Eggman says.
"...Knuckles..." Shadow mumbles while the mask got filled with gas he indirectly starts inhaling.
A few seconds later he lost consciousness and few tears left the lidded eyes.

The next time he regains consciousness, the surrounding wasn't blur anymore.
And where he had an opened cut, is a big Scar, whose stitches itches a lot. The Scar itself makes him to flinch a little of pain.
Shadow looks a little around and notices he isn't on that table anymore. Instead he seems being in the dungeon, sitting on the cold and dirty stone floor. With chains around the wrists, attached to the wall behind him.
Since they are long enough to move the arms, he runs the hand into the quills to take the chaos emerald.
He doesn't know what Eggman did to him while unconscious. But he can figure that out later when he has chaos controlled out from here.
No way he spends any more second here when Mephiles is around.
But no matter how much he tries find the chaos emerald in the quills, he couldn't find it.
"Are you trying to find your chaos emerald?" A cold voice asks from the shadows, outside the cell.
Shadow wides the eyes and lowered the hand while getting a bit pale.
He looks worried up, toward the bars where Mephiles stares at him from the other side. Walking closer to the cell.
His ex glares unfriendly at him and scoffs.
"It seems I made the right decision to fix you, so you can completely be mine... I mean...The moment you think I'm not around, you try escaping to that asshole... But-... When I have made you mine. You can't get back to that guy..."
Shadow flinches.
"What have you done to me!?" He asks curiously and worried.
Even though Mephiles doesn't has any mouth, he smirks.
"With Eggman's help, you will now be able to carry my child-..."
"Eh? C-child?" Shadow blinks confused, with increased heartbeats.
"-...So, as soon your Scar has recovered, I will impregnate you and then... Then you are mine forever"
Shadow couldn't believe those words. How he now, can carry a child. Isn't it impossible? Or it's possible since he wasn't a real hedgehog from the beginning?
However. No way he wants to carry Mephiles' child! He would rather die than do such a thing.
If they get a child together, then he is truly Mephiles'. Since Mephiles will most likely use that child against him. And force him to stay and do everything Mephiles tells him to do...

Shadow grits the teeth.
"I REFUSE!" He shouts and makes Mephiles to raise an eyebrow.
Shadow shakes the head which makes him a little dizzy since the drugs is still in his body.
" I won't let you impregnate me... You won't have any sex with me...So, forget about it" he tells him and pants a slightly.
Mephiles stares coldly at him in silence for a short moment.
Then he scoffs.
"Well-... Either you have sex with me willingly... Or I have to rape you-..."
Shadow's heart skips a beat and he gulps while the bottom lip trembles a little.
"Try... And... I- ...Will fight...You..." he says less cocky.
Mephiles smirks.
"Do anything funny and I will kill your fiancé..."
Shadow jolts and stares nervously at him.
"You-... No! You can't... Knuckles is strong... You-..."
Mephiles shrugs.
"I captured him while Eggman did the surgery on you-..."
Shadow trembles.
"You-... Lies..." he exhales a slow gasp.
"Or do I?"Mephiles chuckles.
Shadow nods.
"Yes... I mean... Knuckles wouldn't let you to capture him!"
Mephiles tilts the head.
"He wouldn't? Then-..." he snaps the fingers where smokes comes out from them, and nods toward the cell next Shadow's.
" Why is he, in the cell next yours?"
Shadow turns the face to the left side and looked nervously into the other cell.
When he sees Knuckles in chains, unconscious, with a mask covering the head, and bleeding, he gasps terrified of the sight.
"KNUCKLES!" He shouts without getting any response from the unconscious echidna.
Mephiles grins wickedly.
"He won't hear you... Right now he is between life and death... And only you can save him..."
Shadow gasps and looks at Mephiles.
His ex grins.
"Be mine... That's all I need. Don't you miss those days where we were together? I surely do... "
Shadow shivers over the thought of getting back with Mephiles.
Mephiles shrugs.
"Or don't-... But then your fiancé will get killed in front your eyes... That's up to you " he chuckles and enjoys seeing how miserable Shadow seems.
Shadow shakes the head.
"Don't... Don't harm him, I will join you. I will G-get B-back togeheter W-with Y-you..." Shadow swallows hardly with dropped ears and tilts the face down.
Mephiles snorts.
"Good boy... But since you have been a slut and jumped in bed with others, I still need to punishment you..." he starts saying.
Shadow gasps jolting and wides the eyes while getting dizzy. He hates those punishment. It's mostly thanks to them, his psyche was scarred.
"N-no... Pl-please... I will follow you wherever you wanna go... And do as you want me to do... Don't punishment me" he begs.
Mephiles growls and glares pissed at him. Causing Shadow to flinch.
Then the mouth-less hedgehog opens the door to the cell with the key.
Shadow leans backward toward the brick wall with the arms covering the face since he was afraid Mephiles would kick him there.
And despite the slowly healing wound, who pains when he moves, he pulls the legs toward him to curl up a little.
Mephiles kneels slowly down in front him.
" It seems I still get some respect from you..." he says while unlocking the chains on Shadow's wrists.
"Where are we going?" Shadow mumbles.
Mephiles exhales grinning.
"A short travel as your punishment-... That's it... Aren't I kind?" He chuckles wickedly.
Shadow gulps.
Mephiles drops the chains and yanked Shadow's arm.
Then he pulled him up and forced him to enter a portal, he just created in the blink of an eye.
Shadow gasps shocked while getting teleported in time.

They entered a familiar corridor where Mephiles coldly tosses Shadow on the floor.
Shadow grunts of pain when his body thudded at the cold floor.
Mephiles grins.
"I will come back later and take you home... So, enjoy your visit" he chuckles and starts reentering the portal.
Shadow flinches.
"Wait! Where am I!?" He asks and tries moving toward Mephiles.
His ex smirks.
"Maybe you should ask; when? What year you are in now..." he suggests before vanishing.
Shadow raises an eyebrow while the portal disappeared.

Shadow starts staggering forward where he moves the hand along the wall, in case he needs supporting him up.
"It seems I'm in the lab where I lived about fifty years ago..." he mumbles.
"Why did Mephiles send me here? And what did he meant-..." he adds before gasping in realization.
"NO!... It can't be... Right?" He asks with increased heartbeats. What if Mephiles sent him to that day?!
Shadow grits the teeth and starts forcing himself to run.
"...Maria..." he mumbles silently under the breath.

His heart pounds swiftly while running toward the last place where he had to part from Maria.
There Mephiles yanked his arm and pulled him away from Maria's dying body.

The moment when Shadow runs around the corner, he sees her.
Her body laying down on the floor, with a pond of blood underneath her.
Shadow stops running and couldn't believe he has to see her dead again.
He wides the eyes.
"MARIA!" He shouts and runs toward her, where he falls down on the knees next her.
"N-no..." he cries silently when seeing her pale and lifeless body.
His hand trembles when he moves it toward hers.
He grabs her hand who feels cold in his.
"Why?..." he sniffles and lids the eyes while tilting the head down.
"Why Mephiles?-... I don't understand... H-how can you do this to M-me?... How can you do something like this to someone you L-love?" He asks while rubbing the cheek on Maria's hand.
He remembers how Maria and he talked about love. And how it was supposed to feel. But it never occurred when he was together with Mephiles.
It was only pain and sorrow when he was around him.
He had almost given up on love until Knuckles came around.
Knuckles! What if Mephiles will kill him while Shadow is stuck here?!
Shadow opens the eyes.
He inhales sharply when seeing the blood on Maria's blue dress.
The breath increased around the same time when he heard footsteps approaching.
Shadow glances to the side and parts the lips surprised from seeing Gerald.
"NO MARIA... My Maria... What have they done to you..." The old man cries and kneels down where he embraces her.
Shadow moves a slightly away from them and looks bothered at Maria's face, whose head is tilted backward, with strands from her tangled blonde her across her pretty face.
Gerald embraces her tightly.
"I will make them pay for this... I will make them feel the same pain I'm feeling now... Oh Maria... Don't you worry... I will revenge your death..." Dr.Robotnik mumbles with anger and sorrow in the voice.
Gerald glares pissed at Shadow who flinches from the glare.
Shadow wides the eyes while his heart pounds painfully.
"I-I...I tried... But... Then Mephiles came and separated me from H-her..." he swallows hardly while trembling.
He clenches the hands while accusing himself. Maybe he could had saved her?
Gerald glares at him while eyeing him up and down.
Then he sighs.
"I should never have made him..." he mumbles while looking away.
Shadow's heart skips a beat.
"W-who?" Shadow asks. Afraid Gerald is thinking about him.
Dr.Robotnik sighs.
"Mephiles... I found out he was the one who made a call to G.U.N..." he explains and swallows hardly.
"I'm sorry Maria... I should had noticed his dark side earlier... Then I maybe could have prevent your death..."
Shadow stares at them with parted lips.
Did Gerald just told him... The reason Maria got killed was since Mephiles called G.U.N and told them to attack them?!
Shadow shakes the head and moves backwards, further away from them.
That can't be true, right?
"No-... That can't be true..." he mumbles.
Why would Mephiles does something evil like that?!
Shadow starts blinking hardly where his eyes start lidding themselves.
"N-no... I-..."
He starts panting from anxiety, and soon he thuds to the side, few seconds before he passes out...

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