ch 13; the wedding

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"I have something for you Mr. Shadow-..." Cream says and holds a flower crown in the hands.
Shadow jolts a slightly and turns toward her and cheese.
He looks confused down at the flower crown she has made of white flowers.
The hedgehog tilts the head.
"Thanks-... But why should I have that?" He asks curiously.
She smiles sweetly at him.
"Well-... The bride is supposed to wear a bridal veil... And since you, Mr Shadow, won't wear that... I made this for you instead" she explains and extends the hands toward him.
Shadow blushes.
Yes, it was his wedding day today. And any moment soon, he is supposed to walk down the aisle to join his future husband at the end of the aisle.
He might not be the 'alpha' in the relationship. But he isn't a female! And not a bride-to-be.
Why should he carry anything ridiculous as a flower crown as replacement to a bridal veil?!

But when he is looking into Cream's excited eyes and at her happy smile, he couldn't deny her.
He sighs and kneels down.
"Alright-..." he lids the eyes.
Cream brights happily up and places the flower crown on top of his head. One of the ears flinches when the crown touched it.
The rabbit girl nods when she is eyeing him.
"Wow-... You look very beautiful... Mr.Knuckles will get surprised when he sees you..."
"I'm sure he will..." he scoffs silently.
While Cream grunts surprised, he opens the eyes.
"Thank you Cream..." he tells her.

Vanilla shows up from the corner of the house.
"There you are..." she says when she sees her daughter.
Cream gasps softly and turns toward her mother.
The older rabbit smiles.
"It's time to sit down, sweetie..."
Cream brights up.
"Oh! Okay mommy..." she says before looking at Shadow.
" See you soon, Mr.Shadow..." she waves while running against her mother.
Shadow smiles and held the hand up as he answered her waving.
Cream and cheese join giggling with Vanilla and start walking around the corner of the house with her.
Shadow lowers the hand and looks at the window next him.
Looking curiously at the mirror reflection of himself.
Yup, he definitely looks ridiculous right now. Rouge will most likely tease him later about the flower crown...

It's autumn.
The trees' leaves are since weeks back; maroon, yellow and orange. Stunning colors where the sun's rays reflects warmly on them.
Despite it's October, it isn't very cold outdoor. The wind might be a little chilly, but the sun warms on the neck and keeps you warm.
There the ceremony will be held, they've placed white benches on rows. With an aisle between the benches.
The aisle is decorated with red, rose petals on the ground.
On the sides of the benches where the aisle isn't, there are poles standing up from the ground with strings of flowers hanging down between them. Connecting each pole with those strings of flowers.
Few meters away from where Knuckles stands, sits a purple cat by an organ, ready to play the opening song to the wedding.
The echidna gulps nervously and squirms a little while the priest flips through the book to find the right page.

Rouge looks confused around at the guests.
She tries finding Silver among them, but couldn't see him there.
The bat takes the cell phone up and starts dialing him.
Few signals later Silver answers.
"Rouge!" He bursts out as something has happened.
Rouge raises an eyebrow and could hear him panting.
"Where are you!? Shadz will soon get married!" She points out and glances nervously toward the priest where the crocodile seems as he found the right page.
"Rouge! I've got robbed!!!" He tells her in panic.
The bat grunts surprised.
"Wait? Did you got robbed?"
"Yes! The house is a mess-... And the worst part is-..." Silver starts saying when the priest clears the throat and starts welcoming everyone.
Rouge clicks the tongue.
"Never mind that... You have to come...Now!" She interrupts him.
"But-..." Silver protests few seconds before she hung up and puts the phone away.

Shadow's ears perked up when he heard the priest speaking.
Soon it's his time to walk down the aisle, and say those lines they learned... Ehm If he can remember the words.
Right now the head feels kinda empty while the stomach is filled with butterflies.
What if he stands on the alter with the lips apart as a fish, and without any words coming out?!
Or worse-.... What if he trips while walking down the aisle? And falling on the face?!
He would hate if Sonic started laughing at him while the others are looking pitying at him...
Shadow shuts the eyes closed.
Now when he is thinking about it, isn't he nauseous? Just a little?
Maybe he should cancel the wedding and apologize later?

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