ch 8; a mere coincidence

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It has been few weeks since that day where they confessed their feelings for each others.
These past weeks have been like heaven for Knuckles.
It has been like walking on fluffy, pink clouds.
Knuckles smiles happily up at the sky. He couldn't wait until Shadow shows up today. Like he almost did every day. Which has been their thing lately.

The wind starts suddenly blow harder behind him. As someone swift ran past him.
The echidna turns smiling around, expecting Shadow standing behind him.
But instead of getting greeted by black and red, he sees something blue. Sonic!
"Hello Knuckles... It has been a while since last" Sonic grins.
Knuckles gulps with increased heartbeats. Why did Sonic had to show up? His first crush ever.
The blue hedgehog lowered the posture into a fighting position.
"It has been a while since we fought... So, what do you think? Wanna fight me?"
Knuckles raises an eyebrow.
"Fight you?" He tilts the head.
Sonic stares intensely at him.
"Yup! So-... Come on Knuckles and fight me"
Knuckles snorts and crosses the arms.
"No thanks-... I'm not in mood... Besides, I have other things to do"
"Huh?..."Sonic looks confused at him, and looks asking around where he gives the master emerald a confused look.
"Like what?" Sonic shrugs and looks back at the echidna.
"It's not like you are doing other things than staring at that boring rock all days..."
Knuckles scoffs. Feeling a bit offended. And a little upset that, Sonic refers the master emerald as a boring rock.
"You have wrong-..." Knuckles says with a low growl.
At first it was a short silence between them, then Sonic gasps as he got an idea.
Sonic let's out a silent snickering.
Then the hedgehog holds the palms up and shrugs a bit cocky.
"I might have... But it's not me who get my brain melted from staring at that rock all day" he smirks.
Knuckles flinches and untangled the arms.
"W-what did you said?!" He chokes and wides the eyes.
When others call him stupid, he usually shrug that off. At least he tries doing that. Not making a big deal of it.
But he really hates when Sonic does that. Calling him stupid.
Could it be since he has feelings for Sonic and wants the hedgehog to like him? And treat him well?
Sonic chuckles.
"You heard me-... Knucklehead..." Sonic teases.
Knuckles inhales sharply and clenched his hands while trembling in anger. He hates getting called stupid. And when someone are making fun of his name.
"SHUT UP!" He shouts loudly.
Sonic shakes the head, laughing.
"Oh? It seems you are agreeing with me... I mean... Why would you otherwise get upset when I call you stupid?" He clicks the tongue.
The upset echidna glares at him. Looking as he would wanna punch him, but doesn't flinch a bit.

Sonic hums thoughtfully before jolting where his lips curls into a grin.
"Maybe I would do you a favor if I 'accidently' destroy the master emerald-..."
Knuckles grunts surprised.
Sonic shrugs.
"Without that stupid rock, you don't need staying here all the time..." the hedgehog adds and runs swiftly over to the master emerald.
Knuckles flinches and looks worried over the emerald he is supposed to guard.
"SONIC!" He shouts and starts running over to the master emerald.
The hedgehog stops running and stands next the emerald where he provoking moves his index finger against the emerald.
"You better stop me-...Or-..." he smirks before the fist from Knuckles, punches him on the cheek.
Sonic grunts loudly and flies away a few meters before he slammed at the ground where he rolls around a bit.
The hedgehog chuckles and stands up.
"Nice punch, now-..." Sonic starts saying until he wides his eyes from seeing Knuckles runs towards him with the fist in the air.
"Ops..." the hedgehog gulps and moves swiftly backward while Knuckles punches forward where his fists tear the ground apart there they hit.
"Whoa-... You really seem angry..." Sonic points out while jumping away from each punch.
Knuckles growls.
"Don't you dare hurting the-..." he starts telling him and moves the right fist forward.
"Master emerald!" He adds while the fist slammed hardly at Sonic's face.
The hedgehog gasps shocked and thudded at the ground few meters away.
Sonic stands up and strokes the side of his hand across the cheek and his mouth.
"Since you are serious then-..." he furrows the eyebrows and moves swiftly over to Knuckles where he kicks the leg quickly against him.
The echidna holds his arms crossed in front his face and tries protecting himself from Sonic's attack.

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