ch 12; Chaos emerald

435 11 17

It's almost a whole year since that awful party where everything could had ended. But didn't.
A lot have happened since then.
Sonic and Amy started dating after that party. It turned out Sonic actually had feelings for her. But was too shy to admit them.
And since Amy kinda saw it as Shadow's credit that, she ended up with Sonic that day, she forgave him.

Then it turned out, Bokkun, had feelings for cream. The little robot confessed to her but got rejected.
So, the crybaby stopped delivering mails and hid himself to sulk alone.

And Rouge. Well Rouge is Rouge.
She and Silver actually started dating each others. But about a month later, they decided they worked best as friends. So, they broke up.
Probably 'cause Rouge expected to get a lot jewelleries from her partner. Which grew a frustration between Silver and her.
But there is another theory. That, Rouge actually misses the agent from Earth, miss Topaz. Her first and only female crush.
A woman she had to break up with, since she had to leave earth and get back home.

During that year, Knuckles and Shadow could finally enjoy each others without any conflict between them.
They were truly happy.

Knuckles holds Shadow's hand while pulling him across a flower field.
The hedgehog raises an eyebrow and laughs a slightly.
"Why can't you tell me where we are heading?"
Knuckles grins at him.
"It's a secret-... You will soon find out" Knuckles answers mysterious and couldn't hide the excitement from his eyes.
Shadow looks asking at him. Then he tries looking around and listening on the surroundings.
He could hear waves hitting rocks. The sound seems coming further forward, downward from the cliff with the flower field.
Shadow inhales through the nose and could smell the scent of salt mixed with water.
He looks curiously at Knuckles.
"Are you taking me to the ocean?"
Knuckles exhales a short laugh.
"You are really impatient today... But yes, I'm taking you to the ocean... I have a surprise there for you"
Shadow hums asking and couldn't guess what kind of surprise Knuckles couldn't give him now. But only at the ocean.

They walks down through a handmade stairs someone have dug out from the cliff.
While walking down the stairs, made of concrete dirt, Shadow starts eyeing the beach curiously. But cannot see anything who could be his 'surprise'.
The dark furred hedgehog grins at Knuckles the second their feet reach the sand.
"Heh-... Don't tell me-" Shadow starts saying and got Knuckles to look asking at him.
"-my little surprise are you~" he adds.
Knuckles flinches blushing.
"What? NO-... Or-... Ehm... Kind of... But not in the way you think" the echidna clears the throat shyly.
Shadow raises an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?"
Knuckles swallows and shakes the head.
"You will soon find out... Come-..." he answers and starts pulling Shadow along the beach.
Shadow gasps and starts following him.

A comfortable breeze strokes gently through their fur and quills, while walking on the almost white sand.
The crystal clear blue ocean moves welcoming and its waves make a relaxing sound when they splashes at the large rocks.
The cliffs to their other side, give them the feeling of walking alone in the world.
Alone with each others, the waves and the a slightly crushing sand underneath them.

Knuckles and Shadow walk a while on the beach.
Shadow starts getting a bit impatient and couldn't understand how far they most walk until he will get his surprise.
"Aren't we there yet?" He asks a slightly grunting.
Knuckles smirks while looking at him.
"Are you good with holding your breath?"
"Eh?" Shadow jolts.
"Y-yeah?... Why do you ask?"
Knuckles grins wider.
"We need to dive for a short moment... To reach the place where you will get your surprise"
Shadow rolls the eyes.
"You know-... I would be fine with sex at home... You don't need taking me-" he scoffs.
Knuckles exhales a short laugh.
"I'm sure you want this surprise... Stop complaining and get into the water " the echdina says and stops walking.
Shadow raises a doubtful brow.
"Here?" He asks and let's go of Knuckles hand.
Knuckles nods.
Shadow sighs and walks toward the water where he walks into the ocean with room temperature water.
At first the water feels a slightly cold on his body. But soon it feels good.
With water to his shoulders he looks asking at Knuckles who enters the water too.
"Alright?-... Where should we swim?" Shadow asks while kicking the legs to avoid sinking.
"Just follow me..." Knuckles tells him before taking a deep breath.
He holds the breath and dive into the water.
Shadow grunts.
But takes a deep breath and dives into the water to follow his boyfriend.

Shadow looks confused in the underwater tunnel they are swimming through.
He didn't knew they had anything alike that, around here.
Knuckles keeps an eye at Shadow while swimming. In case something happens with him. As losing the breath or getting lost.
Even though you couldn't get lost here since there is only one tunnel, it's kinda dark. The darker water makes it easier to get confused. And therefore getting 'lost'.

Soon Knuckles starts swimming upward, toward the surface where lights seem bouncing on the water.
Shadow raises an eyebrow and starts swimming upward where he soon comes up from the water.
The moment his head was up from the water, he exhales loudly and inhales deeply few times.
Knuckles smiles happily at him.
"We are here-..." he tells him.
Shadow hums asking and starts looking around.
He wides the eyes surprised from seeing an underwater cave with diamonds shining from the ceiling and from the ground.
"Wow-... It's..." he gasps and couldn't believe his eyes. Rouge would get shocked if she saw this. Like a dream came true.
Knuckles smiles.
"I found this cave years ago when I was on a treasure hunt... And I loved the sight of it... I haven't even told someone else about it... Only you..."
Shadow parts the lips slowly apart and likes the idea; only he knows Knuckles' secret underwater cave.
He looks curiously up on the ceiling where the diamonds almost look as shining stars.
"T-thank you Knuckles... It makes me happy you are sharing this place with me..."
Knuckles swims closer to him.
"And I'm happy to share with you..." he says and embraces Shadow in the water.
Then he starts kissing Shadow passionately on the lips.
Shadow smiles with increased heartbeats and kisses him back.

Knuckles parts the lips slowly away from Shadow's.
"Do you want to marry me?" The echidna asks while enlarging the space between them. So he could looks into his eyes.
Shadow exhales softly and looks confused into purple eyes.
"If I?-..."
Knuckles smiles.
"Do you want to marry me?... I love you truly and want to spend the rest of my life with you, by my side... So, what do you say?"
Shadow blinks a few times before he smiling embraces Knuckles in swift movement.
"I do!" He says while water splashes on the face from the sudden movement.
"I do!... And I love you so much" he adds excited and gives Knuckles a quick kiss on the lips.
Knuckles exhales relieved.
"I have a gift as proof we are engaged..." he tells him.
Shadow hums asking and moves a slightly apart from him.
"You do?"
Knuckles nods and hands the red chaos emerald to him.
Shadow stares with big eyes on the emerald.
"Is that...Mine?" He asks curiously.
Knuckles nods.
Shadow exhales gasping and takes the chaos emerald.
"Wow-... Thank you Knuckles... I will always take care of it... And think about you-..." Shadow blushes and hates how stupid he sounds. But who cares! He has the greatest day ever... And he will probably soon get married with his boyfriend.
He couldn't wait until the day where they will Say; "I do". And then live happily together...

Yeah... The chapter was kinda short xD But I promise, the next chapter will get longer~

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