ch 11; the party, part one

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Shadow's heart is pounding excited despite the party hasn't started yet.
He could already picturing in the mind how Amy will break apart the second he told everyone, he has catfished her.
Then everyone will know she is a stupid cow.
Hopefully she will even shed some tears in front everyone.
Shadow smirks widely and walks out to the kitchen where he takes out a beer from the fridge.
He had just opened the can when the bell to the door rings.
He grunts a bit surprised and walks out to the hallway where he opens the door and sees Rouge standing there.
"Rouge?" Shadow says surprised and starts eyeing her. Noticing she is wearing a long, slender, red sparkling dress with an opening by her left leg.
She is also wearing a long silver necklace, with a pair matching earrings. And a bracelet on her left wrist.
The bat snickers.
"Hello Shado-..."
"Where is Silver?" He interrupts her.
She scoffs.
"Why do you ask? Am I not enough?" She asks a bit upset.
Shadow takes few sips from the can.
Rouge looks curiously at the beer and snorts smiling.
"Oh? Don't tell me you are nervous~" she teases.
Shadow scoffs.
"I'm not..."
The bat shrugs.
"Well-... Either you are nervous or you are an alcoholic... So, which one are you?"
Shadow grunts.
"Neither... Now, get inside or I will slam the door in your face" he warns her with an annoyed voice.
Rouge shakes the head.
"Wow... You really know how to treat a lady..." she says sarcastic and walks forward to pass him.
Shadow rolls the eyes.
"Who knows... Not like we will know since there isn't any lady here right now..." he comments and closes the door behind her.
Rouge flinches and turns to look at him.
"Wh-..." she gasps.
Then she huffed.
"How funny you can be... Ha...Ha" she says sarcastically.
Shadow starts passing her and walks toward the living room.
Rouge glares a bit lustfully at his back and starts following him.
"Don't you have anything to say about my dress and jewelleries?" She points out and wants to hear how beautiful she looks.
Even though Shadow among the few males she likes, is already taken by another male she cares about. She still wants attention from him.
Shadow glares over the shoulder at her.
"It's fine, I think..." he scoffs.
"You think?" Rouge tilts the head.
Shadow shrugs and sits down on the couch with one foot on the coffee table.
"You would look better in purple or black-... Red is for sluts..." he says and starts drinking from the can.
Rouge flinches.
"Hey!... Did you just called me a slut?!"

The hedgehog looks thoughtfully up at the ceiling and then at her where he grins.
Rouge glares frustrated at him before she sighing sits down on the couch.
"Geez...I don't even know if I should get upset or not... Oh about Silver... He won't come today" she tells him.
Shadow raises an eyebrow.
"Not even to the party?" He asks curiously.
Rouge shakes the head.
"Sadly not... Not like that's a surprise... Our boy is a good boy... Not a bad boy or girl as you and me..."
Shadow nods.
"Yeah-... You have right. Silver is only doing things he thinks is the right thing... And he wasn't very happy over my plan. So... " he shrugs before swallowing more beer.
Rouge looks curiously at him before she leans backward on the couch.
"So-... I know your little secret about your past" she points out and caused Shadow to choke on the beer.
The dark furred hedgehog coughs a few times and took the foot down from the table and leans forward. He placed the can on the table while coughing.
When he stops coughing, he wipes the mouth with the back of the hand while glaring curiously and upset at her.
Rouge smiles.
"Well... It turned out I've had information about your secret ex, all this time, at home... I've had Gerald's journal laying around at home... So, I started rereading them yesterday... It turns out Robotnik had created a partner for you, Mephiles the hedgehog..." she says, a bit surprised she hadn't payed any attention on that information before.
Shadow wides the eyes when the memory came back about his psycho ex. His bottom lip starts trembling a slightly from fear.
Then he snaps out from the horrible memory and snorts.
"So what?... It's not like you have the whole picture"
Even though Rouge loves to tease, she still cares about her friends.
She looks at him in concern.
"It turned out Dr. Robotnik noticed Mephiles wasn't very stable... That, he was manipulating you... Is that why, you are defensive and doesn't let others getting too close?"
Shadow scoffs.
"Shut up... Don't talk as you know a shit... Because you don't... And I don't need your disgusting pity" he says unfriendly and crosses the arms.
Rouge shakes the head.
"I don't pitying you... I only cares about you since you are my friend"
Shadow rolls the eyes.
"Then don't..." he tells her, and the excitement he had felt over the party wasn't very high right now. Right now he only wants to kick her out and stay in bed for the rest of the day.
Why does the past keeps haunting him?! Why can't he forget about the past and move on?...

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