I'll find you, part three

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Shadow growls with gritted teeth and tries pushing Mephiles away from him by squirming a lot.
Mephiles scoffs.
"There are no use with struggling-..." he starts saying when one of Shadow's arms gets free from his grip.
"Of course it is!" He shouts and slams the fist hardly at Mephiles face.
The mouth-less hedgehog rolls off him and down on the bed, next him.
Shadow moves swiftly away from the bed.
"No way I would let you touch me, while I'm together with Knuckles-..."
Mephiles starts laughing and turns to the stomach on the bed.
Shadow raises an eyebrow.
"What's funny?" He mutters.
Mephiles grins and gives him a side look.
"Soo-... You are telling me... If I'm killing Knuckles, then you will let me touch you?"
Shadow wides the eyes while the heart starts pounding nervously in the chest.
"N-no I-... I mean..." he gulps hardly. Afraid Mephiles would take this as a reason to kill Knuckles for real.
Mephiles exhales scoffing and stands up from the bed.
Shadow takes few steps backward.
The approaching hedgehog stares crazily at him.
"Maybe I should deliver Knuckles head on a silver plate as a proposal?-... Would you like that?" He smirks.
Shadow inhales sharply and swings the hand swiftly toward Mephiles.
"SHUT UP!-...Chaos spear!!!" He shouts and shoots electric spears toward Mephiles who grunts from the pain.
Shadow smiles proudly. Maybe he could win against Mephiles? Now when he thinks about it-... He never tried fighting back at Mephiles. He was too afraid and hadn't any good motivation to fight back. Now, he has Knuckles. Someone he wants to get back to, and protect.

Mephiles huffs and stares pissed at him.
Shadow jolts when he notices Mephiles doesn't seem very affected from the attack.
"Do you really call that an attack?" Mephiles scoffs.
The ebony colored hedgehog gulps. Yeah, the attack might not has been his strongest. But honestly, his chaos energy is rather low right now... But he thought the attack would at least cause some harm!
Mephiles exhales snickering and starts leaking out smoke from the hands.
"Now I will show you how an attack is supposed to look like-..." he tells him.
Shadow raises an eyebrow.
"What are you talking-..." he starts asking when he flinches since the surroundings changed.
Suddenly he wasn't in the bunker anymore, now he is in the forest again.
Did they teleported out from the bunker? But why?
Shadow looks asking toward the place, where he thought Mephiles might be. But the mouth-less hedgehog was gone!
"M-mephiles?" He stutters and starts walking forward while looking around.
It's weird. There seems not being any wind in the forest. It's like the time has been frozen.
Suddenly Shadow gets a hard kick on the stomach.
He grunts loudly and thudded down at the ground.
Mephiles starts laughing.
Shadow looks confused up and couldn't see him anywhere.
"WHERE ARE YOU?!" He barks and stands up with clenched hands.
"Try and find me, Shadow the hedgehog-..." Mephiles mocks and punches Shadow's cheek hardly so he stumbles to the side and hitted something who feels as a shelf despite he should only had touched the air.
Suddenly few hard things hitted his head. Which felt as cans.
Shadow inhales deeply when he understood the circumstances.
They are still in the bunker! Mephiles has only used his powers to make an illusion. And that's why Shadow couldn't feel the wind against his body.

Shadow stands up and closes the eyes. If he can't trust the eyes, then maybe he can trust his ears?
Mephiles laughs.
"Have you perhaps given up already?" The mouth-less hedgehog asks.
Shadow's ears perked up and starts twitching while trying to find the source of that voice.
Then he heard footsteps approaching from ten o'clock.
Shadow inhales deeply and moves the hips where he punches hardly toward the left side.
Mephiles grunts from pain and stumbles backward.
It felt as Shadow punched his nose.
The mouth-less hedgehog growls.
"Lucky shot-..." he mutters before he tries attacking Shadow from another direction.
Shadow's ears twitches. It seems Mephiles is coming from two o'clock now.
The ebony hedgehog lowered the posture where he leg kicks along the floor, from three o'clock to twelve o'clock.
Mephiles gasps shocked when Shadow's kick strikes him down.
The evil hedgehog stumbles to the side and falls hardly at the floor where the chaos emerald fell out from his quills.
"That's enough-..." he mutters angrily and glares at Shadow.
"I have enough of your foolishness... You are supposed to obey me!... Dr.Robotnik gave you to me... You are mine-..." he adds.
Shadow opens the eyes slowly and noticed the illusion was gone.
He scoffs while glaring down at Mephiles.
"You have wrong-..." he tells him.
Mephiles flinches and looks confused at him.
Shadow shrugs.
"Maria was my friend-... And since she knew she would die and leave me alone... She begged her grandpa to make me a partner... Someone who could stay by my side while others dies... So, in other words-... YOU were made to be mine... I was never made to be yours..." he points out.
Mephiles grits the teeth and stands swiftly up.
"SHUT UP!-... That's the main reason I started to hate you... No way I would let anyone to own me...  Especially not you!" He growls angrily.

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