ch 9; affection

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The chapter is mostly lemon etc... xD Enjoy ~

Knuckles sits nervously at the couch with Shadow sitting next.
While he is fidgeting a bit, Shadow keeps typing on the phone, with the TV on.
The echidna is looking asking at Shadow who seems very focused with the phone.
Knuckles gets curious and leans a slightly against him where he glances at the screen.
It seems the hedgehog is texting Sonic aka Amy.
Suddenly Knuckles gets a little nervous. What if Shadow starts developing feelings for Amy?!
Knuckles clears the throat.
"Ehm-..." he starts saying.
Shadow hums asking and looks up from the screen at him.
Knuckles sits upright and looks away.
"Why-... Why do you keep texting her?"
"Y-yeah..." Knuckles gulps and glances at him.
Shadow shrugs.
"It's kinda entertaining... Nothing else"
Shadow smiles at him and leans toward the armrest, where he rests the head on the hand, whose elbow is on the armrest.
"Why? Why do you ask?" He asks despite he already knows the answer.
Knuckles blushes and squirms.
"I- ehm... Wanna know if you still text her for fun... Or-... Since you have got F-feelings for her" he explains honestly and swallows hardly.
Shadow exhales a short laugh and made Knuckles to jolt a bit.
Knuckles turns the face at him.
They got eye contact.
"Do you really think I would fall for someone as her?" Shadow raises an eyebrow.
Knuckles gulps with increased heartbeats.
"M-...Maybe?" He answers.
Even though he doesn't wanna admit it. Amy and he have few similarities they share with each others. They both have short temper, and they both are kinda strong. And pink and red are almost the same.
Shadow blinks bewildered at him.
Then he furrows the eyebrows while smiling.
"Seriously? Hell no... Each time I get a text from her, I cringe... I really hate her with all my heart... Besides-... I'm pretty sure I only like guys" he shrugs.

Knuckles gasps softly and gets relieved.
The echidna leans toward Shadow where he places the hand at his cheek before pressing his lips gently at his.
Shadow wides the eyes surprised and the thumb on the screen flinches, where he accidently starts dialing 'Sonic'.
Shadow starts lidding the eyes and moves toward Knuckles where he kisses him back. Not paying any attention at the phone where a small 'hi' came from, before the animal gasps over her mistake.
The dark furred hedgehog moans softly and wraps his arms around Knuckles' neck.
The echidna smiles shortly during the kiss, then he places a hand on Shadow's waist. Just a slightly above his hip.
Knuckles starts shifting on the couch where he gently tries pressing Shadow laying down.
During the movements, the phone fell on the floor with a small thud. Which left a small crack in the upper right corner on the screen.
Knuckles keeps kissing Shadow while his hand moves down from Shadow's hip to his thigh. Where he lifts Shadow leg a slightly before grinding him.
Shadow purrs and notices how his... Boyfriend?... Gets harder.
How knuckles member starts swelling and poking at his backside.
Knuckles groans when he hears the sweet purring from Shadow.
"...Knuckles..." Shadow moans and tighter the grip of Knuckles' neck a little.
Knuckles starts panting from arousal.
"Y-yeah?..." he asks while he moves the hips forward and backward. Stroking the swelling length at Shadow's bottom.
Shadow swallows hardly.
Then he looks submissive up at him.
"I want you-..." he tells him.
Knuckles stops moving the hips and blinks confused.
"Y-you want what-...?" He gulps.
Shadow purrs and moves his hips upward and toward Knuckles' crotch.
Knuckles blushes and moans softly when he feels Shadow pressing gently at his dick.
"You~... I want everything from you... Sex and love..." the hedgehog explains purring.
Knuckles stares surprised at him while happiness starts spreading in the chest.
The echidna smiles widely.
"Same-... I love you Shadow..." he says, and few seconds later Amy hung up on the phone.
Knuckles smiles and leans forward where he kisses Shadow gently on the lips.
"But we shouldn't have sex-..." he starts adding.
"Why not?!" Shadow flinches, kinda upset over the information. With a frown on the face.
Knuckles gasps.
Then the echidna chuckles and looks lovely into his eyes.
"Let me finish, love... I don't think we should have sex... On the couch... At least not during our first time..." Knuckles tells him.
The grimace soon faded away and got replaced with a smile on Shadow's face.
Shadow chuckles.
"Oh-... Alright... We can use the bed" he says.
Knuckles leans down, toward him where he gives him a peck on the cheek.
"Mm" Knuckles agrees and gets down from the couch.
Then he carefully picks Shadow up in the arms.
Shadow gasps jolting and runs an arm around Knuckles' shoulders.
Then the hedgehog snickers and looks excited at the red male who carries him out from the living room and into the bedroom.

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