Chapter 1

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Steve stood in front of the mirror, looking at his bare chest when he heard Natasha enter behind him. He quickly pulled on his shirt as he turned around to see her smirking. "What?"

She shrugged, "for someone that doesn't believe in the whole soul mark, soul mate, thing, you check yourself every morning for the mark."

Steve rolled his eyes, pointing at her red star on her wrist, "you have a mark, but no soul mate. So maybe it doesn't work."

Natasha looked as the small red star on her left wrist, "I do have one. I've met him. I just don't know where he is right now. It's still there, that means he's still alive." She thought about her soul mate and what horrors he could be enduring right now, and if he looked for her the way she did him. She sighed, looking back up at Steve, "it will come. In time. You haven't been here in this time that long."

"Yeah, but that's just it. What if she isn't from this time? What if she was from my time and I never got to meet her?"

Natasha approached her friend, placing her hands on his arms, "she's here. You'll meet her."

Steve scoffed as he pulled away, "I won't hold out hope. I have to go."

Natasha sighed, "you have that art class today, don't you?"

Steve nodded, "yeah. Need to get out of the compound."

Natasha smirked, "and maybe meet a girl." Steve rolled his eyes as he watched her wink at him before he walked away, throwing on his leather jacket as he did.


Steve sat in the small room of the museum as he watched Peggy's face appear on the screen. He smiled as she mentioned him and all the troops he saved. He sighed, looking down at the compass in his hand that held the picture of his love from before the war. He never got his mark even after meeting her, but he knew he loved her and wasn't sure he'd ever love anyone else the same again. He looked back up as Peggy mentioned he had saved the man that would become her soul mate and she shows a small mark of a flower on her arm. He groaned, seemed everyone had one but him. He shook his head, scoffing as he stood up, walking through the museum dedicated to him and the other commandos he served with. He stopped at his oldest friend James "Bucky" Barnes. He sighed, thinking about that day on the train when he fell. Now here was Steve without Bucky and without his love, in a world he didn't understand. He wished he had been the one thrown from the train that day and not Bucky. He brought his hand up to the shrine, to the face of his best friend, sighing before turning back, leaving the museum.


Daphne sat in front of her easel as she waited for class to start. The point of her coming to the class was to put herself out there and meet someone, but she was too shy. She fiddled with her phone, playing a game when she heard the door open as someone sat next to her. She looked up to find blue green eyes watching her as she felt her breath catch, inspecting the man. She watched him grin as a stray tendril of blond hair fell into his face and he pushed it back with his hand before holding it out to her.

"I'm Steve." Steve watched the woman with long dark hair that changed from brown to red depending on the reflection of the light. Her eyes were hazel, a light amber in the middle with olive green flecks. He smiled as she seemed to stare at him, making him nervous. "Miss?"

Daphne contained the groan as she shook her head, "I'm sorry. What did you say?" She felt her face redden as she watched the man chuckle softly, a dimple in his left cheek appearing.

"I said. My name is Steve."

She nodded, accepting his hand, "I'm Daphne. Nice to meet you." She cleared her throat, going back to fiddling on her phone as she felt him staring a hole into her that she tried to ignore.

Steve watched Daphne put her phone into her pocket as the teacher started talking in front of them. He couldn't stop looking at her, feeling some sort of draw as he watched her blush at his gaze. He shook his head, trying to focus on what the teacher was saying as he looked away from her. When class finished, he watched her hastily shove everything into her bag, rushing out of the room before he could say anything. He went into the hall, not seeing her before he head back to the compound.


Natasha watched Steve walk right past her as he entered the compound, seemingly in his own world. "Steve?"

He stopped at Natasha's voice, turning to face her, "oh, hey Nat. I didn't see you." He looked up to see her standing with Maria Hill. He half smiled, "Agent Hill."

Maria chuckled, "come on Steve. You can call me Maria. I think we know each other well enough by now."

Sam laughed as he entered the room, "Steve is old fashioned and too proper to call a woman by her first name."

Natasha shrugged, "he calls me Nat."

Sam nudged her shoulder, "but you aren't a normal woman."

She rolled her eyes, grabbing his arm, flipping him on his back, placing her foot on his chest. "I don't know what you mean."

Sam grunted, "sure."

Steve laughed at them before starting to walk off again when he heard Natasha catching up to him, walking with him.

"How was the art class Steve? Meet anyone?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe."

Natasha shrugged as he walked away from her, leaving her standing in the hallway alone as he went into his room.

Steve stripped down to his underwear before plopping on his bed, thinking about Daphne. He didn't know what it was about her, just that he wasn't sure he could wait a week until he saw her again.

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