Chapter 8

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Steve rolled over in the morning to see Daphne still asleep on her back. He smiled, bringing his hand up to her right shoulder, running his thumb along her stars. He heard her breathing change as she turned her head to face him, opening her eyes into his. "Morning."

Daphne smiled, "hi."

Steve chuckled, "weird right? Going from not knowing someone one day to loving them the next."

Daphne felt her heart skip as she brought her hand up to his cheek, "love?"

Steve nodded, blushing, "I've said too much?"

Daphne giggled, "no, you didn't say too much Steve. Kiss me."

He chuckled, "you're the boss."

She giggled again as he kissed her, running his hand down to her thigh. She put it up, her foot flat on the bed as she wrapped her arms around his torso, hearing him wince slightly at his sore ribs. She pulled him between her legs as she put up her other leg, wrapping it around him as she heard him moan.

Steve ran his hand up her thigh under her shirt to her waist. He heard her moaning as he trailed kisses down her jaw to her neck and shoulder. He kissed her stars, back to her neck as she wrapped both legs around him, pulling his body to hers. He groaned, pulling back to look at her to see her smirking at him. He smiled, "you're trouble."

She nodded, "none you wouldn't enjoy."

Steve chuckled, "oh, no doubt." He pulled away from her, rolling back on his back as he heard a knock on his door. He pulled the blanket up over them, "come in!"

Daphne sat up next to Steve as Natasha entered his room with a smirk.

"Tony is here. He wants to talk to everyone. Feel free to bring your girlfriend."

Daphne smiled as Natasha winked at her before leaving. She looked at Steve, "Tony as in Stark?"

Steve chuckled standing up from the bed, "yes. Come on then."

She chuckled, getting out of bed as she helped him make it, watching him being so precise as she grinned.

Steve noticed her watching him, "what?"

She shook her head, "nothing. I guess we just have a lot to get to know about each other is all."

Steve nodded, "we will. I'll meet you out in the hall?"

"Sure." Daphne smiled as she pulled on her sweater before putting on her shoes and grabbing her jacket. She stood in the hallway, leaning against the wall next to his door as she waited for him to get dressed. She heard him open the door as she stood up straight. He wore jeans and a button down shirt, smiling as he grabbed her hand, leading her to the conference room. She sat next to him as she saw Tony watching her.

Tony turned his attention to Steve, eying him up and down, "look at you Capsicle, did you get some new clothes?"

Steve blushed, "yeah."

Tony laughed, looking at Daphne as he held out his hand to her, "I assume you have something to do with that? And whom might you be?"

Daphne accepted his hand, "Daphne Edwards. It's nice to meet you Mr. Stark."

Tony shook his head, "please, call me Tony." He turned his attention back to the rest of the room, "so! I am here to inform you that I have completed the new Avengers compound in upstate New York. Plenty of room for everyone and room for expanding as we get more."

Daphne felt her heart sink to her stomach as she looked down at the table. She heard everyone talking over each other as she felt Steve place his hand on her thigh under the table. She looked up at him, to see he was concerned as well. She placed her hand on his as she heard her name. "What?" She looked up to see Tony trying to talk to her.

"Ms. Edwards." He fiddled with his tablet before looking back at her again, "Daphne Edwards, born December 7, 1987 in Fairfax Virginia. Parents died when you were young, being raised by a distant aunt. One sister, Amelia Edwards who owns a bakery here in the city. You graduated at the top of your class for nursing school, earning a Master of Science in Nursing. You worked as a nurse for two years in Virginia when you abruptly quit before moving to DC to live with your sister. Since which you seem to be wandering aimlessly, working at her bakery and taking random art classes that you don't appear to need."

Daphne looked from Steve to Tony, "what exactly is your point? And how do you know so much about me?"

Tony laughed, "I'm Tony Stark. And the point Ms. Edwards, is a job. For you, at the new SHIELD compound in New York. If you want it. I've already discussed your resume with Dr. Cho."

She shook her head, "we literally just met. How did you work so fast?"

He shrugged, "when someone enters a SHIELD building throwing a fit about seeing Captain Rogers, it gets investigated. I looked into you last night, receiving most the information first thing this morning." He chuckled, seeing her taken aback and confused, "talk to Cap and let me know."

She looked back at Steve to see him as confused as her as he grabbed her hand. She let him lead her out of the conference room, back to his room, shutting the door behind them as he leaned back against his door. Daphne began to pace in front of him.

"Daphne? Is there a question? Come with me."

She groaned, "this is the thing about the whole soul mark, soul mate thing. One second we're strangers, and the next I'm supposed to follow you to New York?"

Steve shook his head, grabbing her hand to make her look at him, "but we aren't strangers anymore Daphne. What about this morning? Love."

Daphne sighed, resting her head against his chest, "how do we know?"

Steve brought his hand to her chin, making her look up at him, "how do we know what?"

She shrugged, "that it's love?"

He chuckled, resting his hands at her lower back, intertwining his fingers, "I feel it. I know you do too." He heard her giggle as he leaned down to kiss her while she wrapped her arms around his neck.

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