Chapter 15

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Daphne looked up from her desk when she heard someone enter. She looked to see a smiling Steve as he shut the door behind him, "hey there, I was just going through some of the physicals we did yesterday."

He grinned, approaching her at her desk. "I came to walk you to lunch."

She nodded, standing up as he stood in front of her as she held out her arms. "Do I need an escort?"

He shrugged, "okay. I missed you. And I wanted to kiss you."

Daphne giggled, "go on then." She smiled as she heard him chuckle before pulling her to him as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She moaned, feeling his tongue and urgency right away as he moved his hands down to ass, squeezing before she pulled away.

"That not okay?"

She chuckled as she sat back in her chair in front of him, "more than okay." She saw him watching her as she undid his pants, pulling his cock from them as she looked up at him, "you can guide my head if you want." She giggled as she heard him moan as she took him into her mouth.

Steve watched as his cock disappeared into her mouth as she sucked and stroked urgently, rubbing his balls as she did. He groaned, resting his hand on her head as she bobbed on his cock. "Oh Daph. Don't stop." He heard her giggle at his panting, feeling the vibrations on his cock as she did. He watched her speed up, "I'm going to c..." He groaned as he felt her sucking, swallowing as he spurted.

Daphne moaned, continuing until she was sure he was done and he started to push her off.

"That's not what I intended when I came in here."

She laughed, standing up to kiss him as he fixed his pants. Once he was done, she yelped as he pinned her against the wall, lifting her to him as he gripped her ass once more.

He trailed kisses down her neck, "you didn't have to do that."

She shrugged, "I wanted to." She giggled, "never had a blow job before?"

Steve blushed, "no." He saw her smiling at his confession, "you probably regret being with me, huh?"

She shook her head, "quite the opposite. For one, you're like a blank slate. And two, you're incredibly sweet. I've never been with anyone like you."

"Like me how? Inexperienced?"

She laughed, "no. That's not what I meant. I meant what I said, you're really sweet and you actually care about me and how I feel and what I think."

Steve shrugged, "you never had anyone like that?" He saw her hesitate, as her eyes seemed to glaze over, "Daph?"

She looked back at him, "no. Never. Put me down Steve."

He nodded, setting her back on the ground as she sat back in her chair. "What's the matter? Did I do something?"

She chuckled as she shook her head, "no. I wasn't completely forthcoming about myself."

He shrugged, "what do you mean?"

"I mean why I moved abruptly to DC to be with Amelia. I was working at a hospital as a nurse and I quit to move to DC."

Steve nodded, kneeling in front of her in her chair, "okay. Why?"

She sighed, resting her hands around his neck as he rested his hands on her thighs. "There was a doctor, a surgeon, that was giving me attention when I started working there. At first I enjoyed the attention. He was older and attractive and a surgeon, so I flirted back. I guess he took that to mean that I was more interested than I was. When he tried to act on it, I denied him and he said I owed him because I led him on. I found out it was a normal thing for him with new nurses, as well as interns. So I left." She shrugged as she watched Steve's reaction.

"He touched you?" He saw her only nod as she looked down, "no. He raped you. You tried to tell me before, but I didn't get it?"

Daphne nodded as Steve stood up and she saw him ball his hands into fists. She jumped as he punched the wall behind her desk, "Steve!"

He groaned, seeing the hole in the wall, "sorry." He looked back at Daphne who now looked scared. "I'm sorry!" He knelt back down in front of her, "you don't have to be afraid of me."

"I know." She wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his neck, "I know Steve. I'm not. But you're fixing the wall."

Steve laughed, "I will." He pulled away, cradling her face in his hands, "I love you. And you're mine now. You belong to me. I'm never going to let anyone hurt you. Ever."

Daphne smiled, "I know. I'm always yours Steve."

"Good. Me too. Come on." He held his hand out as he stood up, "we should go eat lunch. Then we have a party to get ready for. Are you ready for a Tony Stark party?"

Daphne groaned as she followed him out of the office, "I don't know. Should I be worried?"

He laughed, "probably not."

"There you guys are. Thought you got lost."

Daphne rolled her eyes as Bucky berated them as they entered the dining area. Steve motioned for her to sit down. She sat next to Bucky, looking at him, "we were talking."

He smiled, squeezing her hand under the table as he nodded. "Good. Let's eat."

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