Chapter 10

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Steve felt Daphne gripping his hand as they followed Tony through the new compound, showing them where everything was.

"This place is huge."

Tony chuckled, looking back at Daphne as she looked around, "100 acres with a lap pool and a screening room. You won't be bored here."

She giggled, squeezing Steve's hand, "somehow I don't think I will be anyway." She saw Steve look at her, blushing. They stopped in front of a few people as Tony introduced them as Bruce Banner and Clint Barton as they walked outside.

"Bruce will come and go. Barton will be here to train agents with Nat and Steve."

Daphne smiled and nodded before jumping as she heard a loud crack and thump beside her. She turned to see Thor next to her as Steve laughed.

"You'll get used to that."

She nodded as Thor smirked at her, "you must be Thor."

"Hmm." He nodded, "and who might you be?"

She looked at Steve before holding her hand out to Thor, "I'm Daphne." She put her hand back down awkwardly as Thor disregarded it.

"She's Steve's girlfriend and soul mate."

She blushed, looking at Natasha as Thor scoffed. She looked back at him as he rolled his eyes.

"What a juvenile and ridiculous notion; soul mates. You love someone because you love someone, not because you're told to."

She felt Steve squeeze her hand as she took a step towards Thor, "why can't it be both? Why can't you love someone because you want to and love someone because they're your soul mate. You not have it on Asgard?"

Thor shrugged, "I don't know. But look at Nat, she doesn't even know where hers is. So how does that even work?"

Daphne looked at Natasha who looked down at her wrist before looking back at Thor, "you don't have to know how it works Thor. Just have to believe that the person is out there."

Steve chuckled, squeezing her hand as she looked up at him, "you sound pretty sure for someone that was just as cynical as Thor just a few weeks ago."

Daphne shrugged, "ditto." She blushed as he leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"Thor is just grumpy because Jane got her mark from someone else and not from him."

Daphne looked at Tony who was smirking before looking back at Thor. She placed her hand on his arm, "I'm really sorry Thor. I'm sure you'll find someone." She saw him half smile as her before walking away.

Tony clapped his hands together. "Okay. Let's show you the infirmary before the living quarters."

Daphne sighed as she walked with Steve and everyone to the infirmary where the same female doctor that had wrapped Steve's ribs before was. Tony motioned to her, introducing her as Dr. Cho. Daphne held her hand out to her, "it's nice to meet you. Thanks for letting me work for you."

She chuckled, "Tony and I have looked over your resume, it's quite impressive."

Tony nodded, "when Dr. Cho isn't around, Daphne will be in charge or medical needs. Alright, quarters."

She looked up at Steve to see him watching her as they walked to the dorms. Tony stopped in front of a door that was labeled S. Rogers. Next to it was D. Edwards.

"You both asked for rooms next to each other but separate. I'll leave you to it."

She blushed, looking at Steve as they entered Steve's room. She looked to see a door that connected their rooms.

Steve closed the door to his room, "you asked for separate rooms?"

She shrugged, wrapping her arms around him as she looked up at him, "I figured you'd be more comfortable that way. And we are still getting to know each other."

He nodded, "thank you. I know it was a lot in general to leave your sister for me."

"I want to be here with you Steve." She slid her hands up his chest, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You'll be nearby to kiss whenever I like."

Steve chuckled, "like now?"

She giggled, nodding, "yes please." She saw him grin before leaning down to her, kissing her softly as she ran her tongue along his lower lip.

He moaned softly, parting his lips for her as he brought a hand up to the nape of her neck as he felt her leading him back to his bed. He grunted as he fell onto the bed with her under him as she laughed. "Trouble."

She shrugged, "I just want to make out Steve."

He nodded, "I know. But it quickly leads to more." He sighed, rolling to his back, out of breath. "Can we try a do over of the date tomorrow night? I can make sure we get the screening room alone."

Daphne rolled to face him, resting her head on her hand as she rested her other hand on his chest, "sounds good. I have physicals to do on new agents all day."

"Yeah. And I have training all day." He brought his hand up to hers on his chest, intertwining their fingers, "have you ever thought about training? Nothing crazy, just self defense."

Daphne shrugged, "I don't know. With you?"

Steve laughed, "not with me. No. Nat would help you if you wanted to."

"Why not you?"

Steve rolled to face her, bringing his hand to her cheek, "because I could never hit you. I would take it too easy on you."

She laughed, "but Nat has no trouble hitting me?"

He chuckled, "she wouldn't, no. It's been a long day. We should try to get some sleep. And I have to be up early."

Daphne stood up from the bed, "okay." She pulled him up to her, kissing him before going to her own room. She changed clothes before crawling into bed, staring at the ceiling. She sighed, finding it hard to sleep knowing Steve was only feet away. She got out of bed, opening the adjoining door to see Steve standing there, about to knock. She chuckled, "can I sleep with you?"

Steve nodded, grinning, "please."

She followed him to his bed, laying on his chest as she felt him wrap his arm around her.

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