Chapter 4

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Steve took a deep breath before entering the bakery, seeing Daphne at the counter, talking to another customer. He saw her look up at him, the blush appearing instantly, making him smile as she looked back at the customer.

Daphne motioned for Steve to follow her to a table in the corner of the bakery as she carried two coffees. She sat across from him as he smiled at her, "good morning."

"Good morning, Daphne. Thank you for the coffee."

She nodded, as they both sat in an awkward silence before Steve broke it.

"So your sister owns the bakery?"

"Yeah." Daphne nodded as she pointed to Amelia at the counter. "She makes everything. She's a great baker."

Steve smiled, looking up at Amelia who looked like a blonde version of Daphne with bright blue eyes. "So you work here? What else do you do?"

"Yeah." Daphne fiddled with her coffee cup. "I work here part time. I was a nurse before I moved here. Kinda of wandering a bit." She chuckled, looking down at her cup, embarrassed.

"How long have you lived here? You said you were a nurse before?"

Daphne nodded, looking back up at Steve, nervous at his eye contact, "I just moved here to live with my sister around 6 months ago."

Steve smiled, moving closer to her as he set his phone on the table. "I can't lie, I'm still trying to figure out this technology stuff. How do you add a new contact?"

Daphne giggled, "smooth." She looked up at him as she saw him blush slightly before she looked back at his phone. She moved closer to him, swiping on his phone as she pulled up the contacts. She felt Steve lean towards her, looking over her shoulder at his phone as she felt his breath on her neck, making her nervous. She entered her name and phone number before clicking the little message bubble button. She sent herself a message from his phone before sliding it back to him.

He grinned as he shook his head, "you're so good at that. I'm awful with all this new technology stuff. Maybe you can help me?"

She nodded, "how long have you been in this time?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, almost two years? I don't really go anywhere though. Mostly just stick around the compound."

She chuckled, motioning to his clothes, "and no one there has tried to help you with some modern clothing?"

Steve blushed, looking down at his clothes, "what's wrong with my clothes?"

Daphne giggled, "I mean. Nothing if you're still living in the 40's." She looked at his tweed pants, "and nothing if you're over 70."

Steve laughed, "well, I sort of am."

She nodded, bringing her hand up to a small tendril of blond hair, pushing it back, "but you don't look it."

He blushed as she lowered her hand, "well my body I guess is only about 29. Maybe you can help with that as well?"

Daphne shrugged, "sure."

Steve grinned, "maybe we can go shopping after art class?"

"Okay. No more tweed pants Steve."

He laughed, nodding, "you're the boss." He leaned towards her, "so can I ask what your thoughts are on the whole soul mark thing?"

She sighed, "I don't really know. On one hand, I guess it makes things easier. On the other, I hate it. Knowing that I'm not in control of my own life. That I'm predestined for someone I don't even know until I do."

Steve smiled, "I agree. Can I ask you something else?"

She nodded, "sure."

He hesitated, looking at the table before looking back up at her, "do you have your mark?" He saw her nod, "did it appear recently?"

Daphne smiled, "yes."

He nodded, letting out a sigh of relief, "after meeting me?"

Daphne nodded, "yes Steve."

He grinned, "I don't understand mine. Do you?"

She laughed, "mine's pretty self explanatory, yeah."

Steve chuckled as he nodded. He leaned towards her again as he twirled the end of her hair between his fingers, "well I look forward to you explaining mine at some point."

Daphne swallowed hard as she nodded, "okay."

He brought his right hand to her cheek, running his thumb along her cheekbone as he heard her breath hitch. He smiled before removing his hand, leaning back, "so how old are you Daphne?"

"I'm 25."

He nodded, "how come you don't work as a nurse anymore?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. Feel like I'm trying to find my place I guess."

He sighed, "well you don't have to tell me what it feels like being out of place."

She placed her hand on his, "I'm sorry Steve. I can't imagine what it must have felt like waking up in a completely different time."

He shrugged, "I'm adjusting." He turned his hand over holding her hand as he saw her smile at him. "I was afraid you didn't come to class last time because I scared you away."

She shrugged, "more running from my destiny in general, not just from you."

Steve nodded, grabbing her hand, pulling it to his mouth, kissing it as he smiled, "you don't have to run from me."

Daphne smiled as he brought his hand to her hair, carding his fingers through. "I should get back to work."

"Of course. Thanks for sitting with me and for the coffee." He stood up as she did, "I'll see you in art class?"

Daphne nodded, "yeah." She leaned up, kissing him on the cheek as she saw him blush slightly. "I'll see you then. And you can message me, if you can figure that out."

Steve laughed, "I'll try."

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