Chapter 16

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"Oh my god. Daphne!"

She turned around when she heard Steve behind her as she waited for him outside the party. She looked down at her blue lace, off the shoulder dress, "too much? I wasn't sure what was normal."

Steve grinned as he shook his head, "no. You look beautiful."

Daphne smiled, "okay. Good." She leaned up to kiss him as he rested his hands at the small of her back, "you look pretty okay too Captain."

He chuckled, leaning down to her ear, "there's just something about the way you say that." He heard her giggle before leading her into the party of agents and the other avengers. He felt her grip her his hand as they walked through the people, a few of them looking at her. He leaned down to her, "don't be nervous. You're mine."

She grinned up at him as they stopped in front of Tony talking to Bucky and Natasha.

Steve leaned down, kissing her on the cheek, "I'll get you a drink. Behave yourself."

She shook her head at his smirk as he walked away. She felt Bucky nudge her shoulder as they stepped off to the side by themselves.

"So you told Steve?"

She nodded, "we talked about it. Yes."

He smiled, "good. I'm proud of you. I told you he wouldn't think any less of you."

Daphne nodded again, looking towards Steve as he was approached by a blonde woman, "who is that?"

Natasha walked up behind her, "that's Sharon Carter. She's had a thing for Steve since he got here. He's never been interested though."

"Hmm." Daphne watched Sharon run her hand along his arm before he walked away from her.

He approached Daphne, handing her a drink with a smile. "I'm gonna play pool with Sam and Thor. Is that okay?"

"Of course it is. You may be mine, but you don't need my permission to talk to your friends." She smiled as he kissed her cheek before walking away to the pool table.

"Behave yourself Daph."

She looked back at Bucky to see him smirking at her before looking back at Sharon who was still watching Steve. "No." She finished her drink before handing it to Bucky as she left him to approach Sharon. She stood in front of Sharon, blocking her sight of Steve as she held out her hand, "hi. I don't think we've met. I'm Daphne."

Sharon sighed, accepting her hand as she shook it, "I know who you are. I'm Sharon."

"Oh." Daphne nodded, "so you know who I am, yet you flirt so shamelessly with Steve?"

Sharon rolled her eyes before looking at Daphne's stars on her shoulder, "so what? So you have a mark. It means nothing."

Daphne smiled as she took a step towards Sharon, "maybe not to you. But to me it does. And it does to Steve too. He's mine. Keep your dirty paws off him." She heard Sharon scoff as she balled her hands into fists when she felt someone put their hand around her waist. She looked up to see Bucky next to her.

"Come on doll. You owe me a dance."

She nodded, letting Bucky lead her to the dance floor as he rested his flesh hand at her waist. She placed her hands behind his neck, intertwining her fingers, "she would have deserved whatever I gave her."

Bucky laughed, "oh, I'm sure. You shouldn't be jealous. Steve loves you."

Daphne groaned, "I know he does. I'm not normally so possessive."

He shrugged, "I get it. Don't worry about her Daph."

"I don't like people touching my things." Bucky laughed, making her smile, seeing his eyes sparkle for the first time. "Don't laugh at me."

He shook his head, winking at her, "never."

She felt him let her go as Steve placed his hand on her back, replacing Bucky as her dance partner. She felt him pull her body to his, "hi."

Steve smiled, "causing trouble?"

She grinned, "never."

He nodded, "right. I don't want Sharon. I never did. I want you Daphne." He leaned down to her ear, "want to leave the party and cause trouble in the bedroom?" He laughed as he saw her nod enthusiastically while she grinned.

"Oh yes please Steve." She squealed as he gripped her hand leading her away from the dance floor and party.

Steve grunted as he felt Daphne push him up against the wall as they entered his room. He felt her undoing his shirt as she crashed her lips into his. He shrugged his shirt off as he undid his belt, tossing it onto the floor before leading her back to the bed. He pushed her gently to fall onto her back as he leaned down, running his hands up her legs to her panties. He removed them as he heard her breathing heavy above him.

Daphne saw him smile before kneeling in front of her on the side of the bed, hooking her legs over his shoulders as he kissed up her legs. She pulled her dress up to her waist as she felt him kiss her mound before running his tongue along her slit.

Steve heard her moan loudly before laying her head back, resting her hand in his hair. He lapped his tongue once more along her slit to her clit, taking it into his mouth, sucking gently as he felt her buck her hips to him. He moaned, bringing a hand up, inserting two fingers as he heard her moaning.

Daphne yelped out, "oh god Steve!"

He pulled back, "no good?"

She groaned, looking down at him, gripping his hair as she placed his head back between her legs, "don't stop!"

Steve chuckled, returning to pleasuring her as she removed her hand from his hair, gripping the blanket. He felt her bucking her hips to him as she grabbed a pillow, moaning into it as he felt her clenching around his fingers. He pulled away when he felt it subsiding as he stood up, removing his pants as she watched him, "how was that?"

She sat up, pulling her dress off before laying back on his bed, naked as he grinned, "oh Steve. Come here."

He chuckled, pulling his underwear off before joining her on the bed, "yes ma'am." He positioned himself between her legs as she pulled him to her, pulling his mouth to hers as he moaned, sliding into her slowly.

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