Chapter 18

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Daphne grunted as she landed on her back, looking up at Natasha, "I thought you were taking it easy on me."

Natasha grinned, "I am." She held her hand out to Daphne, helping her to her feet. "We don't have to do this."

Daphne sighed, "no. We do. I want to be able to defend myself and not just expect Captain America to rescue me."

"He always will though."

She laughed, turning around to see Steve approaching them with Sharon following close behind. Daphne ignored her, throwing her arms around Steve as she kissed him urgently. She heard Sharon scoff next to them as she pulled away, "what are you doing here?"

Steve sighed, "to tell you that I have to leave for a few days for an undercover mission."

Daphne shrugged, "okay. All alone?"

Steve groaned, "no. Sharon is coming with me."

She looked to see Sharon smirking at her, "why does she have to go? Why not Nat? Or Maria?"

He shrugged, "because it's her. It'll be fine. We have to get going though. I love you."

Daphne only stood there in silence as Steve pulled her off to the side. "I forbid it."

Steve laughed, "you forbid it? You forbid Captain America from leaving to do his job?"

She glared at him, "no. I forbid Steve Rogers from being alone for days with Sharon Carter."

He laughed again, seeing her still glaring at him, "you're so cute when you're all possessive. Nothing will happen. I only want you Daphne. You're my girl. My angel. My one and only."

She rolled her eyes, trying to stifle a smile as he grinned at her, "fine. I love you too." She leaned up to kiss him once more, taking no time for her tongue to find his as she heard him moan softly before pulling away, "mine."

He chuckled, nodding, "always."

She sighed as she walked back with him to the rest of the group as he said goodbye.

Sharon stepped towards her, "don't worry, I'll take good care of Steve while we're gone."

Daphne, balled her hands into fists again, pulling back to hit her as she felt Bucky grab her again like he did at the party. She saw Steve push Sharon ahead him as he turned back to Daphne, an apologetic look on his face. She groaned, turning to Bucky, "are you ever going to let me hit her?"

Bucky laughed, "maybe at some point. Perhaps you should keep training though. Now that you're angry is the best time."


Steve sighed, looking at Sharon as they drove, "why do you insist on antagonizing Daphne? I'm never going to be with you. She's my soul mate. She's all I want."

Sharon scoffed, "oh please. Her? She's not good enough for you."

Steve laughed, "and who are you to decide what's good for me? You don't even know Daphne. Even without the mark, I would have fallen for her."

"You deserve someone more acclimated to your lifestyle. Someone that understands. Not some civilian."

He shook his head, "you know I've only given you the benefit of the doubt because Peggy was a close friend of mine in the war. But you are nothing like her. You are childish and petty. I have never wanted you and I never will. Just move on already Sharon."


Steve moaned, feeling a hand up and down his chest, "Angel." He opened his eyes, seeing Sharon lying next to him on his bed. "What are you doing?!" He jumped out of bed, seeing her sit up with a grin. "Get out of my bed!"

She shrugged, "we're supposed to be posing as a married couple. We should do what married couples do."

Steve groaned, "no Sharon!" He turned away as she started to undress in front of him. He grabbed the blanket from the bed before grabbing her, taking her into the bathroom as she struggled.

"What are you doing?!"

He set her in the bathroom, tossing the blanket at her before shutting the door, locking her in. He grabbed the blanket from her bed, laying back on his as he went back to sleep, ignoring her yelling as he did.


Steve sighed as he woke up a few hours later to silence as the sun started to come up. He leaned his ear to the door of the bathroom, hearing nothing as he unlocked it. He opened the door slowly to see Sharon asleep in the tub, wrapped in the blanket. He shook his head, turning on the shower on the the cold setting, hearing her screech as she jolted up. He grinned, trying to stifle his laugh as she glared at him, "good morning! Have we learned our lesson yet?" He turned off the water as she didn't say anything, climbing out of the tub. He grabbed her arm as she started to leave the bathroom, "you didn't answer my question, have you learned your lesson? That I'm not for you?"

Sharon rolled her eyes, "fine! I'll leave you alone."

He nodded, "and?"

She sighed, "and I'll leave Daphne alone."

He smiled, "good. Now can we complete this so I can return back home?" He saw her roll her eyes as she scoffed before leaving the bathroom. He heard his phone ding, going back into the bedroom, picking it from his nightstand to see a message from Daphne.

My Angel
I hate sleeping without you

Me too
I'll get back as soon as I can
I miss you

My Angel
I miss you too
I love you

I love you too my angel 😘

Steve grinned as he responded before setting his phone back on the nightstand.

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