Chapter 9

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"Daphne! You were gone all night. Is Steve okay?"

Daphne nodded as she entered the bakery. "He's okay. But there's something else."

"Okay?" Amelia looked at her sister, worried. "What's the matter Daph?"

Daphne leaned against the counter next to Amelia. "The Avengers are moving to a new compound in New York."

"So?" Amelia chuckled as she watched her sister. "Oh. Steve is going to New York. And... he doesn't want you to go with him?"

"No. He does want me to go." She groaned, "I don't know what to do."

Amelia laughed, "yes you do. If you can leave a state because of a man then you can move to a state because of a man. And not only a man but Steve fucking Rogers. And your soul mate."

"I know. I know. But we literally just met and now I'm supposed to uproot my life to follow him?"

"Uproot your life? Be serious Daphne. You have no real life here. You've been here for 6 months and you haven't really even unpacked all your stuff."

Daphne nodded, "ugh." She turned around as she heard someone enter the bakery. She heard Amelia go into the back as she watched Steve approach the counter, "Steve."

He nodded, walking to the end of the counter as she followed him, "I wanted to check on you. I know you were sort of freaking out." He chuckled, playing with her hair, "looks like you kinda of still are."

Daphne laughed, "maybe a little. What are you doing here?"

He smiled, bringing a hand to her cheek, "I want you to come with me. But only because you want to. So if you don't want to then we can figure something out."

She groaned, "we just met Steve. We haven't even slept together and you want me to move to New York with you?"

He chuckled, "do you want to sleep with me? Will that convince you?"

Daphne laughed, bringing her arms up around his neck, "it might." She saw him blush as he rested his hands at her waist, "I'm kidding. Not that I don't want to sleep with you. I do." She brought her hand up to his blond hair, "you're so sweet Steve. And I want to believe that we'll be fine, but who could say?"

He shrugged, "won't know unless you give us a try. I need to be near you. Please come."

She sighed, "I have to, don't I? All you did was injure your ribs and I couldn't stay away from you. I don't know what I'd do if you were hurt and in New York."

Steve nodded, "so you'll come?"

"I guess." She smiled as he laughed. "You still owe me another date Steve."

He laughed, "I do. And I promise that I will. In New York."

Daphne nodded, "okay. Don't make me regret it."

"You won't! Now," he brought his hand up to her cheek, "can I kiss you?"

She giggled, "you don't have to ask anymore Steve. Just kiss me." She watched him nod before leaning in, kissing her softly. She moved her hand to the nape of his neck, keeping his mouth on hers as she heard him moan before he pulled away.

"I hope for more than that at some point."

She smiled, "oh yeah? Thinking about taking me to bed Rogers?"

He nodded, moaning softly, "oh yes. After a proper date. Or a few."

"A few?." She laughed as he smiled.

"Yes. A few. I'm old fashioned. You think you can get me into bed after one date Ms. Edwards?"

Daphne laughed, "well you took those groupies to bed without a date."

Steve groaned, "but that was different. Those girls didn't mean anything to me. Not like you."

"Not like me?" She grinned as he blushed.

He nodded, placing his hand on her cheek as he stroked her cheek gently with his thumb, "not like you."

She looked down as she heard his phone buzz.

"I have to go. I'll see you soon?"

Daphne nodded, "you will. Go Steve." She smiled as he hesitated, smiling at her before leaving.


Daphne was closing up the bakery when she saw Tony come up to her, "Mr. Stark. What are you doing here?"

He shook his head, "Tony. Please. I came to talk to you."

Daphne shrugged, "okay. Walk with me? I don't live far."

"Sure. So I know you know I did a background check on you. But I didn't say everything. Like why you left your job at the hospital. Have you told Steve?"

Daphne stopped, looking at Tony, "we barely know each other. What do you know? Because I assure you that it isn't what you think."

Tony nodded, "I assumed. That's why I also did a background check on that doctor." He grabbed her arm, "I just wanted you to know that I believe you. And that I think you should tell Steve. He'd want to know."

She groaned, "maybe I will at some point. Why is this your business?"

He shrugged, "because Steve is an Avenger, that makes him my business. And he's my friend. I heard his mark is a laurel wreath. Fitting. And not just because your name is Daphne."

She smiled, "you know your mythology?"

"Of course I do. Genius, remember?"

Daphne laughed, "so I've heard. I appreciate your concern Tony. And I'll tell Steve when I deem it necessary."

Tony nodded, "okay. I look forward to you being in New York."

She smiled, nodding, "I'll be there."

He hesitated, "I don't presume to know your relationship, but are you wanting your own quarters?"

"Oh." She thought about it for a moment, aware of him watching her, "separate, but near Steve?"

Tony grinned, "sure thing. Doctor Cho is looking forward to meeting you."

"Me too. Thank you Tony, for finding a place for me. With all this mark stuff, everything has sort of been turned upside down. Feeling more confused than ever."

Tony sighed, "well I appreciate that. But I did it more for Steve than for you. I can't have him distracted, worrying about where you are. Or how you are"

Daphne nodded, smiling. "Well, thanks anyway."

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