Chapter 7

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"Ahh!" Daphne woke up with a jolt, feeling her mark burning as she brought her hand up to it. It felt like someone was holding a lighter to it as she looked up to see Amelia enter her room, turning on the light.

"What is it?!" Amelia sits on the bed next to Daphne as she sees tears streaking her cheeks.

"My mark. It hurts. Steve's hurt, I can feel it." She moved her hand to her ribs as Amelia looked at her mark.

"It looks okay." She brought her hand up to Daphne's hair, "are you okay?"

Daphne nodded, "yeah. I need to see Steve."

Amelia nodded as she watched Daphne get out of bed, pulling on clothes, "right now?!"

"Yes, right now!" She heard her phone ding as she grabbed it from the nightstand. "It's a message from Steve."

I'm back
I'll call you later

Are you hurt?
I can feel you're hurt

I'm hurt but I'm okay

Daphne groaned, "I knew it. I have to go see him."

Amelia scoffed as Daphne pulled on her shoes, "how do you even plan on getting in?"

"I don't know! I just have to see him for myself Amelia!"


Daphne stood in the lobby of the SHIELD building, being restrained by guards. "Please. Just ask Steve Rogers, he'll vouch for me." She groaned as they wouldn't let her pass them. She pulled her arm back, hitting one of them in the face when she heard someone enter behind her.

Sam heard ruckus as he entered the lobby, recognizing Daphne from the bakery. "Let her go!"

Daphne looked back at Sam, "you! You're his friend. Please, I need to see him. Can you get me in."

Sam nodded, "of course." He looked at the guards, "she's with me. And she's Captain America's girlfriend. You'll be wise to let her in next time."

Daphne blushed at hearing Sam call her Steve's girlfriend. She followed Sam, standing in silence in the elevator as she saw him smirking at her. "Thank you. I'm Daphne by the way."

Sam chuckled, "I know who you are. I'm Sam. It's nice to officially meet you."

She followed him out of the elevator down a few halls to the infirmary. She looked as a few agents watched her as she followed Sam to an injured Steve, seeing a female doctor wrapping his ribs. "Steve?"

Steve turned back to see Daphne making her way to him, "what are you doing here?"

Sam chuckled, "she was having a go at the guards downstairs when I found her."

She blushed as she ran her hand along a few bruises on his stomach to his wrapped ribs, up to his chest. She looked up at him as she placed her hand on her mark, "my mark was burning. I knew you were in pain. I had to check on you. I'm sorry."

Steve shook his head, brushing some hair from her face, "it's okay. I told you I was fine."

She nodded, "I know. But I had to see for myself." She brought her hand up to his cheek as he smiled down at her.

Steve chuckled, "I thought I was supposed to be your protector."

Daphne giggled as the doctor stepped towards them.

"You're okay to go if you like Captain."

He nodded, looking up to see Natasha, Maria and Sam all watching them with smirks on their faces. He shook his head, "alright. That's enough." He grabbed Daphne's shoulders, making her turn away from him, "these are Agent's Maria Hill and Natasha Romanoff. And I guess you met Sam."

Daphne nodded, "yes. I'm sorry for just barging in here."

Natasha smiled, "no. It's completely fine. I'll make sure you aren't stopped next time."

"Thank you Natasha."

Steve smiled, grabbing Daphne's hand, "come on. Let's go to bed."

She blushed as she followed him to his quarters. She looked at him as he closed the door behind them, "to bed?"

He chuckled, "just sleep." He motioned to the bed, "make yourself comfortable."

She nodded, removing her shoes and jacket. She took off her sweater, crawling into bed in her tank top and leggings as she saw Steve come out of his bathroom in a t-shirt and sweat pants. He smiled as he crawled in beside her. She sat up, looking at him, "can you take off your shirt? I want to lay on your chest."

Steve smirked, nodding as he sat up to remove his shirt, tossing it on the floor before laying back down. He put his left arm up as she rested her head on his chest. He felt her bring her hand up to his mark on his right shoulder, tracing it with her fingers.

"I was so worried. I guess I'm going to have to get used it, being with you." She closed her eyes as she listened to his steady heartbeat, relaxing her.

Steve sighed, "I'm really sorry Daphne. I forgot about that aspect of the mark."

"It's okay Steve. I was just scared is all. I'm glad you're okay." She felt Steve running his hand through her hair as he ran his fingers up and down her left arm as she kept her hand on his mark.

"I'll always be okay Daphne. I promise."

She groaned, "please don't say that Steve. You can't promise me that."

Steve sighed, rolling her to her back, "you're right. I'm sorry."

She nodded, looking up at him as she felt the same tears as before.

"Hey! Don't cry Daph. I'm okay. I heal quickly."

She groaned, "I know you are. I'm not normally like this."

He nodded, bringing his hand to her cheek as he wiped the tears away with his thumb. "I know love. Let's just sleep, okay?"

"Okay." She put her hand at the nape of his neck, pulling his mouth to hers as she heard him moan, keeping his hand on her cheek. She felt his tongue, eager for hers as the kiss became urgent. She moaned before pulling away, grinning, "okay. Let's sleep."

Steve chuckled, laying back as he pulled her back to his chest, resting his head on hers.

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