Chapter 3

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Steve laughed at Sam as he panted, bending over to rest his hand on his knees. "I won, so I think you should buy me coffee."

Sam shook his head, standing up straight with his hands on his hips. He panted, out of breath, "well yeah. I'm not a super soldier." He motioned across the street to a bakery, "come on. I'll buy you a danish and a coffee."

Steve nodded and laughed as he followed Sam across the street.

Daphne looked up from the counter as the door to the bakery opened. She felt her heart race as she locked eyes with Steve, seeing him smirk as he approached the counter with Sam.

"Daphne." Steve smiled as he placed his hands on the counter.

Sam looked from Steve to the woman behind the counter, seeing them both staring at each other. He took a step back from them, watching them.

Daphne blushed, pulling her cardigan closed as she looked down at the counter, "Steve. Hi. How can I help you guys?"

Sam nodded, seeing Steve not saying anything. He took a step towards Daphne, "two coffees and two cheese danishes. Please."

Daphne half smiled, nodding as she turned away from them to grab their stuff.

Steve hit Sam as he nudged him, shaking his head. Sam laughed, following Steve to sit down at a table. Sam smirked as Daphne approached them, setting coffee and danishes in front of them, "I'm Sam. Nice to meet you....?"

She nodded, "Daphne." She smiled, hesitating at Steve before walking away back to the counter. She heard Amelia come up to her as she looked up. Amelia looked out to see Steve sitting with Sam, taking a look at Daphne every so often.

Amelia giggled, nudging her shoulder, "now the stars make sense. Have you shown him? What's his mark? It's him, right?"

Daphne shook her head, "no! Just leave it Amy, please." She looked up to see Steve approaching the counter as Amelia walked away to the back kitchen. She smiled at Steve as he leaned on the counter towards her, "is there something else you needed?"

He shook his head, "no. Why weren't you at class the other day?"

"Oh." Daphne blushed, "my sister needed me here at the bakery."

Steve smiled, "I was afraid that I scared you away."

She chuckled, shaking her head, "of course not."

"Good. Will you be at the next class then?" He smiled at her constant blush, seeing it travel down to her chest.

She nodded, "probably. Yeah."

He hesitated, noticing she wasn't willing to give up too much, "how often are you in here?"

She shrugged, "most mornings." She locked eyes with him as she watched a smile spread across his face. "I um.. I'll be here early tomorrow morning."

Steve smiled at her, "okay." He started to walk away before turning back to her, "just to be clear, you want me to come back tomorrow morning?"

Daphne giggled, nodding, "only if you want to." She smiled at his grin as he nodded.

"Oh, I do. I'll see you tomorrow morning Daphne." He tapped the counter awkwardly before walking away to see Sam grinning at him. "Don't."

Sam shrugged as he stood up, "don't what, Steve?" He laughed as Steve groaned.


Maria and Natasha smiled as they watched Sam and Steve enter the compound. "Hey. How was your guys run?"

Sam laughed, "better for Steve."

"Ugh. Sam! Shut up!"

Natasha grinned, "why? What happened?"

Steve shrugged, looking at Sam, "nothing!"

Natasha rolled her eyes, looking at Sam, "Sam?"

He laughed, "Steve was flirting with the girl at the counter of the bakery."

"Oh!" Natasha nudged Steve's shoulder, "same girl from the art class?"

He nodded, "yes. She said she missed class because she was needed in the bakery."

Natasha smiled, "see. I told you there was a reason. So how did it go?"

He shrugged, "she told me to come back tomorrow morning." He looked at Sam, "alone."

Sam laughed, "obviously. Good for you. About time."

Steve rolled his eyes, "alright guys. That's enough." He shook his head as he walked away to his room, thinking about Daphne's smile.


Daphne groaned as she watched Amelia come up to her, smirking. "Don't Amy."

Amelia shrugged, "don't what? You and Steve Rogers, who would have thought. He's much cuter in person than I expected him to be."

Daphne rolled her eyes, "yeah yeah. He's coming back tomorrow to talk. Please don't embarrass me anymore than I can embarrass myself on my own."

Amelia laughed, "it'll be fine. Don't put so much pressure on yourself babe."

Daphne nodded as she felt her sister rubbing her back. She sighed, resting her head on Amelia's shoulder, "I know. I don't know if I'm ready for this Amy."

"There's nothing to be ready for Daphne. Just talk to him and see what happens."

Daphne shrugged, "I just don't understand the whole predestined person thing. I don't see the point. What if we don't like each other?"

Amelia laughed, "come on. I saw the way he was looking at you and vice versa. You already feel something, don't you?"

Daphne nodded, "maybe. I'm not sure I could explain it. Just something about him."

"Of course. That's how it's supposed to be. And don't worry, I will make myself scarce in the morning. Did you show him your mark?"

"No!" Daphne shook her head, "no way. I didn't see his either. What if it isn't him?"

Amelia laughed, "come on. We both know that it is him."

Daphne sighed, "maybe."

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