Chapter 14

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Steve woke up to Daphne running her hand along his chest. He moaned softly, looking to see her watching him, "morning love. I have to get up soon for training."

Daphne sat up, "no. You're not training today. You're injured. You can watch Nat and Clint do it today."

Steve chuckled, "okay. I promise I won't engage."

She grinned, "thank you. Now, you don't have to get up yet." She removed her shirt as he watched her. He went to sit up but she pushed him back to his back, "no. You stay. Your stomach is still hurt." She removed her bra before straddling him on the bed, feeling him hard already as she brought his hands up to her breasts. She moaned as he rubbed her nipples gently with his thumbs. She leaned towards him as she felt him bring his hands to her back, running his fingers softly up and down her back. She kissed him urgently before pulling away. "You're not leaving until we finish this time."

Steve nodded, watching her move down as she kissed down his chest and stomach.

Daphne pulled his underwear down and off, tossing them on the floor. "Oh Captain, I guess the serum made everything super." She looked up to see him blushing as she giggled, taking his cock in her hand. She heard him moan as she ran her tongue up the shaft to the tip, taking it in her mouth, sucking slowly as she stroked to match.

"Oh Daph. I need you please." He watched her lean back, removing her underwear as she straddled him again. He rested his hands on her hips as she lowered herself onto him slowly, acclimating herself to him. He watched her close her eyes as she rested her hands on his chest. He ran his hands up her stomach to her chest, grabbing her breasts as he rubbed her nipples gently with his thumbs again, seeing her look back down at him with a smile. "You're so amazing."

She grinned, grabbing his hands in hers as she leaned down to him, holding his hands up above his head, "I love you Steve."

"I love you Daph. I won't last much longer." He felt her release his hands as he placed them on her back, moaning as she slid back and forth on him faster.

"I know." She heard his alarm go off indicating it was time to get up. She looked back at Steve, "you're not leaving this spot."

Steve chuckled, nodding, "you're the boss. Kiss me."

She grinned, pressing her mouth to his as she felt him gripping her hips firmer, pulling her down on him. She heard him moaning into her mouth, knowing he was close. She pulled her mouth away from him, hovering over him.

He watched the pleasure washing over her face as she moved urgently over him. "Oh Daph." He felt his his cock tighten as he brought a hand up to the nape of her neck, pulling her mouth back to his in just enough time as he felt himself cum with her.

She heard him panting as she leaned back, watching him grin at her before she rolled off, laying on her back. "Amazing."

Steve chuckled, "you are." He rolled to face her on the bed, bringing a hand up, running his fingers gently along her stomach to her chest, "I love you."

Daphne grabbed his hand, bringing it to her lips, kissing it as he rested it on her cheek, "I love you too. Promise me you will take it easy today?"

He nodded, "I promise. I have to get up and shower."

Daphne grinned, "and? How was it?"

Steve leaned up on his arm, "are you kidding? You're amazing Daphne."

She saw him hesitate as he blushed, "it was amazing for me too Steve." She chuckled, moving closer to him, kissing him. "You don't have to be shy about talking about sex with me."

He nodded, "I know. I'm just not terribly experienced. Any sex I've had had just been quick. And certainly not meaningful."

She shrugged, "it's fine Steve. We'll figure it all out together." She giggled, leaning towards him, hovering her mouth over his, "I'll take care of you."

Steve ginned, "I know you will."

She giggled as he pulled her in for a quick kiss before getting out of bed, going into the bathroom.


"Hey there."

Daphne looked up to see Bucky in the hall around mid morning, "morning Buck. Bucky. James? What should I call you?"

He smirked, "a friend?" He grinned at her annoyance, "you really don't like me?"

She shrugged, "I don't know yet." She started walking again as she heard him following her.

"Well you can call me Buck if you like. I've seen Steve grinning all morning. I assume that's because of you?"

Daphne rolled her eyes, turning to Bucky, "what do you want?"

He shrugged, "I'm trying here Daph."

"Daphne. Not Daph. Only Steve can call me Daph."

He chuckled, "I let you call me Buck. Only Steve calls me that."

Daphne shrugged, "that's your choice."

Bucky looked at her for a minute before sighing, "fine."

Daphne groaned as she watched Bucky walk away. She caught up to him, grabbing his hand, "I'm sorry Buck."

"What's your problem with me? Steve's my best friend. My brother. I just want to be your friend Daph."

She laughed, "I know. I'm sorry. I'll try to give you the benefit of the doubt moving forward."

Bucky smiled, squeezing her hand, "thank you." He let go of her hand, holding up his one good arm, "save me a dance later? You can't say no to a man with one arm."

Daphne shook her head, laughing, "sure Buck. I have to get back to work. I'll see you later." She started to walk away but turned back to him, "what's Steve's favorite color?"

Bucky grinned, "blue."

She nodded, "thanks Buck."

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