Chapter 13

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Steve looked up to see Daphne and Bucky enter the conference room. He stood up, but Daphne shook her head.

"Sit down. Your leg is hurt Steve. Bucky I think just wanted to talk to everyone." She smiled, sitting next to Steve as he nodded. She squeezed his thigh as Bucky stood next to Natasha on the other side of the table.

Steve sighed, "I don't understand. I have so many questions. Like how you're alive. How you know Nat. How Nat didn't tell me."

Natasha sighed, "I didn't know to tell you. I just knew him as just James. You only ever referred to your friend as Bucky. I didn't realize they were the same person. I'm sorry Steve. He was brought into the red room to train us."

Bucky shook his head, resting his hand on her shoulder. "It's okay Nat. He's not really mad at you. He's just upset."

Daphne felt Steve squeeze her hand under the table as she looked at him.

Steve sighed, "he's right. I assume Zola had been experimenting on you when I rescued you?"

Bucky nodded, "yeah. Hydra dragged me from the snow, and have been using me as their weapon since then."

"Okay." Steve leaned forward, "but how are you you right now?"

He shrugged, "I assume the hit on the head. Nat used to be able to pull me out of it. I assume with seeing you both as well as being hit on the head brought me out of it."

"I asked you if you were hurt."

Bucky smirked at Daphne, "no. You asked me if I was in pain. I'm not." He saw her roll her eyes as he chuckled. "I'm fine Daphne. Really. Thank you. Just take care of Steve."

She crossed her arms, "I am after you hurt him."

"Daphne." Steve smirked at her seething next to him, "I'm fine."

Bucky laughed, "I'm really sorry I hurt Steve. You know you remind me of my sister. A pain in my ass."

Daphne stood up, leaving the room in a huff.

Bucky looked at Steve, "I was kidding."

Steve nodded, "I know. It's fine. She's a little over protective."

Bucky laughed, "good." He saw Steve start to get up, "don't. I'll talk to her." He saw Steve hesitate, "trust me." He smiled as he saw Steve sit back down with a sigh. Bucky found Daphne sitting on the back patio off the living area. He grabbed a blanket, taking it outside as he tossed it at her, "you're going to get sick."

Daphne scoffed as she pulled the blanket off her head, "you always a dick?"

Bucky laughed, sitting next to her as he faced her, "no. Girls normally find me charming."

Daphne shook her head, trying to stifle a smile, "well I don't."

He nodded, "sure you don't. You know besides Steve, my sister was my best friend. I meant it as a compliment. The pain in the ass part was mostly a joke. Though I'm not so sure it won't be true."

Daphne laughed, "we'll see. I love Steve and he's sensitive and confused. I don't want you coming in here and hurting him. He's going to want you back, around. But I'm not sure I trust you. You still have who knows what up in that head."

Bucky shrugged as he nodded, "fair enough. I'm willing to earn it. And you think I don't know my best friend? I know he's sensitive." He watched her for a moment, not letting anything up. "Can I ask what his mark is? For you?"

Daphne looked up at Bucky, hesitating before answering, "a laurel wreath."

He nodded, thinking, "Daphne. Like the story? The laurel tree. Apollo?"

Daphne nodded, "you've read it?"

"Yeah. I was a nerd." He smirked, still watching her, "do you have an Apollo?" He saw her look down, not answering him. He reached out, grabbing her hand, "does Steve know?"

Daphne squeezed his hand, looking up at him with tears in her eyes, "that part of the story didn't really register with him. No."

Bucky nodded, moving to sit next to her as he put his arm up around her, "he's an innocent soul. He wouldn't automatically go there. Why didn't you tell him?"

She shrugged, "I don't want him to think less of me?"

Bucky rested his head on hers as she rested her head on his shoulder, "he wouldn't. Let's get you back before they think I murdered you or something."

Daphne laughed as she stood up, "wouldn't want them thinking that. That's not going to happen, will it?"

He shrugged, "we'll see how much you annoy me." He smiled as she laughed, opening the door for him as they entered the compound again, to the conference room.

Tony sighed as they entered. "Well we're going to have to do something with that arm. Can't leave it like that."

Daphne nodded as she approached Bucky. She pulled on his shirt, "may I?"

Bucky nodded as she pulled up the left side of his shirt, displaying his half arm.

"We could cut it evenly up here at the shoulder and cover it for now until he gets a new one. There would be no pain." She looked at Natasha, "for anyone. At least until he gets a new arm." She patted his back, helping him pull his shirt back down.

Tony nodded, "okay. He's certainly less dangerous with one arm. So maybe we should leave it that way for now."

Bucky sighed but nodded his agreement.

"I was planning on announcing this today with just moving into the compound and what not." Tony smiled, "but I thought we could have a party here tomorrow night."

Daphne looked at Steve who only shrugged as he stood up, grabbing her hand.

"I'm going to lay down for a while."

Daphne nodded, following him to his room, "are you okay Steve?"

He shrugged as he took off his shirt, "I'm okay. I heal easily."

She chuckled, stripping down to her underwear as Steve watched her. She pulled on his shirt as she smirked, "that's not what I meant and you know it."

Steve sighed, laying down, patting the bed next to him, "can we just lay here and sleep for a while?"

Daphne nodded, crawling into bed next to him, laying her head on his chest, "of course."

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