Chapter 11

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Daphne rolled over, placing her hand on the bed next to her to feel it empty. She groaned, opening her eyes as she sat up to see Steve putting on his boots. "Steve!"

He turned around to face Daphne, "did I wake you up?"

She shook her head as she knelt up on the edge of the bed as he approached her, "no. I just haven't seen you in your uniform."

"Oh." He chuckled, looking down before resting his hands at her waist, "you don't like it?"

She moaned, shaking her head, "oh no. I love it Captain." She saw him blush as she pulled his lips to her, kissing him urgently as she heard him moaning into her mouth. He gripped her waist, pulling her body to his.

He groaned as he pulled away, "I have to go and you're making me want to come back to bed with you."

She giggled, "I wish you would."

He laughed, pulling fully away from her, "I can't." He brought his hand up to her cheek, "I love you. I'll see you later."

Daphne grinned, watching him approach the door, "Steve. Wait."

Steve grunted as Daphne collided with him, leaping into his arms as she wrapped her legs around him. He grabbed her waist as she crashed her lips into his once more with a moan as he pressed her against the door.

She chuckled as she heard him moan before pulling away, "I love you too Steve. You can't just say that and walk away."

He laughed, "I'm sorry." He kissed her again as he felt her grab his hands, placing them on her ass. He moaned, gripping it in his hands as he kept her pinned to the door. He heard her groan as he pulled away. "I have to go." He panted, out of breath, "why you making it so hard for me to leave?"

She giggled, "because I don't want you to." She sighed, kissing him once more, "put me down and go Steve."

He chuckled, nodding, "yes ma'am. I'll see you later for our date. Okay?"

"Okay." She smiled as he set her down, leaving quickly before she could stop him again.

Steve ran into Natasha in the hall. "I know. I'm running late. I'm coming."

Natasha smirked, "it's okay. How's it going with Daphne?"

He shrugged, "it's good."


He sighed, "nothing."

Natasha stopped, grabbing his arm to make him look at her, "come on Steve. We're friends. If there's something you want to talk about, we can."

He nodded, "I don't know. It's new, we're still getting to know each other. But she wants to have sex, I know she does, but she's trying to be patient to wait for me."

"Okay." Natasha smiled, "you know this is the 21st century Steve. You don't have to wait until marriage. You love her?"

Steve shrugged, "of course. And I know I don't have to wait until marriage. I just don't want to rush it either."

"If you love her, and she loves you, then that's enough Steve. Have sex with your girlfriend."

Steve chuckled, "but what if I'm no good at it. I haven't in so long and it was never with anyone I had feelings for. It was simply a means to an end if you know what I mean."

Natasha laughed, "I know what you mean. She cares about you too Steve. It won't be terrible. And if you're that worried, then tell her that. And ask her what she likes."

Steve nodded, "thanks Nat. You've been a good friend since I got here."

She smiled, "of course. Come on. We have agents to torture." Steve laughed as he followed her to the training room.


Daphne walked into the screening room to find the lights dimmed already as Steve stood towards the front. She approached him to see he laid out blankets and pillows again with wine. "Steve. This is great."

He smiled, letting her sit down before he sat next to her. "Trying to make up for last time."

"I love it." She leaned over to kiss him as the movie started. She handed him wine, "this doesn't do anything for you, does it?"

He laughed, "not at all. It's more for you."

She nodded, "oh. You trying to get me drunk Rogers?" She saw him blush as he shook his head. She chuckled, "I'm kidding." She moved closer to him, placing her hand on his cheek, "you're so sweet. You don't have to be so shy with me Steve. Have you always been this shy?"

Steve smiled, "yeah. Always. My friend James, Bucky, he was always the outgoing one. Cool and confident, girls flocked to him. Not like me." He laughed, "I had to become a super soldier in order to get the same attention."

"What about the girl before the war?"

He shrugged, "she was a close friend. I was in love with her, or so I thought. We were close, but I'm not sure she felt the way I did."

Daphne nodded, drinking her wine before straddling him, "well you don't have to question how I feel Steve. I want to be here with you."

Steve nodded as he moaned, pulling her to him as she kissed him. He pulled on the bottom of her shirt, pulling it off her, "I want you Daphne."

"I want you too Steve." She heard him moan as she bore her hips down on him as he grabbed her hips, moving her on him as she kissed him. She unbuttoned his shirt, helping him shrug it off.

Steve grabbed her waist, turning her to lay her on her back as he kissed down her neck to to her shoulder. He moved his mouth back up to her mouth as they heard an alarm through the compound. He groaned, resting his forehead against hers, "damn it. We're never going to finish this."

Daphne chuckled, "we will. It's okay. You're Captain America. Go, I'll clean this up." She held his body to hers, "just be careful. I love you."

Steve nodded, grinning, "I love you." He leaned down, kissing her on the forehead before standing up, grabbing his shirt as he left.

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